1 Profiling Tropospheric CO2 using the Aura TES and TCCON instruments 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Le Kuai1, John Worden1, Susan Kulawik1, Kevin Bowman1, Sebastien Biraud4, Vijay Natraj1, Christian Frankenberg1, Debra Wunch3, Brian Connor2, Charles Miller1, Run-Lie Shia3, and Yuk Yung3 1. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Mail stop: 233-200, Pasadena, CA 91109, USA 2. BC Consulting Ltd., 6 Fairway Dr, Alexandra 9320, New Zealand 3. California Institute of Technology, 1200 E. California Blvd., Pasadena, CA, 91125, USA 4. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories, Berkeley, CA, 94720, USA 11 12 Abstract 13 Monitoring the global distribution and long-term variations of CO2 sources and sinks 14 is required for characterizing the global carbon budget. Although total column 15 measurements will be useful for estimating large regional fluxes, model transport 16 error remains a significant error source, particularly for local sources and sinks. To 17 improve the capability of estimating regional fluxes, we estimate near-surface CO2 18 values from ground-based near infrared (NIR) measurements with space-based 19 thermal infrared (TIR) measurements. The NIR measurements are obtained from 20 the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) of solar measurements, 21 which provide an estimate of the total CO2 atmospheric column amount. Estimates 22 of tropospheric CO2 that are co-located with TCCON are obtained by assimilating 23 Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) free-tropospheric CO2 estimates into 24 the GEOS-Chem model. Estimates of the boundary layer CO2 are obtained through 25 simple subtraction as the CO2 estimation problem is linear. 26 27 We find that the calculated random uncertainties in total column and boundary 28 layer estimates are consistent with actual uncertainties as compared to aircraft data. 29 For the total column estimates, the random uncertainty is about 0.67 ppm with a 30 bias of -5.71 ppm, consistent with previously published results. After accounting for 31 the total column bias, the bias in the boundary layer CO2 estimates is 0.32 ppm with 32 a precision of 1.44 ppm. This work shows that a combination of NIR and IR 1 1 measurements can profile CO2 with the precisions and accuracy needed to quantify 2 near-surface CO2 variability. 3 4 5 6 7 I. Introduction 8 Our ability to infer surface carbon fluxes depends critically on interpreting spatial 9 and temporal variations of atmospheric CO2 and relating them back to surface 10 fluxes. For example, surface CO2 fluxes are typically calculated using surface or near 11 surface CO2 measurements with a combination of aircraft data (2011; Bousquet et 12 al., 2000; Chevallier et al., 2010; Chevallier et al., 2011; Gurney et al., 2002; Keppel- 13 Aleks et al., 2012; Law and Rayner, 1999; Rayner et al., 2011; Rayner et al., 2008; 14 Rayner and O'Brien, 2001). More recently it has been shown that total column CO2 15 measurements derived from ground-based or satellite observations can be used to 16 place constraints on continental-scale flux estimates (e.g., GOSAT/OCO)(Chevallier, 17 2007; Chevallier et al., 2011; Keppel-Aleks et al., 2012; O'Brien and Rayner, 2002). 18 However, because CO2 is a long-lived greenhouse gas, measurements of the total 19 column CO2 is primarily sensitive to synoptic scale fluxes as discussed in Keppel- 20 Aleks (2011). They show that variations in the total column are only partly driven 21 by local surface fluxes because of transport of CO2 from remote locations (Keppel- 22 Aleks et al., 2011; Rayner, 2001). In the free troposphere, the temporal and spatial 23 variations of atmospheric CO2 are associated with synoptic atmospheric 24 phenomenon and only partly connected to the surface. In contrast, the variations 25 caused by the surface source and sinks are largest in planetary boundary layer 26 (PBL) CO2 (Sarrat et al., 2007). They used their mesoscale transport model to 27 interpret a regional scale database including frequent vertical profiles and aircraft 28 transection. The boundary layer CO2 variability is explained by the regional surface 29 fluxes related to the land cover and the mesoscale circulation across the boundary 30 layer. In another study, Stephen et al., (2007) concludes that most of the current 31 models over-predicts the annual-mean midday vertical gradients and consequently 2 1 lead to an overestimated carbon uptake in northern lands and underestimated 2 carbon uptake over tropical forests. For these reasons we could expect that vertical 3 profile estimates of CO2 will improve constraints on the distributions of carbon flux. 4 Therefore, we are motivated to derive a method to estimate the PBL CO2 from 5 current available column and free tropospheric observations. 6 7 Total column CO2 data are calculated by the solar near infrared (NIR) measurements 8 from the Total Carbon Column Observatory Network (TCCON) (Wunch et al., 2011a; 9 Wunch et al., 2010), as well as the space-borne instruments, starting from GOSAT 10 (Crisp et al., 2004; O'Dell et al., 2012; Wunch et al., 2011b; Yokota et al., 2009; 11 Yoshida et al., 2009). The similar space-borne instruments are OCO-2, which is 12 expected to be launched this decade (Crisp et al., 2004) and several other 13 instruments such as Carbonsat (Velazco et al., 2011) and GOSAT-2 (Yokota et al., 14 2009; Yoshida et al., 2009), which are also expected to be launched in near future. 