template for NAMA Support Project Outlines (Word version)

International NAMA Facility - Template for NAMA Support Project Outlines
1 General Information on the NAMA Support Project
1.1 Project
Project number
Project title
Country of implementation
Project start
Project termination
Overall Project volume (EUR)
Please indicate the required
contribution of funding from the
NAMA Facility for the overall
project including all components
(indicative basis)
To be determined by the Technical Support Unit of the NAMA Facility
What is the title of the NAMA Support Project?
Please indicate the country where the NAMA Support Project will be
Thematic focus
Please select the thematic focus
Project type
Please select one of the following categories:
- Type A: Pure financial cooperation project
- Type B: Financial cooperation project with technical assistance
component during implementation
- Type C: Financial cooperation project with technical assistance
component before and during implementation
- Type D: Pure technical cooperation project. - Please note that the
NAMA Facility will focus on financial support instruments so a
strong argument will be needed to justify Type D projects based on
the selection criteria of the NAMA Facility.
If a project is selected in the first step of the selection process, the
project type will be evaluated during the detailed appraisal stage, and
could be altered if necessary. .
Please select the project type
1.2 Submitter
Name of submitting entity
Please indicate the name of the submitting entity. In general, national
governments or qualified delivery organisations may submit outlines for
NAMA Support Projects.
Type of institution
Please select the type of institution
Legal form1
Non-profit status1
Please select yes or no
Postal Address
Contact Person
Total staff1
Staff for the project1
Year established1
Only for Outlines for NAMA Support Projects submitted by qualified delivery organisations
Experience with the
implementation of ODA and of
large-scale programs/projects in
the field of technical and/or
financial cooperation1
Please indicate the experience in years (rounded); include Annex 3
Experience in the country of
Please indicate the experience in years (rounded); include Annex 3
☐ For technical cooperation projects / components: Proof of ability to
hire staff in host country attached
1.3 Additional
Submitter (for
outlines submitted
by a consortium of
organisations only)2
Experience with activities
relevant to the project1
Please indicate the experience in years (rounded); include Annex 3
Name of submitting entity
Please indicate the name of the submitting entity. In general, national
governments or qualified delivery organisations may submit outlines for
NAMA Support Projects.
Type of institution
Please select the type of institution
Legal form1
Non-profit status1
Please select yes or no
Postal Address
Contact Person
Total staff1
Staff for the project1
Year established1
Experience with the
implementation of ODA and of
large-scale programs/projects in
the field of technical and/or
financial cooperation1
Experience in the country of
Please indicate the experience in years (rounded); include Annex 3
Please indicate the experience in years (rounded); include Annex 3
☐ For technical cooperation projects / components: Proof of ability to
hire staff in host country attached
Experience with activities
relevant to the project1
Please indicate the experience in years (rounded); include Annex 3
1.4 Delivery
Organisation(s) (for
outlines submitted
by national
governments only)
Please indicate which qualified delivery organisation(s) will be facilitating the implementation of the NAMA
Support Project. Please include Annex 1 “supporting delivery organisation” for each delivery organisation
1.5 Partner
al institution in the
country of
implementation (for
Please indicate which national ministry or governmental institution supports the outlined NAMA Support
Project. Please include all relevant ministries and/or agencies, including the ministry or agency responsible
for the NAMA Support Project as well as the ministry responsible for the coordination of ODA.
☐ Official support letter(s) attached
For project types B and C, please provide information on the respective partner ministry or governmental
authority for both the financial and technical cooperation components where these are not the same
An additional submitter (“consortium of delivery organizations”) is only foreseen for project types B or C. In these cases, one
submitter serves as the delivery organization for the financial cooperation component of the NAMA Support Project and the other
submitter as the delivery organisation delivering the technical cooperation component. More than one delivery organisation of the
same type (i.e. two technical or two financial cooperation delivery organisations) are not envisaged. Also in cases where governments
submit a NAMA Support Project Outline, a second submitter is not foreseen; in this case, one (project types A and D) or two (project
types B or C) delivery organizations need to be included in section 1.4.
outlines submitted
by delivery
organisations only)
1.6 Potential other
institutions(s) /
☐ Official support letter(s) attached
Contact person(s)
Please name at least one contact person for each relevant national ministry
and/or agency.
