CERN Div./Group or Supplier/Contractor Document No. CERN TE/EPC CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland EDMS Document No. 1312226 EDMS Project name : Booster 2GeV ELECTRICAL POWER CONVERTERS GROUP (EPC) Date: 20/08/2013 GROUP (EPC) DOCUMENT Booster 2GeV magnets connections This report contains the description of the Booster magnets connections required for Booster MPS supply upgrade. Preliminary Prepared by : G.SKAWINSKI F.BOATTINI Checked by : F. BOATTINI -1- Approved by : History of Changes Version Date Pages Modified by -2- Modification descriptions 1. BACKGROUND/ DESCRIPTION ............................................................ - 4 - 2. BOOSTER MAGNETS ............................................................................ - 4 - 3. EXISTING MPS MAGNET CONFIGURATION .......................................... - 5 - 4. BOOSTER 2GEV MAGNET CONNECTION ............................................... - 7 - 5. BOOSTER BUILDING LAYOUT .............................................................. - 9 - 6. SWICHBOARD CABINET .................................................................... - 10 - 7. CROWBAR SYSTEM ............................................................................ - 10 - 8. CABLING LAYOUT .............................................................................. - 12 - 9. ACTIVITY PLANNING ........................................................................ - 13 - 10. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................. - 15 - -3- 1. BACKGROUND/ DESCRIPTION In frame of the LIU upgrade project the PS Booster will receive the new main power supply called from now on MPS Booster 2GeV. The MPS booster 2GeV power supply will consist of the two independent and identical units where each unit will supply the half of the existing Booster magnets. The existing MPS power supply will work as the back-up in case of the failure of the new power supply. The report proposes the switching logic that needs to be implemented in order to have such a feature. The complete reconfiguration will be realized by acting on a single cabinet hereafter called “switching cabinet” that in addition will allow a complete grounding of the magnets while power converters could continue to operate in testing mode. 2. BOOSTER MAGNETS The PS Booster is composed of 32 dipole magnets (192mH) and 48 quadrupole magnets (8.8mH). The pictures of the Booster dipole and quadrupole magnets are given in Figure 1. For every section there are two dipole magnets, two quadrupole focusing and one quadrupole defocusing magnet. The Booster magnets are divided into 16 sections. Figure 2 shows the existing magnets with the corresponding sections. In addition, in the middle of the magnet chain there is the reference unit employed for the B-field and current measurements. However this magnet is placed outside the tunnel in the building 361-1 and surrounded by a metal fence). Figure 1: PS Booster magnets – dipole (left) and quadrupole (right) -4- Pos. Neg. Section 16 BR-BHZ 161 BR-QFO 161 BR-QDE 16 BR-QFO 162 BR-BHZ 162 Section 1 BR-BHZ 11 BR-QFO 11 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 BR-QDE 1 BR-QFO 12 BR-BHZ 12 BR-BHZ 21 BR-QFO 21 BR-QDE 2 BR-QFO 22 BR-BHZ 22 BR-BHZ 31 BR-QFO 31 BR-QDE 3 BR-QFO 32 BR-BHZ 32 BR-BHZ 41 BR-QFO 41 BR-QDE 4 BR-QFO 42 BR-BHZ 42 BR-BHZ 51 BR-QFO 51 BR-QDE 5 BR-QFO 52 BR-BHZ 52 BR-BHZ 61 BR-QFO 61 BR-QDE 6 BR-QFO 62 BR-BHZ 62 BR-BHZ 71 BR-QFO 71 BR-QDE 7 BR-QFO 72 BR-BHZ 72 Section 15 BR-BHZ 152 BR-QFO 152 BR-QDE 15 BR-QFO 151 Spécial BR-BHZ 151 Section 14 BR-BHZ 142 BR-QFO 142 Anneau Booster Section 13 Ejection Injection BHZ161 BHZ152 Section 12 Section 11 Section 10 Section 9 Section 8 BR-QDE 14 BR-QFO 141 BR-BHZ 141 BR-BHZ 132 BR-QFO 132 BR-QDE 13 BR-QFO 131 BR-BHZ 131 BR-BHZ 122 BR-QFO 122 BR-QDE 12 BR-QFO 121 BR-BHZ 121 BR-BHZ 112 BR-QFO 112 BR-QDE 11 BR-QFO 111 BR-BHZ 111 BR-BHZ 102 BR-QFO 102 BR-QDE 10 BR-QFO 101 BR-BHZ 101 BR-BHZ 92 BR-QFO 92 BR-QDE 9 BR-QFO 91 BR-BHZ 91 BR-BHZ 82 BR-QFO 82 BR-QDE 8 BR-QFO 81 BR-BHZ 