Prom Date - Act One School of Drama

Prom Date
PROPS: Books
SETTING: Library
(At rise, CALEB, LOGAN, and ISAAC are sitting at a table in the library. Further away, SCARLET sits at
another table.)
CALEB: Question. If you could ask any girl to the prom, who'd it be?
LOGAN: Scarlet Cates.
ISAAC: Me too. Scarlet Cates.
CALEB: Yeah, Scarlet Cates for me, too.
LOGAN: I wonder who she's going with?
ISAAC: Maybe no one. She and Rusty broke up last week.
LOGAN: So do you think she needs a date?
ISAAC: Nah. I'm sure she can pick any guy she wants.
LOGAN: Pick me!
ISAAC: No, me!
CALEB: Question. If you could ask any girl to the prom, that might say yes, who'd it be?
LOGAN: That might say yes?
ISAAC: That might say yes if she was offered a million dollars to go?
LOGAN: Then I'd say Scarlet Cates.
ISAAC: Me too. Scarlet Cates. Here, take this million dollars and make my dream come true.
CALEB: So who'd be your second choice?
LOGAN: Second choice would be a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model.
ISAAC: You know any?
LOGAN: No. Like how would I know any SI models?
ISAAC: I don't know. Just asking.
CALEB: Well, I think one of us should ask Scarlet to the prom.
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ISAAC: Seriously?
LOGAN: For a joke?
ISAAC: Not me.
LOGAN: Me neither. I have a fear of rejection.
ISAAC: I've already had my share of nos. Three to be exact. Three days, three nos. Sophie said, "I'm sorry,
Isaac, but I already have a date." Megan laughed at me so I took that as a no. Tamara said, "No, I
don't believe I'd like to go with you, but thank you for asking." Like I said, three days, three nos.
I'm over it.
LOGAN: I haven't even asked one girl to the prom. I'm still afraid of girls, remember? They come near
me and I become tongue-tied and fidget nervously. I would be like, "I ... I ... I ... uh ...uh ... Scarlet
... I ... uh ... see I ... uh ... would you ... I mean, I know you wouldn't, but I ... uh ... uh ... wondered
... don't wonder ... know you wouldn't ... but hoped ... uh ... wished ... prayed ... uh, yes, I ... uh ...
really prayed ... uh ... would it help if I begged? No? No, I won't beg. I'm stupid. Yes, call me stupid.
But anyway ... uh ... I was wondering ... thinking ... uh ... you wouldn't want to go with me to the
prom, would you?"
ISAAC: (In a girl's voice) I'd love to!
LOGAN: Right. Like that would happen.
ISAAC: (In a girl's voice) Yes, I'd love to go with you, Logan! And now I've got to rush off to the mall and
find the perfect dress. And make an appointment to get my hair done. And my nails! And oh,
there's only one week left to do it all. (Jumps up and down.) I'm just so excited! I'm going to the
prom with Logan! (The BOYS laugh.)
LOGAN: I say we hit up the court and play some basketball, on prom night.
ISAAC: I'm in.
LOGAN: You in too, Caleb?
CALEB: No, I'm going to the prom.
ISAAC: With who? Scarlet Cates? (The BOYS laugh.)
CALEB: Maybe. She could say yes.
LOGAN: Sure she could.
ISAAC: Sure. Anything is possible.
LOGAN: Yeah, like a one-in-trillion chance of getting hit by a meteorite too. So sure, it's always possible.
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CALEB: I'm sure Scarlet needs a date to the prom since she and Rusty broke up. And what guy would
dare to make him jealous? He's got arms of steel. He could crush any guy with a single-handed
LOGAN: Which means you've got guts if you plan to ask Scarlet out.
ISAAC: Yeah, 'cause you know Rusty wants her back.
LOGAN: I heard him telling Josh Rivera that he was going to wait until the day before the prom and let
her know he'd take her back.
ISAAC: So there you go. Rusty and Scarlet will be going to the prom together after all.
CALEB: Not necessarily. She might decide to go with someone else.
ISAAC: With who?
CALEB: I'm not a bad looking guy, am I?
LOGAN: Don't ask me.
ISAAC: I have no opinion.
CALEB: Well, I say I'm just as desirable as the next guy.