Role in the project
Please describe the role of all relevant national ministries and/or agencies for
the implementation of the project.
For technical cooperation components: If already identified, please describe potential other implementing
partner institution(s) (governmental or non-governmental), which will actively contribute to achieving the
specific objectives of the project (outputs). Include annex 2 “Other implementing partners”.
For financial cooperation components: If already identified, please describe the national implementing
agency, which will be responsible for the implementation of the NAMA Support Project.
Contact person(s)
Please name at least one contact person for each implementing partner
institution(s) and/or implementing agency.
Role in the project
Please describe the role all implementing partner institution(s) and/or
implementing agency for the implementation of the project.
Existing consultation
Please describe already existing contacts with the implementing partner
institution(s) and/or agency and the degree to which the NAMA Support Project
has already been discussed.
2 Project Description / Project Ambition
For project types B and C, please provide a joint description including both the financial and technical cooperation components.
2.1 Project
[max. 200 words]
2.2 Potential for
[max. 500 words]
Please provide a brief description of the NAMA Support Project covering the starting situation, context and
challenges in the country and sector as well as the objectives of the NAMA Support Project and the
envisaged measures. Also describe expected long-term impacts. Where considered helpful, add graphs and
data including their sources. The underlying project concept and expected impacts need to be described in
full detail in sections 3 and 4 to demonstrate the feasibility of the project.
Please provide a short description of the transformational potential of the outlined NAMA Support Project.
Generally, there can be different arguments for the transformational impacts of a NAMA Support Project.
The argument for the transformational impact of a NAMA Support Project has to be closely aligned with the
specific project and country context, as well as the broader context of the country’s mitigation strategy /
NAMA in the respective sector.
- Is the outlined NAMA Support Project an element of a broader programme or policy framework, which
contributes to achieve a sectoral or national emission reduction target or implement a low emission
development strategy? Would the achievement of the emission reduction target or implementation of
the low emission development strategies imply transformational change?
- Does the outlined NAMA Support Project fit into a broader context of mitigation activities in the
respective sector?
- Does the outlined NAMA Support Project contribute to changing the prevailing structures of the sector?
Does the NAMA Support Project help to over-come systemic barriers to the reduction of emissions?
- Does the outlined NAMA Support Project develop capacities to reduce future GHG emissions beyond the
scope of the project?
- Is the outlined NAMA Support Project replicable with respect to its applicability in other regions,
countries and internationally?
- Does the outlined NAMA Support Project serve to strengthen national systems as for example described
in the aid effectiveness criteria of the OECD/DAC?
- Does the outlined NAMA Support Project use an innovative approach for the reduction of emissions,
which can have impacts beyond the specific NAMA Support Project (e.g. technology transfer; general
support approach)?
- Does the outlined NAMA Support Project foresee the participation and/or development of the private
2.3 Co-benefits
[max. 250 words]
Please provide a short description of the co-benefits of the outlined NAMA Support Project. Co-benefits are
considered a central element to create country ownership and can have an important impact on the longterm sustainability of a NAMA Support Project. It should therefore be explicitly explained which additional
development co-benefits beyond the reduction of GHG emissions will be achieved through the NAMA
Support Project.
2.4 Financial
[max. 250 words]
Please provide a short description of the financial ambition of the outlined NAMA Support Project. It should
be plausibly explained which additional funding contributions are leveraged through the outlined NAMA
Support Project, and, where applicable, within the broader context of mitigation activities in the (sub)sector,
which provide the backdrop of the NAMA Support Project. This includes both directly mobilized funds as
well as funding which will be mobilized indirectly. The below list includes different aspects, which will be
considered for the assessment of the outlines for NAMA Support Projects. However, the financial ambition
of a NAMA Support Project has to be aligned with and will be considered against the specific project and
country context.
- Does the outlined NAMA Support Project reduce or remove market barriers and provide opportunities
for investments into GHG mitigation activities by the private sector?
- Does the outlined NAMA Support Project foresee a financial contribution from the host country’s
national budget? If applicable, does the host country provide a financial contribution to a broader range
of mitigation activities in the (sub)sector, which provide the backdrop of the NAMA Support Project?
