Papers: CO2 implications of coal-to-liquid (CTL) plants - JGGC final published Climate Change, Technology Innovation, and the Future of Coal Comparative Performance and Cost Assessments of Coal- and Natural Gas-fired Power Plants under a CO2 Emission Performance Standard Regulation A proposed method for CCS costing [attached final] A Techno-Economic Assessment of Polymer Membrane Systems for Post-combustion Carbon Capture at Coal-fired Power Plants Talks: Deploying the Solutions: The Role of Public Policy Learning in Energy Technologies: Learning Curves and the Uncertainties of Applying Learning Curves for Policy Analysis A Modeling Framework to Assess Costs and Uncertainties of Carbon Capture Technology Options Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS). Its Role in a Low-Carbon Energy Future The Outlook for Lower-Cost CO2 Capture Technology Plant-Level Model to Assess Carbon Capture and Storage Costs for Achieving Negative CO2 Emissions Technology Learning Curves and the Future Cost of Electric Power Generation Technology Experience Curves for Energy Supply Technologies How to Improve Cost Estimates for Fossil Fuel Power Plants with CO2 Capture and Storage Prospects for Lower-Cost Carbon Capture Systems