Welcome to Math Path! Fall 2015 MATH 7B/5A Math Analysis I MTThF 1:15 – 3:45 C302 #71375/70412 You are to be commended for joining the Math Path program, an intensive and accelerated program in which you may complete 8 units of math this fall semester! PROFESSOR: Dr. Ann Davis , C121F, (626) 585-7053, axdavis@pasadena.edu You may have certain expectations of a professor. You can expect me to: 1. Treat you respectfully. 2. Be prepared and knowledgeable. 3. Engage thoughtfully and actively in course discussion. 4. Listen attentively to whoever has the floor. 5. Provide you with accurate, timely and fair feedback. 6. Start and end class on time. OFFICE VISITATION HOURS: MF 12:00 – 1:15, W 12:30 - 3:30 or by appointment I do hope you will visit during my office hours. Come individually or with friends. It’s a chance to talk about the course, assignments, exams, study strategies, or whatever else you’d like to discuss. You don’t have to have a problem to visit. If you find yourself having difficulty with an assignment, however, I definitely want to see you; I may be able to help. If these office hours are impossible for you, please let me know so that we can make an appointment for another time. If you need individual accommodations to meet course objectives because of a documented disability, please make an appointments with me to discuss your needs as soon as possible so that we can ensure your full participation in class and fair assessment of your work. COURSE DESCRIPTION: STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: According the course catalog, students in Math 7B/5A will cover: Trigonometric Identities and Equations Solutions of Triangles Polar Coordinates Conic Sections Parametric Equations Sequences and Series Mathematical induction Solutions to linear and non-linear systems Vectors and their applications Limits and continuity Differentiation and integration of algebraic functions Applications Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to: 1. Work with expressions and solve equations involving trigonometric functions. 1 2. Analyze and graph parametric and polar equations, and convert these to and from Cartesian coordinates when appropriate. 3. Given a real world application, correctly model the situation using algebra, geometry, logarithms, exponentials and/or trigonometry and use this model to solve problems. 4. Use mathematical notation to denote various mathematical objects, solve problems, and write proofs. 1. Demonstrate understanding of the rigorous definition of the limit, and use limit laws and appropriate theorems to compute limits. 2. Demonstrate understanding of continuity and related problems and theorems. 3. Use the definition and apply the properties and theorems of differentiation and integration to calculate derivatives and integrals. 4. Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between differential and integral calculus via the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. 5. Solve various application problems, including graphing functions, using calculus techniques. REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: ATTENDANCE: Algebra and Trigonometry by Sullivan, 9th edition And Calculus by Stewart, 8th edition Since each class session is purposely and intentionally designed with activities geared to help you have success in all of your Math Path courses, you are expected to attend class every day. Students who attend class daily, on time, and prepared are more likely to succeed. This means more than just showing up. It means being in your seat on time, having your supplies out, having your homework done, and being ready and willing to participate. With this in mind, you are expected to arrive on time (1:15 pm) and stay throughout the entire class (until 3:45 pm). 2 In the unlikely event that you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out the material you missed and the assignments that are due. You will find it helpful to have the contact information of at least two classmates. For your information: PCC policy maintains 3 tardies = 1 absence. Students WILL be dropped from the course after 10 total hours of absence. EXAMS: Expect 5 exams for Math 7B. There will be no makeup exams. I will replace your lowest exam score with the average of your exam redo’s. EXAM REDOS: Once you have received a graded test, you will correct your mistakes and turn in the corrections stapled to the front of your exam. Do not make changes on the original exam – show all corrections on lined paper. The format of the redos will be discussed in class. REQUIRED MATERIALS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. A notebook to organize your materials Textbook Paper Pencil and Eraser (I think pens have no place in a math class.) Positive attitude Enthusiasm and a willingness to try new things Respect for fellow classmates and their education Respect for your own education Calculators: SCIENTIFIC CALCULATORS ARE ALLOWED FOR USE IN THIS COURSE. All other electronic devices, including graphing calculators or cell phones, are also not permitted. Any student found using such a device will be given a zero for that assignment including activities, quizzes, and exams. EMAIL: Email is generally the best way to contact me, apart from speaking directly to me during class or office hours. I usually am able to respond to your email within 24 hours. WITHDRAWAL DEADLINE: You should familiarize themselves with Pasadena City College’s withdrawal policy but you are free to ask me questions about it. The withdrawal deadline for Math 7B is around Sept 8. Drop deadlines for Math 5 A will be announced in class. MAKE UPS There are none! Nope, not for any reason, for any assignment, nothing! MISSED ASSIGNMENTS Should you not turn in a homework assignment, you are required to give me a written explanation as to why you were unable to do so. This “excuse” is 3 required for you to attend any subsequent classes. Think of it as your ticket to attend class. FINAL The final for Math 7B will be on Friday, Oct 23. The 5A final will be on Friday, Dec 18. Both finals will be during regular class times. GRADING: All work will be graded on a percentage correct basis. Your final grade will be determined as follows: Assignment Percentage Homework Exams Final Exam* *You must get a score of > 60% on the final to pass the class. 20 50 30 Total 100 Textbook homework: Your completed homework will be collected at the beginning of the following day’s class. Refer to the homework format document on my webpage. Your homework will be graded for formatting, accuracy, and completeness. Random problems will be selected to be graded for both accuracy and completeness. All work must be shown. Your letter grade will be assigned as follows: Grade A: B: C: D: F: TUTORING OPPORTUNITIES: Percentage 90 – 100% 80 – 89% 75 – 79% 60 – 74% Below 60% There are many tutoring resources at Pasadena City College available to you. 1. Tutoring also is available in the Math Center (R125) 2. and in the Learning Assistance Center (D300). 3. You can also interact with a live tutor online through www.pasadena.edu/smarthinking Check these areas for their respective schedules. Of course, don’t forget about my office hours. 4 PERSONAL CONDUCT: We are all here to learn. Please show respect for your classmates and their education as well as your own education. You are expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner. For instance, all electronic devices (cell phones, ipods, etc.) should be silenced while in class. Please remove all headphones, earbuds, etc from your ears before class. As they can be very disruptive to learning, cell phones are NOT permitted to be used during class at any time. This includes texting. The only exception would be to use your phone to take a picture of work on the board. Any disruption in class caused by the use of electronic devises will result in 5 points for each occurrence will be deducted from your next exam. ACADEMIC HONESTY: All students are expected to be in complete compliance with Pasadena City College policy on academic honesty. In NO instance will cheating of any type be tolerated in this course. Any student found to be behaving in an inappropriate manner may receive a grade of F for the course and may be removed from the Math Path program. “My best work is in my best interest.” Michelangelo This syllabus is subject to change, and all changes will be announced in class or sent via email. 5