15 The ground-based measurements have high precision and accuracy but limited 16 spatial coverage. Satellite observations have lower precision and accuracy relative 17 to the ground-based data, but obtain continuous global measurements of 18 atmospheric CO2. In addition, there are free tropospheric CO2 measurements from 19 satellite instruments such as TES (Kulawik, 2012; Kulawik et al., 2010) and AIRS 20 (Chahine et al., 2005). 21 22 In this paper, we present a method to estimate the PBL CO2 by combining column 23 and free tropospheric CO2 from two data sources: TCCON and TES GEOS-Chem 24 assimilation. We do not use the profiling approach discussed in Christi and Stephens 25 (2004) because spectroscopic errors and sampling error due to poor co-location of 26 the NIR and IR data result in unphysical profiles. The measurements used in this 27 study are described in section 2. The estimates of column CO2 are obtained by 28 TCCON profile retrieval and free tropospheric CO2 is derived from assimilation of 29 the TES CO2 estimates into the GEOS-Chem global chemical transport model (Beer et 30 al., 2001). The comparisons of estimates against aircraft data are used to evaluate 31 the quality of the data. As long as the retrievals converge and the estimated states 3 1 are close to the true states, the problem of subtracting free tropospheric column 2 amount from total column amount is a linear problem with well characterized 3 uncertainties. Section 3 describes the derivation to extract PBL CO2 from column 4 data using free tropospheric measurements. The retrieval approach and error 5 analysis is described in section 4. The results are discussed in section 5. It is 6 followed with the summary in section 6. 7 8 2. Measurements 9 10 2.1 Ground-Based Total Column CO2 Measurements from TCCON: 11 The column data used to derive PBL CO2 in this study are from TCCON observations. 12 A Fourier Transform Spectrometer instrument, with a precise solar tracking system, 13 measures incoming sunlight with high spectral resolution (0.02 cm-1) and high 14 signal to noise ratio (SNR) between 500 and 885, depending on the spectral region 15 observed (Washenfelder et al., 2006). The recorded spectral region ranges from 16 4000 to 15,000 cm-1. It provides a long-term observation of column-averaged 17 abundance of greenhouse gases, such as CO2, CH4, N2O and other trace gases (e.g. 18 CO) over twenty TCCON sites around the world including both operational and 19 future sites (Deutscher et al., 2010; Messerschmidt et al., 2011; Washenfelder et al., 20 2006; Wunch et al., 2010; Yang et al., 2002). 21 22 As discussed in Wunch et al., (2011a; 2010), total column-averaged abundances 23 using TCCON data can be estimated using a non-linear least squares approach that 24 compares a forward model spectrum that depends on CO2, temperature, H2O, and 25 instrument parameters against the observed spectrum. The retrieval approach 26 adjusts atmospheric CO2 concentrations by scaling an a priori CO2 profile (as well as 27 the other discussed parameters) until the observed and modeled spectra agree 28 within the noise levels. The precision in the column-averaged CO2 dry air mole 29 fraction from the scaling retrievals is better than 0.25% (Wunch et al., 2011a; 30 Wunch et al., 2010). The absolute accuracy is ~1% and after calibration by aircraft 31 data, it can reach 0.25% (Wunch et al., 2011a; Wunch et al., 2010). In this paper, we 4 1 develop a profile retrieval algorithm that scales multiple levels of the CO2 profile 2 instead of the whole profile. We find that the precision of retrieved column averages 3 using this approach (0.18%) is consistent with the scaling retrievals. Fig. 1 shows a 4 measurement at 1.6 μm CO2 absorption band, which is used for the profile retrieval. 5 The profile retrieval algorithm is described in section 4.1. 6 7 2.2 Satellite-Based free tropospheric CO2 measurements from TES: 8 The free tropospheric CO2 estimates are from the Aura Tropospheric Emission 9 Spectrometer (TES) (Beer et al., 2001). The TES instrument measures the infrared 10 radiance emitted by Earth’s surface and atmospheric gases and particles from space. 11 These measurements have peak sensitivity to the mid-tropospheric CO2 at ~500 hPa 12 (Kulawik, 2012). Because the sampling for the TES CO2 measurements is sparse 13 (e.g., 1 measurement every 200 km approximately) and passing over the Lamont 14 TCCON site ~ every 16 days, we assimilated the CO2 measurements into the GEOS- 15 Chem model, a global 3-D chemical transport model (CTM) (Beer et al., 2001; 16 Kulawik, 2011; Kulawik et al., 2010; Nassar et al., 2010). We use the results from the 17 assimilation as our free-tropospheric estimates of CO2. 18 Details of the assimilation approach are discussed in the Supplemental section and 19 uncertainties in the assimilation fields are calculated by the comparison to aircraft 20 data as discussed in Section 5.2. 21 22 2.3 Flight measurements: 23 Aircraft data are used as our standard to access the quality of the CO2 estimates. The 24 aircrafts measure the CO2 profiles up to 6 km and sometimes up to 15 km. They are 25 considered the best estimates of the true state of atmospheric CO2. We collected 26 profile observations during different aircraft campaigns, such as HIPPO (Wofsy et 27 al., 28 http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/aircraft/qc.html), at the Southern Great Plains 29 (SGP) ARM site (Kulawik, 2012; Kulawik et al., 2010) over the year 2009 30 (http://www.arm.gov/campaigns/aaf2008acme). They are comparable to the 31 TCCON observations at Lamont site, Oklahoma (36.6°N, 97.5°W). 