- Does the outlined NAMA Support Project foresee a financial contribution from other donors? If
applicable, do donors contribute to a broader range of mitigation activities in the (sub)sector?
- Does the outlined NAMA Support Project foresee a financial contribution from the private sector?
2.5 Mitigation
[max. 250 words]
Please provide a short description of the mitigation potential of the outlined NAMA Support Project.
Estimates for expected direct GHG emission reductions of the NAMA Support Project should be provided.
Additionally, please explain whether/how indirect mitigation effects will be achieved. The mitigation
potential of a NAMA Support Project has to be aligned with and will be considered against the specific
project (incl. its sector) and country context. This also includes the costs-effectiveness of GHG reductions.
3 Project Concept
Sections 3.4 – 3.7: For project types B and C, please provide information for the financial and technical cooperation components in
separate columns. The word limit applies to each component separately.
3.1 Starting
[max. 250 words]
3.2 Integration into
national or sector
Please provide a description of the starting situation for the NAMA Support Project in its national and sector
context as a reference scenario. Please include information on:
- National and international climate policy context: Briefly describe the current framework for addressing
climate change in the target country. Please include a description of a country’s overarching low
emission development strategy or plans where applicable. Specify whether/how this relates to
international agreements, especially to emission reduction pledges.
- Drivers and trends: Indicate future emission trends in the targeted sector(s). Which are the main
elements that are driving these trends?
Role of the sector within the national emission reduction priorities: Indicate the sector(s) targeted by the
NAMA and explain its contribution to the overall national GHG emissions.
Please describe existing and planned mitigation strategies and activities in the respective (sub)sector? How
is the NAMA Support Project integrated into this broader context? How does the NAMA Support Project align
with development goals and strategies of the (sub)sector?
[max. 200 words]
3.3 Barriers for
Please describe the barriers which are preventing mitigation actions in the specific (sub-)sector addressed
by the NAMA support project (e.g. economic/financial barriers; market failures; political and structural
barriers etc.)?
[max. 200 words]
3.4 Scope of the
NAMA Support
Project and Target
[max. 200 words]
3.5 Overarching
objective (Outcome)
[max. 250 words]
Please describe the scope of the NAMA Support
Project / its respective components in its given
context, considering geographical, technological
and social boundaries. Please provide an
assessment of the actors, which will be important
for achieving the intended impacts of the NAMA
Support Project (target group).
Please describe the scope of the NAMA Support
Project / its respective components in its given
context, considering geographical, technological
and social boundaries. Please provide an
assessment of the actors, which will be important
for achieving the intended impacts of the NAMA
Support Project (target group).
Please describe in detail the envisaged outcome(s)
in the country and/or sector, which can be directly
attributed to the activities within the NAMA Support
Project / the respective component. Please consider
particularly how these activities will help to achieve
the key objectives for NAMA Support Projects as
defined in the ambition criteria of the NAMA Facility
and defined in section 2:
- Potential for transformational change: Describe
how the envisaged activities will contribute to a
Please describe in detail the envisaged outcome(s)
in the country and/or sector, which can be directly
attributed to the activities within the NAMA Support
Project / the respective component. Please consider
particularly how these activities will help to achieve
the key objectives for NAMA Support Projects as
defined in the ambition criteria of the NAMA Facility
and defined in section 2:
- Potential for transformational change: Describe
how the envisaged activities will contribute to a
transformation of the national or sector
development towards a less carbon intensive
development path.
- Co-benefits: Describe how the envisaged
activities will create co-benefits.
- Financial ambition: Describe how the envisaged
activities will enable additional funding sources
and reduce existing barriers to investments.
- Mitigation potential: Describe how the
envisaged activities will contribute to reducing
GHG emissions; where available provide
estimates for GHG emission reductions and
underlying assumptions.
3.6 Specific
objectives (Outputs)
[max. 250 words]
3.7 Planned
[max. 500 words]
transformation of the national or sector
development towards a less carbon intensive
development path.
- Co-benefits: Describe how the envisaged
activities will create co-benefits.
