Matthew Schrandt NANO 703L Lab 6 Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes In this lab we are analyzing carbon nanotubes using the TEM. Considering carbon nanotubes as similar to their graphene relatives, we match the diffraction patterns of the nanotubes to their planar equivalents to help understand the symmetry elements leading to their analysis. Furthermore, the multiple layers of graphene is likened to multi-walled nanotubes. Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube. Scale bar reads 10 nm. TEM magnification = 2Kx. Outer bore reads 34.98 nm Inner bore reads 9.85 nm Number of tubes ≅ 34± 2 The TEM image shown above is of a multi-walled nanotube with approximately 34 rings. The largest of which is measured to be 34.98 nm. The smallest is 9.85 nm. This inner bore falls is within the expected dimensions for a single walled nanotube. One single walled nanotube was observed to have a diameter of 9.00 nm. Selected area diffraction patterns were also obtained of graphene, SWNT, and MWNT (shown below). Graphene diffraction pattern MWNT diffraction pattern SWNT diffraction pattern The d spacing for the translational vector d001 (d0001) was calculated using both the diffraction pattern and also through the measured imaging pictures of the nanotubes. From the image of the single walled nanotube (right), the diameter was SWNT image. Scale bar reads 20 nm. measured to be 9.00 nm. From the diffraction pattern above, the diameter of the first diffraction ring was measured to be 5.941 nm-1. Using 2 𝑑001 = 5.941 𝑛𝑚−1 , it can be found that d001 = 0.337 nm, which is close to the expected value of 0.34 nm (for graphene). For the MWNT, the diameter of the diffraction ring was measured to be 5.711 nm -1. This correlates to d001 = 0.35 nm. To calculate d001 from the real image, we use the equation 𝑐 = 𝐷2 −𝐷1 . 𝑛 In our case, D2 = 34.98 nm, D1 = 9.85 nm, and n = 34. c = 0.739 nm. c/2 = d001 = 0.37 nm-1. This is close to the number calculated from the diffraction pattern. As can be seen from the diffraction patterns, graphene, SWNT, and MWNT are all very similar. The only noticeable difference in the diffraction patterns is that graphene does not have the averaged crystal orientations that are shown in the selected areas for the nanotubes. This is likely due to graphene being less curved (whereas the nanotubes are more string-like) and more locked into a specific angle (orientation).