Semester Exam Study Guide/Worksheet I. Sports Medicine Overview

Semester Exam Study Guide/Worksheet
I. Sports Medicine Overview, Ethics and Legal Responsibilities
1. List 5 members of the sports medicine team _________________________________________
2. Of the sports medicine team, the ________________ serves as the captain.
3. Failure to give reasonable care __________________
4. ________________ are sets of principles that guide our behavior.
5. T or F Sports medicine is a branch of medicine that treats athletes only.
6. T or F Assumption of risk protects the ATC from a negligence lawsuit.
7. List the 2 things that student athletic trainers can’t do __________________ and __________________
8. T or F The patient does not have the right to obtain from the physician complete and current information about
her diagnosis
9. Write an E if the behavior is ethical or a NE if the behavior is not ethical.
_______ Steroid use by athletes
_______ Discussing an athlete’s injury with the coaching staff
_______ Gambling or betting on the outcome of sporting events
_______ Discussing an athlete’s injury with another parent at Wal-mart
_______ Allowing an athlete to return to play without the team physician’s clearance
_______ Ignoring an athlete’s injury
_______ Allowing a coach to determine a return to play
10. List the 3 main goals of the sports medicine team and which one differs from a general practioner?
II. Anatomical Terms and Directions
1. ______________________ towards the midline of the body
2. ______________________ towards the front of the body
3. ______________________ plane that divides the body in anterior and posterior regions
4. _______________________ towards the back of the body
5. _______________________ away from the midline or towards the outside of the body
6. _______________________ towards or nearer to the trunk
7. _______________________ above
8 ________________________ plane that divides the body in superior and inferior regions
9. ________________________ below
10. ______________________ away from the trunk
11. _______________________ plane that divides the body into right and left halves
12. The nose is (medial/lateral) to the ears.
17. Prefix meaning muscle ____________
13. The carpals are (distal/proximal) to the elbow.
18. Prefix meaning bone ____________
14. The knee is (distal/proximal) to the hip.
19. Prefix meaning increased __________
15. The maxilla is (superior/inferior) to the mandible.
20. Prefix meaning decreased __________
16. The heart is (anterior/posterior) to the spine.
21. Suffix meaning inflammation _____________
III. Body Regions and Systems
1. __________________ armpit region
8. _______________ eye socket
2. __________________ belly button region
9. _______________ groin region
3. __________________ bottom of the foot
10. _______________ back of the head
4. __________________ elbow region
11. _________________ lower back region
5. __________________ region of the cheek
12. _______________ heel region
6. __________________ back of the knee
13. _______________ buttocks
7. __________________ front of the knee region
14. ________________ region of the wrist
Digestive System
Skeletal System
Respiratory System
Muscular System
Endocrine System
Lymphatic System
Cardiovascular System
Axial Skeleton
Immune System
Urinary System
Nervous System
Appendicular Skeleton
1. ____________________ Regulates the body through the release of hormones
2. ____________________ Defense system
3. ____________________ Circulates the blood
4. ____________________ Removal of liquid wastes
5. ____________________ Communication network
6. ____________________ Brings in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide
7. ____________________ Support
8. ____________________ Movement
9. ____________________ Includes head, neck and trunk
10. ___________________ Cleansing
11. ___________________ Breaking down and absorption of nutrients
12. ___________________ Includes arms and legs
IV. Injuries to the Tissues
1. List the 4 major tissue types found in the body AND the function of each
2. ________________ muscle tissue is found lining our internal organs.