- Financial ambition: Describe how the envisaged
activities will enable additional funding sources
and reduce existing barriers to investments.
- Mitigation potential: Describe how the
envisaged activities will contribute to reducing
GHG emissions; where available provide
estimates for GHG emission reductions and
underlying assumptions.
Please describe the expected specific outputs
(services, products) of the NAMA Support Project /
the respective component, which will be the basis
for the described outcomes.
Please describe the expected specific outputs
(services, products) of the NAMA Support Project /
the respective component, which will be the basis
for the described outcomes.
Please list the planned activities for all specific work
streams in aggregated work packages. Use bullet
points to describe and explain the activities.
Please list the planned activities for all specific work
streams in aggregated work packages. Use bullet
points to describe and explain the activities.
4 Expected Long-term Results (Impacts) [max. 200 words]
For project types B and C, please provide a joint description including both the financial and technical cooperation components.
Please describe the expected long-term impact of the NAMA Support Project to contribute to direct or indirect GHG mitigation.
Please describe also how the other objective categories for NAMA Support Projects as described in the ambition criteria of the
NAMA Facility will be impacted over the long-term. Please consider particularly how the impacts link up with the key objectives for
NAMA Support Projects as defined in the ambition criteria of the NAMA Facility and described in section 2:
- Potential for transformational change: Describe how the intended changes will contribute to a transformation of the national or
sector development towards a less carbon intensive development path; consider different impact chains for transformational
- Co-benefits: Describe the long-term co-benefits achieved through the NAMA Support Project.
- Financial ambition: Describe how the NAMA Support Project will enable additional funding sources and reduce existing barriers
to investments over the long term.
- Mitigation potential: Describe to what extent the NAMA Support Project can contribute to bringing the country/sector on a lowcarbon development trajectory over the long term.
5 Monitoring and Evaluation
For project types B and C, please provide information for the financial and technical cooperation components in separate columns.
To the extent possible before an in-depth project appraisal,
please provide information on how the monitoring and reporting
for the NAMA Support Project / the respective component
will/can be set up. (M&E guidelines for NAMA Support Projects
will be published by the NAMA Facility Board in due course)
To the extent possible before an in-depth project appraisal,
please provide information on how the monitoring and reporting
for the NAMA Support Project / the respective component
will/can be set up. (M&E guidelines for NAMA Support Projects
will be published by the NAMA Facility Board in due course)
6 Project Integration
Please describe linkages and synergies of the NAMA Support Project with other relevant projects and sectors addressed by UK,
Germany and other international donors, development organizations or the private sector. How does this contribute to achieve
financial ambition?
7 Expected Budget and Financing Structure (in EUR, incl. VAT where applicable)
For projects type B and C, please provide information for the financial and technical cooperation components in separate columns.
7.1 Planned funding requirements (appraisal)
Please provide an estimate on how much funding from the NAMA Facility will be required in order to conduct an in-depth appraisal
of the outlined project and to produce a full-fledged proposal for a NAMA Support Project.
External Services
Notes on funding required
Please provide an explanation for the
expected appraisal costs.
Please provide an explanation for
the expected appraisal costs.
7.2 Planned funding requirements (overall project) (indicative basis)
Please provide an estimate on the overall funding requirements of the NAMA Support Project, including all sources of financial
External Services
Notes on funding required
Please provide an explanation for the
expected appraisal costs.
Please provide an explanation for
the expected appraisal costs.
7.3 Planned financing (overall project) (indicative basis)
Please outline the financing contributions for the overall NAMA Support Project from the different financing sources.
NAMA Facility funding volume
Funds provided by submitter
(national government or
delivery organisation) and
other implementing partners3
Third party contributions (e.g.
third party
grants/concessional loans)4
In principle, the submitter’s own funding is funding provided by the submitter to co-finance the total expenditures of the project that
are eligible for support.
4 Please indicate the sources and type of any allocations provided by third parties and the status of contractual agreements. Third
party contributions refer to both public and private sources (e.g. contributions from other donors).
7.4 NAMA Facility funding volume (cf. 1.1) (indicative basis)
The NAMA Facility funding volume shall illustrate how financing contributions from the NAMA Facility to the NAMA Support Projects
are expected to be distributed over the following years.