2011) and Learjet (Abshire et al., 2010; Wunch et al., 2010)( 5 1 2 3. Calculation of column and PBL CO2 3 4 The approach discussed in this paper is to estimate PBL CO2 by subtracting TES 5 GEOS-Chem assimilated free tropospheric CO2 partial column amount from TCCON 6 total column amount. The total column amount is usually obtained by integrating 7 the gas concentration profile from surface to the top of atmosphere. 8 ∞ 9 𝑑𝑟𝑦 𝐶𝑔 = ∫ 𝒇𝑔 (𝒛) ∙ 𝝆(𝒛) ∙ 𝑑𝑧 (1) 𝑧𝑠 10 11 where Cg is total vertical column amount for gas ‘g’ and 𝝆(𝒛) represents the number 12 𝑑𝑟𝑦 density vertical profile and 𝒇𝑔 (𝒛) is dry-air gas concentration profile as a function 13 of altitude (z). 14 𝑑𝑟𝑦 15 𝒇𝑔 (𝒛) = 𝒇𝑔 (𝒛) 1 − 𝒇𝐻2 𝑂 (𝒛) (2) 16 17 The ratio of total column between gas and air will give dry-air column-averaged 18 abundance, e.g. for CO2: 19 20 𝑋𝐶𝑂2 = 𝐶𝐶𝑂2 𝐶𝑎𝑖𝑟 (3) 21 22 Here we use 𝑋𝐶𝑂2 to refer to dry-air column-averaged mole fraction of CO2 and we 23 simply call it column-averaged CO2 or column averages. 24 25 Since TCCON also provides precise measurements of O2, dividing by the retrieved O2 26 using spectral measurements from the same instrument improves the precision of 27 𝑋𝐶𝑂2 by significantly reducing the effects of instrumental or measurement errors 28 that are common in both gases (e.g. solar tracker pointing errors, zero level offsets, 6 1 instrument line shape errors, etc.) (Wunch et al., 2010). We remove the water 2 fraction by normalizing simultaneously retrieved O2 (Wunch et al., 2010). Since we 3 retrieve the CO2 profile, we can remove the water component layer by layer. 4 5 𝑑𝑟𝑦 𝑓𝐶𝑂2 (𝑧) = 𝑓𝐶𝑂2 (𝑧) × 0.2095 𝑓𝑂2 (𝑧) (4) 6 7 Then the column amount (𝐶𝐶𝑂2 ) and the column average (𝑋𝐶𝑂2 ) can be computed 8 using Eq. (1) and (3) respectively. 9 10 As mentioned by Wunch et al., (2010), the precision of column estimates using O2 as 11 the dry air standard will be improved but the bias specific for O2 will be transferred 12 to 𝑋𝐶𝑂2 (Fig. 2). The precision of 𝑋𝐶𝑂2 is improved from 1.49 ppm (remove water 13 using Eq. (2)) to 0.49 ppm (remove water using Eq. (4)) versus the bias increase 14 from 0.73 ppm to −5.02 ppm (Fig. 2). This bias is due to the spectroscopic bias from 15 O2 absorption coefficient. It negligibly varies over time and over different sites. 16 17 The total column amounts (𝐶𝐶𝑂2 ) can be computed from the retrieved TCCON 𝑋𝐶𝑂2 18 𝑇𝑅𝑂𝑃 by profile retrieval and free tropospheric partial column amount (𝐶𝐶𝑂 ) are 2 19 estimated by integrating TES GEOS-Chem assimilated data above the boundary layer 20 (i.e. 600 hPa). Since O2 normalized estimates of 𝑋𝐶𝑂2 have higher precision but about 21 1% negative bias, we need remove the mean bias in TCCON 𝑋𝐶𝑂2 when estimating 22 the total column amount: 23 24 𝐶𝐶𝑂2 𝑇𝐶𝐶𝑂𝑁 𝑋𝐶𝑂 2 = 𝐶𝑎𝑖𝑟 ( ) 𝛼 (6) 25 26 where 𝛼 is a correction factor to remove the bias in TCCON column retrievals. The 27 𝑇𝑅𝑂𝑃 partial vertical column amount of CO2 in free troposphere and above (𝐶𝐶𝑂 ) is 2 7 1 estimated by integrating TES GEOS-Chem assimilated profile (𝒇𝑇𝐸𝑆 𝐶𝑂2 ) above the 2 boundary layer (600 hPa). 3 0 4 𝑇𝑅𝑂𝑃 𝐶𝐶𝑂 = ∫ 𝒇𝑇𝐸𝑆 𝐶𝑂2 (𝒑) ∙ 𝒏(𝒑) ∙ 𝑑𝑝 2 (7) 600 5 6 Then partial vertical column amount of CO2 in PBL can be computed as the 7 difference between the total column amount (Eq. 6) and partial free tropospheric 8 9 column amount (Eq. 7): 10 𝑃𝐵𝐿 𝐶𝐶𝑂 2 𝑇𝐶𝐶𝑂𝑁 0 𝑋𝐶𝑂 2 = 𝐶𝑎𝑖𝑟 ( ) − ∫ 𝒇𝑇𝐸𝑆 𝐶𝑂2 (𝒑) ∙ 𝒏(𝒑) ∙ 𝑑𝑝 𝛼 600 (8) 11 12 Applying Eq. (3) within the boundary layer give the estimates of the PBL CO2 mole 13 𝑃𝐵𝐿 𝑃𝐵𝐿 fraction (𝑋𝐶𝑂 ), the ratio of partial vertical column between CO2 (𝐶𝐶𝑂 ) and air 2 2 14 𝑃𝐵𝐿 (𝐶𝑎𝑖𝑟 = ∫𝑝 600 𝑠 1 ∙ 𝒏(𝒑) ∙ 𝑑𝑝) is 15 16 𝑃𝐵𝐿 𝑋𝐶𝑂 2 𝑇𝐶𝐶𝑂𝑁 𝑋𝐶𝑂 0 0 2 1 ∙ 𝒏(𝒑) ∙ 𝑑𝑝 − 𝒇𝑇𝐸𝑆 (𝒑) ∙ 𝒏(𝒑) ∙ 𝑑𝑝 ∫ ∫ 𝑝𝑠 600 𝐶𝑂2 𝛼 = 600 ∫𝑝 1 ∙ 𝒏(𝒑) ∙ 𝑑𝑝 (9) 𝑠 17 18 From now on, we simply call it TES/TCCON PBL CO2. These estimates are then 19 compared to the integrated partial column-averaged CO2 measured by aircraft 20 within the boundary layer (surface to 600 hPa). As long as the retrievals converge 21 and the estimated states are close to the true states, we can use the linear retrieval 22 equations to attribute the errors. 23 24 25 26 4. Retrieval Approach and Error Characterization 8 1 2 4.1 Retrieval approach for TCCON CO2 profile: 3 In this study, we develop a profile retrieval algorithm that is based on the scaling 4 retrieval discussed in Wunch et al., (2011a; 2010). The profile of atmospheric CO2 is 5 obtained by optimal estimation (Rodgers, 2000) using a line-by-line radiative 6 transfer model in GFIT developed at JPL. It computes simulated spectra using 71 7 vertical levels with 1 km intervals for the input atmospheric state (e.g. CO2, H2O, 8 HDO, CH4, O2, P, T and etc.). The details about the TCCON instrument setup and GFIT 9 are also described in Deutscher et al., (2010); Geibel et al., (2010); Washenfelder et 10 al., (2006); Wunch et al., (2011a; 2010); Yang et al., (2002). The retrievals in this 11 study use one of TCCON-measured CO2 absorption bands, centered at 6220.00 cm-1 12 with a window width of 80.00 cm-1 (Fig. 1). 13 14 In the scaling retrieval discussed by Wunch et al. (2011a; 2010), when the target gas 15 is CO2, the retrieved state vector (𝜸 ) includes the eight constant scaling factors for 16 four absorption gases (CO2, H2O, HDO, and CH4) and four instrument parameters 17 (continuoum level: ‘cl’, continuoum tilt: ‘ct’, frequency shift: ‘fs’, and zero level offset: 18 ‘zo’). 