3. _________________ muscle tissue type is connected to our bones and provides movement at our joints
4. _________________ muscle tissue is found only in the heart
5. List at least 5 examples of connective tissue.
6. A type of connective tissue that attaches our bones together __________________
7. A type of connective tissue that attaches our muscles to our bones _________________
8. A ________________ is stretching or tearing of muscle tissue
9. A ________________ is stretching or tearing of connective tissue (ligaments)
10. ________________ is another word for “swelling”
11. The inflammation of a tendon is called _____________ and is mainly caused by ___________and ______________
12. _____ Avulsion
A. “goose egg” / blood filled swollen area
13. _____ Contusion
B. smooth, straight cut on skin
14. _____ Hematoma
C. outer layer of skin has been scraped off
15. _____ Laceration
D. build-up of calcium in muscle tissue after a blow to the area
16. _____ Blister
E. jagged, rough cut on skin
17. _____ Abrasion
F. condition caused by a fungus
18. _____ Incision
G. plug or chunk of skin has been torn away
19. _____ Fracture
H. sharp object penetrates the skin
20. _____ Puncture Wound
I. break or injury to bone tissue
21. _____ Tinea Pedis
J. a bruise
22. _____ Myositis ossificans
K. accumulation of fluid under skin caused by friction
V. Injuries to Skeletal System and Joints
1. _______________ fracture in which the bone breaks the skin
2. _______________ piece of bone pulls away at the tendon attachment sight
3. _______________ small crack that happens over period of time
4. _______________ bone shatters in many small pieces
5. _______________ bone bends but doesn’t break all the way through the axis
6. _______________ “S” shaped fracture down the axis of the bone
7. _______________ fractures straight across the axis of the bone
Major Category of Joints
Motion of Each Joint
Examples of Each Joint
8. ____________________________ is another name for a joint (place where 2 bones meet)
9. List the 6 motion groups for synovial joints AND list 1 example
10. The _________________ membrane encloses a joint
11. Colorless fluid found inside all synovial joint capsules __________________
12. ___________________ are cartilaginous discs found between the bones in many synovial joints
13. ____________________ cartilage coats the end of all long bones
14. ____________________ fluid filled sacs that lie between tendons/bones and ligaments/bones
15. Synovial fluid, cartilage (articular and menisci) and bursa sacs help to:
16. Differentiate between a dislocation and a subluxation of a joint.
17. The 2 follow-up treatments for sprains are _____________________ and _______________________.
18. Three examples of joint strengthening after a sprain would be the use of _____________________,
__________________ and ____________________.
19. The acronym PRICE stands for _________________________________________________________.
VI. Major Bones of the Body
1. ______________ bones of the ankle
21. _______________ tailbone
2. ______________ medial bone of lower leg
22. _______________ jaw bone
3. ______________ “collar” bone of the shoulder
23. _______________ knee cap
4. ______________ bones of the wrist
24. _______________ heel bone
5. ______________ thigh bone
25. _______________ “shoulder blade”
6. ______________ bones of the foot
26. _______________ fingers and toes
7. ______________ bones that protect the spinal cord
27. _______________ cheek bone
8. ______________ lateral bone in the forearm
9. ______________ upper arm bone
10. _____________ lateral bone in the lower leg
11. _____________ medial bone in the forearm
12. _____________ flat bone located on anterior chest
13. _____________ bones that form a cage to protect internal organs
14. _____________ bones of the hand
15. _____________ cubed shaped bone that forms the ankle joint with the tibia
16. _____________ fused part of the vertebral column
17. _____________ posterior bone of the skull
18. _____________ anterior bone of the skull
19. _____________ medial bone of the skull
20. _____________ bone located inferior to nose and superior to mouth
VII. Identify
plantar flexion
VIII. Skin Infections
1. List the 3 categories of microorganisms that cause skin infections in athletes.
2. ___________________________ bacteria cause staph infections and MRSA.
3. What does MRSA stand for and what is the only difference between regular staph and MRSA?
4. What type of medications do doctors prescribe to treat staph infections?
5. __________________ is a skin condition caused by streptococcus bacteria.
6. __________________________ and ______________________ are skin infections caused by fungus.
7. List the 3 skin conditions caused by viruses.
8. How does ringworm appear on the skin?
9. 84% of skin infections in wrestlers are what type of infections?
10. Herpes in athletes is commonly caused by with strain of the virus?
11. _______________________ virus causes plantar warts in athletes.
12. _______________________ virus causes molluscum contagiosum.
IX. Injuries to Head and Spine
1. Study Injuries to Head and Spine study guide / worksheets / handouts for the exam