Kory Gilbert North and South

Kory Gilbert
Similarities between North and South:
Both had a Railroad
Both had hot summers
River Transportation
Majority of people were middle class
Both dealt with slavery
Most people were hardworking
African Americans were poorly looked upon
Although the African Americans were free in the north they were still not
treated equally to the whites. Most African Americans worked as laborers or
Most people were not wealthy or powerful. The North had a strong belief that
this is acquired through hard work
Between 1845 and 1860 4 million immigrants entered the North. Most of
these people were from Ireland or Germany. Most immigrants worked in
factories, while they settled in cities.
Roads in the North were built more smoothly in an attempt to create a
smoother path for transportation
Steamboats and clipper ships were created for faster transport along the
Canals were built for areas that were not near a source of water for boat
Steam powered locomotives were much faster than the boats, and the tracks
could be laid anywhere, which was very useful
Agriculture played a big role in the Northern economy
Poorly paid factory workers replaced skilled craftsmen, because
machines became more efficient
Machine labor started to take place during the industrial revolution
Farming became more efficient and advanced
The Bays of the north were very good for harbors to be built
Frozen winters, Hot humid Summers
Narrow flat plains were not good for farming and caused people to
move west or turn to trade and crafts
The Appalachian Mountains were covered with forests. The soil was
good for farming, and trees were good for lumber
African Americans were brought into slavery, and were treated very poorly
Wealth was based on property of land owned, as well as slaves
The very few free African Americans were treated much poorer than a white
southerner. They paid higher taxes, and worked much harder.
White southerners went to many social gatherings and parties
Most of the south were built along waterways
Ships were the easiest and least expensive way for transportation
There were many railways for trains
The South used steam powered boats to ship their cotton
Many Southerners were proud of the fact that there economy was based on
The south had to find a solution to prevent the decline of agriculture
Cotton was a very important crop once the Cotton Gin invented by Eli
Whitney in 1793. Sales of cotton produced a lot of money
Slavery was important in the economy, because they could work large
amounts of land
Mild Winters, and long, hot, humid summers, and rainfall was plentiful
Many Broad, flat rivers good for receiving transported goods
The Appalachian Mountains were good for orchards and farms, and supplied
a good amount of lumber. Oysters, crab, and fish were caught in the
Chesapeake Bay
Wide coastal plains spanned the Atlantic coast for about 300 miles. This land
was good for farming.