81 Figure 2: PS Booster magnets 3. EXISTING MPS MAGNET CONFIGURATION Each of the dipole magnet consists of four parallel paths (rings) denoted from 1 to 4. The rings 1 and 4 represent the external paths and are series connected. Similarly the internal rings 2 and 3 are also connected in series. The two series need to be supplied in a slightly different way. This is due to the fact that the external rings have a different magnetic configuration than the inner ones. In the present MPS, an additional TRIM converter is used to correct the current in the external rings. The dipole reference magnet has also 4 rings. However the rings are presently series connected. The quadrupole magnets similarly to dipole magnets have four rings. However, all the rings are connected in series and supplied from the same conditions. The PS Booster magnets supply conditions are shown in Figure 3 where the connection between the magnets and the converters are shown. The figure indicates also the type of cables/bus-bars used. The main power connections with the tunnel are represented by 4 water cooled cables (WCC1 to 4 in green in Figure 3) that connect the MPS and the reference unit with the rest of the magnets. WCC1 and WCC2 are located in b271 close to the output filter area of the present MPS (Figure 4), while WCC3 and WCC4 are below the reference unit in b361 (Figure 5). Quadrupoles and trims converter cables are located directly below the respective converters. -5- Bending 1-4 WCC 1 BR MPS WCC2 Bending 2-3 BR -MPS-TRIM BUS BAR WATER COOLED CABLE from TUNEL CABLE MAGNET CONNECTION BR -QDE BR -QFO REF Magnet Cage DCCT QDE WCC3 Reference Bending 1- 2 – 3 - 4 WCC4 QFO Figure 3: Existing Booster magnet configuration Figure 4: WCC1 and 2 in front of the output filter area of the MPS Figure 5: WCC3 and 4 under the reference unit -6- 4. BOOSTER 2GEV MAGNET CONNECTION The Booster 2GeV will be connected to the existing magnets. The Booster magnets will be split into two independent circuits. In the new configuration, all dipoles and quadrupoles magnets are grouped as shown in Figure 6 and are fed from independent power sources. The outer rings of the dipole magnets will be connected in series with the QFO magnets, whereas the inner dipole windings will be connected with the QDE magnets. This configuration will allow the total voltage for the magnets to be increased to ±5kW (±2.5kV per circuit). This new modular approach will also eliminate the necessity of the separate a trim converter for the external magnets coils. The reference magnet has currently the series connection of all 4 paths. However for the Booster 2GeV the reference magnet rings will be split and connected similarly to the dipole magnets i.e. outer and inner rings groups. The magnet connector (a metallic bar) will be designed for a fast reconnection to the original design (all 4 in series). The reconnection to the original design will be possible in case of a Booster 2GeV failure. The schematic layout of the reconnection process is given in Figure 7. Figure 6: Booster 2GeV MPS magnet configuration -7- Bending 1-4 WCC1 C2 C1 2 C3 C4 Bending 2-3 WCC2 C27 C26 C2 BR MPS 2GeV CABLE from b245 WATER COOLED CABLE from TUNEL CABLE BR -MPSTRIM C21 BR MPS A 2GeV BR MPS B 2GeV MAGNET CONNECTION CONNECTIONS TO BE ADDED DCCT A BUS BAR DCCT B SWITCHING CABINET C9 QDE WCC3 Reference Magnet Cage DCCT C8 Reference Bending 1 -4 C6 C7 Magnet Connector Reference Bending 2 -3 Figure 7: Booster 2GeV magnet configuration -8- C5 C20 BR-QFO 2GeV C19 C17 BR -QFO C18 WCC4 QFO C16 BR -QDE C15 C11 C28 C10 C25 BR-QDE 2GeV C14 C13 C12 5. BOOSTER BUILDING LAYOUT The Booster MPS is placed in the building 271 and the building 361. The combine layout of the both buildings (271-R and 361-1) is presented in Figure 8. The extra layers of the Power (red) and Control (purple) elements have been added to the drawing. Figure 8: Booster Building layout -9- 6. SWICHBOARD CABINET In order to connect the Booster magnets to both the new and the existing power supplies the switching cabinet will