19 20 𝛾[𝐶𝑂2 ] 𝛾[𝐻2 𝑂] 𝛾[𝐻𝐷𝑂] 𝛾 𝜸 = [𝐶𝐻4 ] 𝛾𝑐𝑙 𝛾𝑐𝑡 𝛾𝑓𝑠 [ 𝛾𝑧𝑜 ] (11) 21 22 Each element of 𝜸 is a ratio between the state vector (x) and its a priori (xa). In the 23 profile retrieval, for the target gas CO2, we estimate the altitude dependent scaling 24 factors instead. For other interfering gases, a single scaling factor is retrieved. Ten 25 levels are chosen for CO2 (see Fig. 3 a) to capture its vertical variation: 26 9 𝛾1[𝐶𝑂2 ] ⋮ 𝛾10[𝐶𝑂2] 𝛾[𝐻2 𝑂] 𝜸 = 𝛾[𝐻𝐷𝑂] 𝛾[𝐶𝐻4 ] 𝛾𝑐𝑙 𝛾𝑐𝑡 𝛾𝑓𝑠 [ 𝛾𝑧𝑜 ] 1 (12) 2 3 To obtain concentration profile, the retrieved scaling factors need to be first mapped 4 from retrieval grid (i.e. 10 levels for CO2 and 1 level for other three gases) to the 71 5 forward model levels. 6 7 𝜷 = 𝐌𝜸 (13) 8 9 where 𝐌 = 𝝏𝜷 𝝏𝜸 is a linear mapping matrix relating retrieval level to the forward 10 model altitude grid. Multiplying the scaling factor (𝜷) on the forward model level to 11 𝐌𝒙 = 𝝏𝜷, a diagonal matrix of the concentration a priori (𝒙𝒂 ), gives the truth state of 12 gas profile: 𝝏𝒙 13 14 𝒙 = 𝐌𝒙 𝜷 (14) 15 16 ̂= According to the definition, a priori profile is 𝒙𝒂 = 𝐌𝒙 𝜷𝒂 and estimated state is 𝒙 17 ̂ . The non-diagonal CO2 covariance matrix used for the constraint matrix has 𝐌𝒙 𝜷 18 larger variance in boundary layer and decreases with altitude. The square root of 19 the diagonal of this covariance is approximately 2% in the boundary layer, 1% in the 20 free troposphere, and less than 1% in the stratosphere (Fig. 3 a). The off-diagonal 21 correlations are shown in Fig. 3 b. This covariance is generated using the GEOS- 22 Chem model as guidance. However, because atmospheric CO2 typically show lower 23 variability near surface than it is described in the covariance, we scaled the variance 24 down to make it match the variability of the surface observations. Although the SNR 10 1 of the TCCON instrument is better than 500, we use an SNR of approximately 200 2 because spectroscopic uncertainties degrade the comparison (O'Dell et al., 2011; 3 Wunch et al., 2011a) and consequently, this SNR results in a chi-square in our 4 retrievals about 1. 5 6 To obtain the best estimate of the state vector that minimize the difference between 7 the observed spectral radiances (𝒚𝒐 ) and the forward model spectral radiances (𝒚𝒎 ) 8 we perform Bayesian optimization by minimizing the cost function, 𝜒(𝜸): 9 10 𝜒(𝜸) = (𝒚𝒎 − 𝒚𝒐 )T 𝐒𝑒−1 (𝒚𝒎 − 𝒚𝒐 ) + (𝜸 − 𝜸𝒂 )T 𝐒𝐚−1 (𝜸 − 𝜸𝒂 ) (15) 11 12 13 14 4.2 Error characterization for TCCON column-averaged CO2: 15 The comparison to the aircraft derived values evaluates our estimates based on 16 following assumptions. The measurement noise is a zero-mean random variable. 17 The temperature uncertainty is likely not to vary much for a time scale shorter than 18 a day but become random variable from day to day. Since aircraft only measures up 19 to a limited altitude (e.g. 6 km), in order to use it to estimate the total column 20 average as a validation standard, above the available aircraft measurements, the 21 TCCON a priori is scaled to the aircraft measurement so that the profile is 22 continuously extended up to 71 km. This is because the free tropospheric CO2 is well 23 mixed and aircraft measurement provides a better constraint. Combining aircraft 24 value and a priori profile shape reduces the uncertainties in the upper atmospheric 25 estimates. 26 27 In this section, we characterize the error in the TCCON profile retrieved column 28 averages in order to further understand the uncertainties in the derived PBL CO2. 29 The details of all the derivations are in Appendix. 30 31 The averaging kernel for the forward model dimension scaling vector 𝜷 is 11 1 2 (16) 𝐀 𝜷 = 𝐌𝐆𝜸 𝐊 𝜷 3 4 where 𝐊 𝜷 is the Jacobian of 𝜷 with respect to the radiance and 𝐆𝜸 is the gain matrix 5 in retrieval dimension (Eq. A1. 8). Consequently, the averaging kernel for 𝒙 is 𝐀 𝑥 = 6 𝐌𝒙 𝐀 𝜷 𝐌𝒙−𝟏 . The estimated state in forward model grids for a single measurement 7 can be expressed as a linear retrieval equation: 8 9 ̂ = 𝜷𝒂 + 𝐀 𝜷 (𝜷 − 𝜷𝒂 ) + 𝐌𝐆𝜸 𝜺𝒏 + ∑ 𝐌𝐆𝜸 𝐊 𝒍𝒃 ∆𝒃𝒍 𝜷 (17) 𝒍 10 11 where 𝜺𝒏 is a zero-mean Gaussian spectral noise vector with covariance 𝐒𝐞 and the 12 vector ∆𝒃𝒍 is the error in true state of parameters (l) that also affect the modeled 13 radiance, e.g. temperature, interfering gases, etc. 𝐊 𝒍𝒃 is the Jacobian of parameter (𝒍). 14 In this study, the primary uncertainties (∆𝒃𝒍 ) are found due to temperature 15 ̅̅̅, (𝜺𝑻 ~ 𝑵(𝜺 𝑻 𝐒𝑻 )) and spectroscopic error (e.g. O2 absorption cross section bias) 16 ̅̅̅, (𝜺𝑳 ~ 𝑵(𝜺 𝑳 𝐒𝑳 )). If we want to convert above equation to the state vector of 17 ̂ by 𝐌𝒙 to obtain: ̂), according Eq. (14) we simply multiply 𝜷 concentration (𝒙 18 19 ̂ = 𝒙𝒂 + 𝐀 𝒙 (𝒙 − 𝒙𝒂 ) + 𝐌𝒙 𝐌𝐆𝜸 𝜺𝒏 + 𝐌𝒙 𝐌𝐆𝜸 𝐊 𝑻 𝜺𝑳 𝒙 20 +𝐌𝒙 𝐌𝐆𝜸 𝐊 𝑳 𝜺𝑳 (18) 21 22 where 𝐀 𝒙 = 𝐌𝒙 𝐀 𝜷 𝐌𝒙−𝟏 . 23 24 To evaluate our estimates, the aircraft measurements are used as the best estimates 25 of the true state (𝒙). Most of the measurements only go up to 6 km, but three of 26 them go up to 10 km or higher. In order to use them to estimate the total column 27 average as a validation standard, above the available aircraft measurements, the 28 TCCON a priori is scaled to value at the top of aircraft measurement so that the 29 profile is continuously extended up to 71 km (see Eq. (A1.11)). This is because the 12 1 free tropospheric CO2 is well mixed (vertical variations in free troposphere is less 2 than 1 ppm). In addition, aircraft measurement provides a better constraint. 