7.5 Planned allocation of NAMA Facility funding and own funds to delivery organisations and other implementing partner(s) (cf. 1.3)
(indicative basis)
NAMA Facility-funding volume
1. Delivery Organisation for
technical cooperation
Own funds
Own funds
2. Delivery Organisation for
financial cooperation
3. Other Implementing partner
4. Other Implementing partner
8 Other
8.1 Requirements for
NAMA Facility support
Please describe briefly why international public support in the amount requested in this outline is
required for the implementation of the NAMA Support Project. Describe whether and how the NAMA
Support Project could be implemented without support from the NAMA Facility.
8.2 Concept for the
phase-out of support
Please describe how the NAMA Support Project foresees a phase-out of international support and
how future support needs can be addressed?
8.3 Other aspects relevant
for the funding decision
Add further aspects where these appear relevant for the assessment of the outlined NAMA Support
Annex 1: Supporting delivery organisation(s) (for outlines submitted by national governments only)
National governments submitting outlines for NAMA Support Projects to the NAMA Facility need to name qualified delivery
organisation(s), which will support the implementation of the NAMA Support Project. Proof for engagement with each of the
respective delivery organisation(s) should be attached.
1. Qualified delivery
Name of qualified delivery
Type of institution
Please select the type of institution
Legal form
Non-profit status
Please select yes or no
Postal Address
Contact Person
Total staff
Staff for the project
Year established
Experience with the
implementation of ODA
and of large-scale
programs/projects in the
field of technical and or
financial cooperation
Experience in the country
of implementation
Experience with activities
relevant to the project
Role in the project
Existing consultation
2. Qualified delivery
Please indicate the experience in years (rounded); include Annex 3
Please indicate the experience in years (rounded); include Annex 3
Please indicate the experience in years (rounded); include Annex 3
Please describe the role for the implementation of the project.
Please describe already existing contacts and the degree to which the
NAMA Support Project has already been discussed.
Name of qualified delivery
Type of institution
Please select the type of institution
Legal form
Non-profit status
Please select yes or no
Postal Address
Contact Person
Total staff
Staff for the project
Year established
Experience with the
implementation of ODA
and of large-scale
programs/projects in the
field of technical and or
financial cooperation
Experience in the country
of implementation
Experience with activities
relevant to the project
Role in the project
Existing consultation
Please indicate the experience in years (rounded); include Annex 3
Please indicate the experience in years (rounded); include Annex 3
Please indicate the experience in years (rounded); include Annex 3
Please describe the role for the implementation of the project.
Please describe already existing contacts and the degree to which the
NAMA Support Project has already been discussed.
Annex 2: Other implementing partner institution(s)
1. Other implementing
Type of institution
Legal form
Non-profit status
Total staff
Staff for the project
Year established
Turnover [EUR/year]
Experience in the country
of implementation5
Experience with activities
relevant to the project5
Role within the Project
Type of collaboration
2. Other implementing
Please indicate the experience in years (rounded); include Annex 3
Please indicate the experience in years (rounded); include Annex 3
Please select the type of collaboration
Type of institution
Legal form
Non-profit status
Total staff
Staff for the project
Year established
Turnover [EUR/year]
Experience in the country
of implementation5
Experience with activities
relevant to the project5
Role within the Project
Type of collaboration
Please select yes or no
Please select yes or no
Please indicate the experience in years (rounded); include Annex 3
Please indicate the experience in years (rounded); include Annex 3
Please select the type of collaboration
for implementing partners other than government agencies only.
Annex 3: References
Organisation: [NAME]
Project objectives and relevant activities by the
organisation with regard to the outlined NAMA Support
Overall volume
Own funds of the
Main Project
Annex 3: References
Organisation: [NAME]
Project start
Project termination
Project objectives and relevant activities by the organisation
with regard to the outlined NAMA Support Project
Overall volume
Own funds of the
Main Project
Own funds of the
Main Project
Annex 3: References
Organisation: [NAME]
Project start
Project objectives and relevant activities by the organisation
with regard to the outlined NAMA Support Project
Overall volume