ISAAC: I've heard that attitude is everything.
CALEB: (Looks toward SCARLET) So I'll just walk over there and ask if she wants to go with me to the
ISAAC: Good luck with that.
LOGAN: And if she says no?
CALEB: Who says she's going to say no?
ISAAC: I say if she says no ... well, at least you tried.
LOGAN: Because quitters don't win. Or something like that.
ISAAC: Yeah. If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again. Well, maybe not. If she says no, just smile and
tell her it was a joke. A dare. Yeah, a dare! Tell her that you really didn't want to go with her in
the first place, but you had to follow through on a dare to show you weren't a coward.
LOGAN: Good idea, Isaac.
CALEB: Well, I think Scarlet will say yes.
ISAAC: And we like your attitude, don't we, Logan?
LOGAN: Yes we do, Isaac. And I say we go sit next to Scarlet's table so we can hear everything that's
said., But don't worry, Caleb. We won't say a word. Not a word. We'll just sit there quietly and
keep our heads buried in our books.
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ISAAC: But just talk loud enough so we can hear everything, OK?
CALEB: OK. You two head on over there and I'll be there in a minute.
ISAAC: Good luck.
LOGAN: Yeah, good luck, man. (ISAAC and LOGAN go sit next to SCARLET's table. They both open a book
and pretend to read.)
CALEB: (Clears his throat and practices.) Will you ... ? (Clears throat.) Would you ... ? (Deep breath) I'd be
honored ... No. (Deep breath. Then in a nonchalant tone) Hey, if you don't have any plans for the
prom why don't we hook up? (Shakes head, then walks toward SCARLET He stands by her table,
staring at her.)
SCARLET: (Looks up.) Hey.
SCARLET: You want to sit down? No one is sitting here.
CALEB: Yes. (Starts to sit.) No! I'd rather stand.
SCARLET: (Gives him a strange look.) OK.
CALEB: (Clears throat.) Has anyone ever told you you'd make a great SI model?
CALEB: Sports Illustrated.
SCARLET: Uh ... no. But thanks. I guess.
CALEB: You would.
SCARLET: Thanks.
CALEB: (Deep breath, then blurts out quickly) Are you going to the prom? I mean, I heard you and Rusty
broke up and I figured you didn't have a date. Maybe you need one. I need one. Not that I'm
desperate or anything. I just thought if you needed a date like I needed a date we might go to the
prom together. Is that stupid or what? (ISAAC and LOGAN shake their heads and disappear behind
their books fora moment. Then peek over the books to hear SCARLET's response.)
SCARLET: (Pause as she looks at CALEB) Did you just ask me to the prom?
CALEB: I think so.
SCARLET: Oh, how sweet of you! And I'd love to go.
CALEB: (Excited) You would?
SCARLET: I would, but ...
SCARLET: Yes, but I already have a date.
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CALEB: (Disappointed) Oh.
SCARLET: I'm taking my little brother. Joey. He's in sixth grade. I thought it'd be fun for him. And yes, I
did need a date.
CALEB: I see.
SCARLET: But if you want to come along ...
CALEB: The three of us?
SCARLET: Well, it's not like I'm going to spend the entire night dancing with my little brother. He doesn't
even like to dance. He'll probably hang out at the snack table most of the night. Or take advantage
of the tarot reader who will be there. So, what do you say?
CALEB: Scarlet, are you asking me to the prom?
SCARLET: Yes, if you want to go with me and my little brother.
CALEB: I'd love to!
SCARLET: (Stands.) Great. (Kisses his cheek.) Pick us up at, seven. OK?
CALEB: Bye. (SCARLET exits. ISAAC and LOGAN get up and. join CALEB.)
ISAAC: No way!
LOGAN: How'd you do that?
CALEB: It's my charm. Good looks. My confidence. Great personality. What can I say?
ISAAC: Man, you've got guts.
LOGAN: (To ISAAC) And I guess it's gonna be you and me on prom night for a little one on one.
ISAAC: (As if shooting a basketball) Swish. Right in the basket! Yeah!
LOGAN: Gonna be hard to beat me! (As if shooting a basketball) Swish. Yeah!
CALEB: And I will be taking Scarlett Cates to the prom. Yeah! Go me!
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