3 Therefore, combining aircraft value and a priori profile shape reduces the 4 uncertainties in the upper atmosphere. 5 6 In order to do an inter-comparison of the measurements from two different 7 instruments, we apply a smoothing operator described in Rodgers and Connor 8 (2003) to the complete aircraft profile (𝒙𝑭𝑳𝑻 ) so that it is smoothed by the averaging 9 kernel and a priori constraint from the TCCON profile retrieval: 10 11 ̂𝑭𝑳𝑻 = 𝒙𝒂 + 𝐀 𝒙 (𝒙𝑭𝑳𝑻 − 𝒙𝒂 ) 𝒙 (19) 12 13 ̂𝑭𝑳𝑻 is the profile that would be 𝒙𝑭𝑳𝑻 is the aircraft profile combining a priori. 𝒙 14 retrieved from TCCON measurements for the same air sampled by the aircraft 15 without the presence of other errors. 16 17 The error for single measurement is estimated by comparing to the derived aircraft 18 profile. 19 20 ̂=𝒙 ̂−𝒙 ̂𝑭𝑳𝑻 = 𝐀 𝒙 (𝒙 − 𝒙𝑭𝑳𝑻 ) + 𝐌𝒙 𝐌𝐆𝜸 𝜺𝒏 𝜹𝒙 21 +𝐌𝒙 𝐌𝐆𝜸 𝐊 𝑻 𝜺𝑳 + 𝐌𝒙 𝐌𝐆𝜸 𝐊 𝑳 𝜺𝑳 (20) 22 23 We determine a short time window (e.g. 4 hours), which is short enough so that we 24 can assume the atmospheric state hasn’t changed but is also long enough there are 25 enough samples of retrievals for good statistics (e.g. ~100 samples). These 26 measurements should agree with the representation of the “truth”, 𝒙, within the 27 uncertainties. For example, given each aircraft profile as the validation standard, we 28 select the TCCON retrievals within 4-hr time window centered as the aircraft 29 measurement was taken. The estimated bias error is the difference between the 30 average of the multiple retrieved 𝑋𝑪𝑶𝟐 to the truth (or one aircraft measurement): 13 1 2 𝒉𝒓 𝑬(𝛿𝑋𝑪𝑶 ) = 𝒉𝑻 [𝐀(𝒙 − 𝒙𝑭𝑳𝑻 )] + 𝒉𝑻 (𝐌𝒙 𝐌𝐆𝐊 𝑻 ̅̅̅) 𝜺𝑻 𝟐 3 +𝒉𝑻 (𝐌𝒙 𝐌𝐆𝐊 𝑳 ̅̅̅) 𝜺𝑳 (21) 4 5 where 𝒉 is a column-averaging operator, a pressure weighting function (Rodgers 6 and Connor, 2003). The second term describes the potential sources of bias error 7 due to temperature uncertainty. When the temperature profile does not vary a lot in 8 a short time scale (i.e. 4-hr), we can assume the temperature uncertainty stays as a 9 constant but it becomes a pseudo-random variable for a time scale of multiple days 10 when observing the different air masses. Therefore, the second term in Eq. (21) has 11 contribution to the bias error for measurements within a 4-hr time window but 12 varies over multiple days. The third term is the bias error due to spectroscopic error 13 and does not vary. 14 The random error in retrieved column averages is predicted by the measurement 15 error covariance: 16 17 𝒉𝒓 𝝈(𝛿𝑋𝑪𝑶 ) ≈ √𝒉𝑻 𝐒̂𝐦 𝒉 𝟐 (22) 18 19 It should be consistent with the standard derivation of the real retrieved column 20 averaged within 4-hr time window. 𝐒̂𝐦 is the measurement error covariance: 21 22 𝐒̂𝐦 = 𝐌𝒙 𝐌𝐆𝐒𝐞 (𝐌𝒙 𝐌𝐆)𝐓 (23) 23 24 We also defined the systematic covariance as 25 26 𝐒̂𝑻 = 𝐌𝒙 𝐌𝐆𝐊 𝑻 𝐒𝑻𝒉𝒓 (𝐌𝒙 𝐌𝐆𝐊 𝑻 )𝐓 (24) 𝐒̂𝑳 = 𝐌𝒙 𝐌𝐆𝐊 𝑳 𝐒𝑳𝒉𝒓 (𝐌𝒙 𝐌𝐆𝐊 𝑳 )𝐓 (25) 27 28 29 14 1 and a smoothing error covariance as 2 3 𝐒̂𝐬𝐦 = 𝐀 𝒙 𝐒𝜹𝒙𝑭𝑳𝑻 𝐀𝑻𝒙 (26) 4 5 𝐒𝜹𝒙𝑭𝑳𝑻 is the aircraft error covariance defined in Eq. (A1.12). See supplement for 6 detailed derivations. The systematic error covariance matrices are approximately a 7 zero-matrix for the multiple measurements of the same air mass in 4-hr time 8 window since uncertainties due to temperature are effectively constant for several 9 measurements taken during a day but the temperature error covariance is non-zero 10 when observing multiple air parcels (over several days) because temperature varies 11 in these multiple air parcels. However, the spectroscopic error is consistent over 12 days. Therefore, its covariance is almost zero-matrix on both time scales. 13 14 We have estimated the bias error and random error for the measurements within 4- 15 hr time windows and next we will discuss the error on multiple-day time scale. The 16 former can be considered as the multiple observations of the same air mass while 17 the later is the case of the measurements for different air masses. For example, we 18 have about fifty aircraft measurements as our validation standard. What are the 19 sources of the mean bias error and random error for these fifty comparisons? In a 20 multiple-day time scale, the expected mean bias error over time is 21 22 𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝑻 𝑻 ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ̅ ̅ 𝑬(𝛿𝑋𝑪𝑶𝟐 ) = 𝒉𝑻 [𝐀𝜹𝒙 𝑭𝑳𝑻 ] + 𝒉 (𝐌𝒙 𝐌𝐆𝐊 𝑻 𝜺𝑻 ) + 𝒉 (𝐌𝒙 𝐌𝐆𝐊 𝑳 𝜺𝑳 ) (27) 23 24 and the precision error is predicted by 25 26 𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝝈(𝛿𝑋𝑪𝑶𝟐 ) ≈ √𝒉𝑻 (𝐒̂𝐦 + 𝐒̂𝐓 )𝒉 (28) 27 28 In summary, for a 4-hr time window, we have multiple retrievals compare to one 29 representation of the “truth” (one aircraft measurement). The mean bias error is 15 1 driven by temperature error and O2 spectroscopic error. The variability of the 2 retrievals is driven by the measurement noise. For multiple-day time scale, the 3 multiple comparisons of mean retrievals within 4-hr window to the aircraft 4 estimates for their truth states suggest the mean bias error is consistently primarily 5 driven by the O2 spectroscopic error over time and different sites. The random error 6 across multiple days is mainly due to the temperature uncertainties together with 7 the contribution of measurement noise. 