be required. The cabinet will be placed in the building 271 next to the quadrupole converters. The schematic representation of the connections points required is given in Figure 9. BR- QDE 2GeV - BR- QDE 2GeV + ` ` BOOSTER MPS ` ` QDE BR- QFO 2GeV - BR- QFO 2GeV + 2GeV BR MPS B - 2GeV BR MPS A - 2GeV BR MPS B+ 2GeV BR MPS A + QFO QDE - BR- QDE - BR- QDE + QDE + QFO - BR- QFO - BR- QFO + QFO + Ref Magnet 2 Ref Magnet 4 BR MPS - Bending 2 BR MPS + Mag Connector Bending 4 BOOSTER 2GeV Reference Magnet MPS Figure 9: Booster MPS / Booster 2GeV switchboard cabinet The cables from the magnets (as indicated on the bottom labels – longer connections) will be connected permanently to the switching mechanism. Each switch will have implemented 3 states as follows: Booster 2GeV connection Booster MPS connection floating connection In the floating state there will be possibility to ground magnets. The converters will have grounding implemented internally. Grounding system will be provided to the each section of the switching cabinet as shown in the figure. The inter-locking system with padlocks will be implemented in order to ground the system. 7. CROWBAR SYSTEM In order to install the new switching board the removal/modification of the existing protection is required. This operation will be the part of the switchboard project. The old diode – hydraulic switch based crowbar system will be replaced by the thyristor based system as presently used in POPS converter. The new crowbar will be placed inside the power cage next to the output filter. This removal will give more space for the new switchboard cabinet. Both modifications are shown in Figure 10. The - 10 - existing bus-bar from the MPS power filter will be modified and will be connected to the new Crowbar system to be installed in the power cage. Figure 10: Crowbar - Switchboard 2GeV cables connection - 11 - 8. CABLING LAYOUT As presented in the Figure 9 the switchboard will reconnect the power supplies. To accomplish this operation all the cables from the Booster magnets, Booster MPS and Booster 2GeV will have to be rerouted into the switchboard cabinet. The cabling layout for switching operation is presented in Figure 10. The existing bus-bar connections (except the power park) will be replaced by the cables to minimize the work required and to improve the safety aspect as the cables will be placed under the false floor. All connections circled in orange will be placed inside the switching cabinet in order to have a single point to reconfigure the complete system. Overall there are 28 power cables (named from C1 to C28 in Figure 7) that need to be added. Table 1 reports the characteristics of each set of above cable. Cable name From To Estimated length [m] Current [A] RMS Isolation [V] C1 SB* WCC1 5 2500 4000 New Cable C2 BR MPSCrow Bar SB 8 2300 4000 New Cable C3 BR MPSCrow Bar SB 6 2300 4000 New Cable C4 SB WCC2 5 2500 4000 New Cable C5 Ref Bend 2-3 WCCC4 1 2300 4000 Existing Bus-bar C6 Ref Bend 2-3 SB 24 2500 4000 New Cable C7 Ref bend 1-4 SB 24 2500 4000 New Cable C8 Ref bend 1-4 WCC3 15 2300 4000 Existing Bus-bar C9 BR QDE SB 9 300-120mm2 3000 New Cable BR-QDE 2GeV SB 25 430 2500 New Cable C11 BR QDE SB 9 300-120mm2 3000 New Cable C12 BR-QDE 2GeV SB 25 430 2500 New Cable C13 Booster Tunel SB Unknown Unknown Unknown C14 SB WCC3 24 430 3000 New Cable C15 SB WCC4 24 430 3000 New Cable C16 Booster Tunel SB Unknown Unknown Unknown C17 BR-QFO SB 9 300-120mm2 3000 New Cable C18 BR-QFO SB 9 300-120mm2 3000 New Cable C19 BR-QFO 2GeV† SB 25 430 2500 New Cable C20 BR-QFO 2GeV SB 25 430 2500 New Cable C21 BR QDE BR MPS TRIM 6 100-50mm2 12/20kV Existing Cable C22 BR MPSCrow Bar BR MPS TRIM 20 100-50mm2 12/20kV Existing Cable C25‡ MPS 2GeV SB 25 2500 2500 New Cable C26 MPS 2GeV SB 25 2500 2500 New Cable C27 MPS 2GeV SB 25 2500 2500 New Cable C28 MPS 2GeV SB 25 2500 2500 New Cable C10 Remarks New/Existing Cable/To check New/Existing Cable/To check Table 1: Connections to be provided * Switch Board/Cabinet Booster2GeV ratings are based on the 43% increase