8 9 10 4.3 Error characterization for TES/TCCON PBL CO2 11 To understand the potential sources of the uncertainties in the TES/TCCON PBL CO2 12 estimates, we separate the boundary layer from the free troposphere. To make 13 estimated PBL CO2 useful for carbon cycle science we have to understand the 14 potential source of the bias error and random errors in the PBL CO2 product. Since 15 the mean bias error in total column from TCCON has been removed before it is 16 applied to PBL estimates and the objective of GEOS-Chem assimilation with TES 17 data is to improve the bias error and uncertainty, the mean bias error in the 18 TES/TCCON estimated PBL CO2 is found to be quite small as expected. Its random 19 error can only be driven by TES assimilated free tropospheric CO2 estimates 20 together with the TCCON total column estimates. 21 22 𝑃𝐵𝐿 𝑇𝐸𝑆 𝑇𝐶𝐶𝑂𝑁 𝜎 2 (𝛿𝑋𝐶𝑂 ) = 𝜎 2 (𝛿𝑋𝐶𝑂 ) + 𝜎 2 (𝛿𝑋𝐶𝑂 ) 2 2 2 (29) 23 24 The TES uncertainty is estimated by the comparison to the aircraft data and the 25 TCCON total column uncertainty has been discussed in previous section, which is 26 primarily driven by TCCON measurement noise and TCCON temperature 27 uncertainties. Comparing Eq. (A2.1) to the actual uncertainty in the estimated 28 TES/TCCON PBL CO2 can confirm the robustness of estimation by this method. 29 30 16 1 5. Results 2 3 5.1 Quality of the column-averaged CO2 estimates: 4 To understand the quality of the retrieved product, we compared the TCCON 5 column-averaged estimates with the aircraft column-integrated data to obtain the 6 bias error and precision error in a 4-hr time scale and a day-to-day time scale. We 7 show that these errors derived empirically are consistent with the calculated errors 8 discussed in section 4.2. 9 10 There are fifty SGP aircraft measured CO2 profiles in 2009. We show examples of 11 them comparing with TES assimilated profiles in Fig. 4. Most of aircraft 12 measurements only go up to 6 km except three profiles are obtained up to 10 Km 13 (July 31, August 2nd and 3rd). To estimate the total column, the missing observations 14 above the top of aircraft measurement are replace by shifted TCCON CO2 a priori. 15 The simultaneous observations by TCCON are measured at Lamont. The 16 comparisons between TCCON column averages and the derived aircraft column 17 averages are summarized in Fig. 5 and Table 1. 18 19 The TCCON retrievals within a 4-hr time window about the mid time during each 20 flight measurement are selected as the simultaneous measurements. We choose 4- 21 hr time window so that it is long enough to have large sample size for statistics and 22 short enough so that the air mass is not changed. The actual variability of the 23 retrieved 𝑋𝐶𝑂2 within the 4-hr time window, defined by one standard deviation (1 × 24 𝜎), is the uncertainties of the retrievals for the same air parcel. Table 1 lists the 25 statistics for these fifty comparisons both with and without cloud filter. To remove 26 the unclear sky measurements, we dismiss the retrievals when the parameter ‘fvsi’ 27 (fractional variation in solar intensity) is greater than 5%, which suggests that there 28 was some cloud cover during the spectra measurements. This will result in poor 29 sample size. For these cases, the agreement with aircraft is sometimes worse than 30 clear sky. For the clear sky cases, the variability in the total column retrievals within 17 1 the 4-hr time window corresponding to each aircraft is approximately 0.39 ppm. 2 This variability is consistent with the expected uncertainty due to the measurement 3 𝒉𝒓 error (Eq. 21) which is also listed in Table 1 (column for 𝝈(𝛿𝑋𝑪𝑶 )). They range from 𝟐 4 0.27 to 0.34 ppm. It suggests that the measurement error is the dominant source of 5 the variability for the errors in the retrieved column averages during this 4-hr time 6 window. In Table 1, there are some inconsistent cases (highlighted in pink: 1 × 𝜎 > 7 1.0 ppm and in yellow: 0.5 < 1 × 𝜎 < 1.0 ppm). These inconsistencies are due to the 8 cloud coverage during the measurements. After applying the cloud filter, most of 9 them are corrected to be more consistent with the expected uncertainty 10 (highlighted in green: 0.0 < 1 × 𝜎 < 0.5 ppm). There are still seven of them 11 remaining inconsistent because of their poor sample number (<50 retrievals). 12 13 The comparisons of the mean retrieved column averages in 4-hr window to the 14 aircraft derived column averages are plotted in Fig. 5. The difference between the 15 mean retrievals within the 4-hr time window and the derived aircraft 𝑋𝐶𝑂2 is the 16 bias error of that estimate (Table 1). The biases across multiple days are the offsets 17 of solid line to the one-to-one dash line in Fig. 5. The vertical error bars for TCCON 18 column averages are the sum of calculated measurement uncertainty and systematic 19 errors by temperature. Without removing the retrievals under cloudy skies, the 20 TCCON column averages underestimate the flight data by -5.78(±0.78) ppm. The 21 cloud filter has no significant influence on the mean bias and its variability over 22 multiple days, remaining as -5.71(±0.67) ppm. This mean bias value is consistent 23 with the bias estimated discussed in Wunch et al. (2010), which is constant over 24 time and sites. The RMS of the difference between column estimates from TCCON 25 (after the bias correction) and from the aircraft is 0.67 or 0.78 ppm for with or 26 without cloud filter; this precision error is consistent with the expected uncertainty 27 (column of 𝜎(𝛿𝑋𝑪𝑶𝟐 ) in table 2), the sum of the measurement error covariance and 28 temperature error covariance (0.78 ppm). The contribution by the temperature 29 uncertainty is larger than the measurement error. 𝒅𝒂𝒚 30 18 1 5.2 Quality of the PBL CO2 estimates: 2 In Fig. 7, we plot the comparisons of TCCON a priori PBL CO2 to the aircraft 3 estimates in (a) and the comparisons of TES/TCCON derived PBL CO2 to aircraft PBL 4 CO2 in (b). Since we removed the mean bias in total column before the subtraction, 5 TES/TCCON derived PBL CO2 are mostly close to the one-to-one line with a 6 remained mean bias of 0.32 (±1.44) ppm. The factor (𝛼) in Eq. (9) for removing - 7 5.78 ppm bias in TCCON column CO2 is 0.986. TES GEOS-Chem assimilated free 8 tropospheric CO2 is biased high relative to aircraft free tropospheric data by 0.38 9 (±1.66) ppm. Since the bias in TCCON column data is removed in advance, the 0.32- 10 ppm bias in derived PBL CO2 estimates is driven by TES assimilated free 11 tropospheric estimates. The agreement to the derived aircraft PBL CO2 is much 12 better in TES/TCCON PBL estimates than that from TCCON a priori integrating from 13 surface to 600 hPa. The improvement in the comparison is mainly during summer 14 time when surface CO2 are low because the biosphere is more active than in winter. 15 16 The precision error of the TES/TCCON PBL CO2 is 1.44 ppm, which is consistent 17 with the expected precision error of 1.83 ppm by Eq. (30), including the sources 18 from TES assimilated free tropospheric errors, TCCON measurement and systematic 19 errors. It is smaller than the uncertainties of the PBL estimates from both TCCON a 20 priori (2.07 ppm) (in Fig. 6 a) and TES GEOS-Chem assimilations (2.86 ppm) (not 21 plotted here). It suggests that the derived estimates of PBL CO2 by TES/TCCON data 22 reduce the uncertainties in the PBL estimates and improve our knowledge of the 23 variability in the boundary layer CO2. The precision of the estimates is sufficient to 24 capture the season variability which will be discussed in section 5.3. 25 26 As mentioned in section 5.1, the cloud coverage has a strong impact on the quality of 27 the TCCON column data. Under clear skies, there are on average 100 retrieval 28 samples in the 4-hr time window. For cloudy days when there is only limited 29 number of clear sky measurements available, the variability in the TCCON column 30 estimates is larger than on clear days. By excluding those data with sample number 31 less than 50, the averages of 1 × 𝜎 of bias in column-averaged CO2 is reduced from 19 1 0.78 ppm to 0.61 ppm and consequently that in PBL CO2 is reduced from 1.44 ppm 2 to 1.29 ppm. 3 4 In the above analysis, we separate PBL and free troposphere at 600 hPa because 5 TES retrieved CO2 has its peak sensitivity at 511 hPa and Fig. 4 shows that TES 6 GEOS-Chem assimilated profiles agree better with the aircraft profiles above 4 Km 7 (about 600 hPa) than below. If we use TES assimilated profiles above 800 hPa 8 instead to estimate the free tropospheric CO2, we get slightly improved bias in PBL 9 CO2 of 0.06 ppm, but the uncertainty in PBL CO2 is increased to 4.20 ppm. This is 10 because the agreement between the estimates of TES assimilated free tropospheric 11 CO2 and aircraft measurements between 600 to 800 hPa is not as well as it is above 12 600 hPa (Fig. 4). Therefore additional uncertainties in the derived PBL CO2 bias 13 error is driven by the TES assimilated free tropospheric estimates between 600 to 14 800 hPa. 15 16 Table 2 lists the accuracy and precisions by the estimates using different datasets. It 17 shows how information is improved. The accuracy and precision are all calculated 18 using aircraft profile as the validation standard. For total column averages, after the 19 retrieval, a 5-ppm O2 bias is induced but the precisions is improved from 1.50 ppm 20 to 0.67 ppm compared to the estimates from TCCON a priori. To estimate the PBL 21 CO2, the combination of TCCON and TES assimilated data gives the best accuracy 22 and precision. If we both use the TCCON retrieved column but replace TES 23 assimilated free tropospheric estimates by TCCON a priori, not only the uncertainty 24 is enlarged but also the bias increases. Similarly, keeping the free tropospheric 25 estimates from TES assimilation but replacing TCCON retrieved column with the 26 TCCON a priori column, both the accuracy and precision is worse than the 27 TES/TCCON PBL CO2. It confirms that both TCCON and TES assimilation adds the 28 information to reduce the uncertainty in PBL CO2. 29 30 5.3 Seasonal variability of PBL CO2 compared to column CO2. 20 1 The aircraft, TCCON, and TES assimilated estimates of atmospheric CO2 have 2 sufficient temporal density to provide an estimate of CO2 variability over the year. In 3 Figure 7 we show the monthly averaged total column averages and the partial 4 column averages (surface to 600 hPa) calculated from the aircraft data and the same 5 quantities derived from the TCCON data and the TCCON minus TES assimilated data 6 respectively. The TCCON profile retrieved column averages (black dots) and 7 TES/TCCON derived PBL data (red dots) are consistent with the similar aircraft 8 estimates (black line and red line) within the expected uncertainties indicating that 9 the estimates are robust. Based on these fifty flight profiles, there are about 3 to 5 10 days’ to be averaged in each month of the year except September and October, both 11 of which only have one available aircraft profile. Therefore, the comparisons for 12 these two months are not shown. Both TCCON column averages and TES/TCCON 13 PBL CO2 capture the seasonal variability in the similar estimates by aircraft 14 measurements. 