estimation (2GeV/1.4GeV factor) ‡ Cable length from SB to MPS 2GeV is estimated currently as the length from SB to the border of the building 271. - 12 † 9. CABLE RATINGS 9.1 MPS 2GEV The cable connection between MPS 2GeV, SB and reference magnet shall have the following ratings: Number of systems: Approximate distance: Rated current Ir (rms) Rated voltage Insulation test voltage BIL (1.2/50 μs) Min. clearances 4 : MPS 2GeV – SB 2 : SB – Reference magnet 25 m (from SB to the reference magnet) 60 m (from MPS 2GeV to SB) 2500 A for each system (Pulses between zero and 5500 A every 0.9 s) 3.6 kV AC (corresponding to 5 kV DC) 30 kV DC (1 min) 60 kV 90 mm (acc. IEC 60071-1) Due to high current the cable connection has to be arranged by multi-parallel connection. The 400 mm2 Cu has been chosen to minimise the number of cables. For the rating of the cables, the following reduction factors apply: k1 = 0.91 (ambient temperature 40 ºC) k2 = 0.85 (for grouping of cables) k3 = 0.85 (cable installation in closed conducts) k4 = 0.95 (for slight imbalances of DC resistance between the parallel cables) ktotal = k1 x k2 x k3 x k4 = 0.625 Type Thermal capacity (100%) [A] Factor k Real thermal Capacity [A] number of parallel cables required per 2500 A system 400 mm2 Cu 827 0.625 516 4.85 9.2 QFO/QDE 2GEV The cable connection between QFO/DQE 2GeV and SB shall have the following ratings: Number of systems: Approximate distance: Rated current Ir (rms) Rated voltage Insulation test voltage BIL (1.2/50 μs) Min. clearances 4 : 2 converters having 2 cables 60 m : from 2GeV to SB 500 A for each system (Pulses between zero and 500 A every 0.9 s) 3.6 kV AC (corresponding to 5 kV DC) 30 kV DC (1 min) 60 kV 90 mm (acc. IEC 60071-1) ktotal = k1 x k2 x k3 = 0.657 Type Thermal capacity (100%) [A] Factor k Real thermal Capacity [A] number of parallel cables required per 500 A system 400 mm2 Cu 827 0.657 543 1 - 13 - In order to minimise the unwanted effects of the magnetic field of the current, an even number of cables need to be chosen. To obtain the greatest possible symmetry of magnetic fields, 6 cables should be chosen for each of the 4 systems. The drawing below shows the possible layout of the 2 systems. The installation of the cables will be in air (under false floor) on the cable ladders as shown below: 500 For cables installation from SB to The reference magnet only one cable ladder will be required. - 14 - 10. ACTIVITY PLANNING The installation of the switching cabinet and relative power cables shall be done before the beginning of LS2. The activity could be divided in two: 1) Installation of the switching cabinet and new crowbar system in b271 with all cabling concerning the present MPS only. This activity could be performed any time before the beginning of LS1 in 4 weeks’ time. 2) Routing of all new MPS power cables up to the switching cabinet. This needs to be done once the b245 (new building for the Booster 2GeV MPS) will be ready as cables will be routed through a connection gallery. We will need these cables to be installed before the beginning of LS2 in order to be able to make the tests on magnets (see new MPS testing schedule). This activity could be done in 2 weeks. Figure 11: Planning of Booster2GeV project According to the present schedule (Figure 11), b245 should be ready by summer 2016. We could concentrate the two activities during the winter shutdown of 2016-2017. Since the four separate connections on the reference unit are not yet available, we could imagine, for the only purpose of preliminary testing of the Booster2GeV new converters, that the reference unit is completely bypassed with a temporary cable connection thus avoiding a long shutdown to fix the reference unit connections. 11. CONCLUSIONS Although the new MPS will be designed to generate 2GeV LHC cycles and despite the fact that the old one cannot generate such pulses, we consider the possibility of a rapid changeover between the old and the new MPS, of a considerable importance in case of severe fault of the new converter. - 15 -