15 16 The response of the season variability in PBL CO2 is more than twice of that in the 17 column averages. It is 14 ppm peak-to-peak in PBL CO2 and 5 ppm in the column- 18 averaged CO2 because there is a rapid drawdown in PBL CO2 at the growing season 19 onset over mid latitude due to the biosphere uptake but the vertical mixing dilute 20 the surface flux signature in the column CO2. The difference between the PBL CO2 21 and column CO2 changes from positive (about 3 ppm) to large negative (lower than - 22 4 ppm) over the year (Fig. 7 b solid line by flight and dots by TES/TCCON estimates). 23 These results empirically suggests that these estimated PBL CO2 will provide 24 improved sensitivity to local fluxes than the total column (Keppel-Aleks et al., 2011). 25 26 27 28 6. Summary 29 Total column estimates of atmospheric CO2 and partial column estimates of CO2 in 30 the boundary layer (surface to 600 hPa) are calculated using TCCON and Aura TES 31 assimilated data. In order to determine if the retrieval approach, forward model, 21 1 and understanding of uncertainties are robust, it is crucial to determine if the 2 calculated uncertainties are consistent with the actual uncertainties. In addition, we 3 need to assess any biases in the estimates and ideally attribute these biases errors in 4 the measurement system. The actual bias and its uncertainties in TCCON column- 5 averaged CO2 have to be explained in two different time scales, 4-hr time window 6 and day-to-day time scales. We find that for multiple retrievals of the same air 7 parcel within a 4-hr time window, the mean bias is from the uncertainties of 8 atmospheric states (i.e. temperature or interference gases) or spectroscopy 9 parameters. The variability of the collection of total column estimates within the 4- 10 hr time window is consistent with the calculated random error of about 0.3 ppm. 11 When comparing the TCCON total column estimates to aircraft data over several 12 days, we can assume that the daily systematic errors due to temperature or other 13 interference error is pseudo-random. For example, the estimated mean bias across 14 multiple days is -5.78(±0.78) ppm without cloud filter and -5.71(±0.67) ppm with 15 cloud filter. The standard deviation of the bias error of approximately 0.78 ppm (all 16 data) or 0.67 ppm (clear sky only data) is consistent with the expected estimates of 17 0.78 ppm, which is the square root of the sum of measurement error covariance and 18 temperature error covariance. Because the daily systematic error (largely due to 19 temperature) is larger than the random error, we find that it is the temperature 20 error that is likely responsible for the uncertainties in the bias estimate. 21 22 Comparisons of the aircraft data to free tropospheric CO2, calculated by assimilating 23 Aura TES CO2 estimates into the GEOS-Chem model (Nassar et al., 2011) suggest 24 that the TES assimilated data has bias error of 0.38(±1.66) ppm in the free 25 troposphere. We calculated a boundary layer estimate (surface to 600 hPa) of the 26 CO2 amount by subtracting the TES assimilated free tropospheric estimate from the 27 TCCON total column amount estimates. Comparisons of these boundary layer 28 estimates from TES/TCCON data to those from aircraft data are consistent after the 29 bias in the TCCON is removed. The precision in the derived PBL CO2 is 1.44 ppm, 30 which is consistent with the calculated precision of 1.83 ppm. The dominant sources 31 of the error in the PBL estimates are due to uncertainties in the free troposphere 22 1 data from TES assimilation and the temperature error in column averages from 2 TCCON. We show that this precision is sufficient to characterize the seasonal 3 boundary layer variability of CO2 over the TCCON sites. 4 5 This study highlights the potential of combining simultaneous measurements from 6 different instruments to obtain vertical information of the CO2 profile (e.g., Christi 7 and Stephens 2004). The present TCCON network is relatively sparse but has a good 8 latitudinal coverage. It provides temporal dense long-term accurate observations of 9 column abundance of CO2. Column estimates of CO2 by space measurement are 10 currently available from GOSAT and SCIAMACHY data (Schneising et al., 2012; 11 Schneising et al., 2011) and are expected from OCO-2. They have better global 12 coverage and could provide both spatially and temporally dense column data sets. 13 Column CO2 together with the boundary layer CO2 estimates are anticipated to 14 provide complementary constraints to infer CO2 fluxes and advance the ability to 15 study the carbon cycle problem by providing constraints on near-surface CO2 16 variations and atmospheric mixing (Sarrat et al., 2007). 17 18 Acknowledgements: 19 The authors wish to thank *** for insightful and constructive comments and 20 suggestions. We acknowledge financial support of 21 SGP data was supported by the Office of Biological and Environmental Research of 22 the US Department of Energy under contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 as part of the 23 Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program. 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