OTA 205 Medical Conditions in Occupational Therapy

Missouri Health Professions Consortium
Occupational Therapy Assistant Program
Patty Daus, OTR/L
OTA 205 Medical Conditions in Occupational Therapy
OTA 205
Medical Conditions
Occupational Therapy
Course Syllabus
Spring 2010
Instructor: Patty Daus, OTR/L
Missouri Health Professions Consortium
School of Health Professions
Occupational Therapy Assistant Program
OTA 205 Medical Conditions
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Missouri Health Professions Consortium
School of Health Professions
Occupational Therapy Assistant Program
OTA 205 Medical Conditions in Occupational Therapy
OTA 205
Medical Conditions in Occupational Therapy
3 credits, 3 lecture
Class times:
Tues and Thurs 2:30 - 4
Patty Daus, OTR/L, Clinical Instructor
UM Office # 573-884-6902
Office Hours at SFCC, MPC 220: Wednesday 12-1 and 4-5
Office Hours at UM, 203 Clark Hall: by appointment
Email or call UM Office: 573-884-5689 to schedule an appointment
E-mail: dausp@health.missouri.edu
Catalogue Description:
OTA 205 Medical Conditions in Occupational Therapy
This course presents the etiology and symptoms of medical and psychological clinical conditions across
the lifespan that are commonly referred to occupational therapy services. Course content emphasizes
the effects of trauma, disease, and congenital conditions on the biological, psychological, and social
domains of occupational behavior. An exploration of cultural perspectives on disease and wellness will
be included.
Course Objective within the Curriculum:
This course offers exposure to medical and psychological clinical conditions across culture and lifespan,
and how occupational therapy intervention can assist the individual and their family.
Relationship to Curriculum Philosophy and Design:
This course will educate OTA students on medical conditions that may limit health and wellness and
which are often referred to occupational therapy services. The students will learn how those
conditions can limit functional abilities, and therefore impact occupational performance throughout
the life span. The students will learn through class readings, case studies, research and class
participation the etiology of the condition, the affected body systems, and typical age groups affected.
There will be emphasis placed on lifelong learning. Students will gain an understanding that
treatments for conditions have changed over the years, and how staying current will allow them to be
the best resource for their patients.
Cultural perspectives on disease and wellness will be addressed along with the ethics of the profession,
so students will develop a framework in which to work with those with differing beliefs. This course is
designed to collaborate with and compliment information presented in Physical Disabilities, Pediatrics,
Mental Health and Psychosocial Practice, and to provide a throughout provocative basis for
Professional Skills as well as Ethics, Management, and Leadership. This fits the integrative, holistic
design of the program curriculum and is considered essential as a basis to establish and understand the
effects of disease on occupational performance and community health outcomes.
OTA 205 Medical Conditions
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Missouri Health Professions Consortium
School of Health Professions
Occupational Therapy Assistant Program
OTA 205 Medical Conditions in Occupational Therapy
Instructional Method
 Lecture
 Guest speakers and or video of individuals
who have a variety of disabilities and how
the disability impacts their occupational
 In class learning experiences
 Research on line and community resources
Assessment Methods
 Attendance and participation
 Midterm Exam (cumulative)
 Final Exam (cumulative)
 Completion of chapter assignments
 Completion of chapter quizzes (timed)
 Grading rubric for final project
Prerequisites: Admission to the MHPC OTA Program through MACC.
Co-requisite: OTA 200 Foundations of Occupational Therapy, OTA 210 Analysis of Occupations, OTA 215 Mental
Health and Psychosocial Practice, and OTA 220 Pediatric and Adolescent Practice.
Required Texts:
Atchison, B., Dirette, D. 3rd edition (2007). Conditions in Occupational Therapy, Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins. ISBN-13: 978-0-7817-5487-3
ISBN-10: 0-7817-5487-9
Ryan E. S., Sladyk K., 4 edition (2005). Ryan’s Occupational Therapy Assistant: Principles, Practice
Issues, and Techniques, Slack Incorporated ISBN-13:978-1-55642-740-4 ISBN-10: 1-55642-740-9
Students are expected to turn in assignments on or before the due date given on the syllabus. 25% will
automatically be deducted from the grade if the student is late turning in an assignment. Assignments
will not be accepted 48 hours after the due date/time.
POINTS: (see individual rubrics for assignment descriptions)
Timed Chapter quizzes (10 points each x 5 =50 points)
Providing Chapter quiz questions (2 points each x 5 = 10 points total)
Chapter assignments 1 point
Final Project
Mid term
OTA 205 Medical Conditions
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Missouri Health Professions Consortium
School of Health Professions
Occupational Therapy Assistant Program
OTA 205 Medical Conditions in Occupational Therapy
Under 120
All absences must be reported to the MHPC (573- 884-5689) prior to the start of class.
Students enrolled in the MHPC OTA program are expected to attend all scheduled class sessions. Students
are expected to be prepared, and demonstrate timely attendance for all class/lab/fieldwork sessions and
appointments. Attendance will be taken at the discretion of the instructors. A faculty member may use
attendance, or lack of attendance, as a criterion in the determination of a course grade.
In the event of an unexpected absence, it is the student's responsibility to notify the OTA Program Office
and send an e-mail to the course instructor(s) regarding missed work and reason for absence. The
instructor on record can then make a determination with this information on how the absences can be
rectified or whether it is possible to satisfactorily complete the course with the number of identified
absences. Students aware of an anticipated absence should inform the course instructor at least 24 hours
in advance, in writing; email is acceptable.
For students exhibiting habitual tardiness or absence (i.e. more than one occurrence) the course instructor
will note the issue on the student’s academic advising form and put a copy in the student’s file.
If two consecutive weeks of class are missed during the regular 16-week semester, the student will be
dropped from that class unless acceptable justification is supplied to the instructor, Program Director, and
Dean of the community college. Additionally, a student who misses more than one-fourth of the class
during any scheduled session may be dropped from that class by the instructor if in the opinion of the
instructor the student does not have a reasonable opportunity to succeed in the class.
Attendance in class is expected, as well as arriving promptly to a scheduled volunteer interview. You are to
be prepared, and demonstrate timely attendance for all class/lab/fieldwork sessions and
You are encouraged to ask questions, make relevant contributions, and clarify issues as needed. It is
the student’s responsibility to ensure acquisition of all materials and content of any missed classes.
Assignments are expected to be turned in on time, and points will be reduced for any late coursework
not previously approved by the instructor. Professional behavior is essential and expected at all times.
The Missouri Health Professions Consortium (MHPC) considers academic dishonesty a serious offense.
Students are expected to be familiar with their home campus’ definitions and explanations of academic
dishonestly. MHPC will uphold and refer to those definitions.
The department will not tolerate plagiarism, cheating, unauthorized possession of exams or exam
questions/information, tampering with instructor's grade book or grades, or in any way producing class
work, papers, or exams through deceptive, illegitimate means. Any student who commits an act of
academic dishonesty is subject to disciplinary action and possible dismissal from the program.
Academic honesty is fundamental to the activities and principles of a program. All members of the
academic community must honorably have acquired, developed, and presented. Any effort to gain an
advantage not given to all students is dishonest whether or not the effort is successful. The academic
community regards academic dishonesty as an extremely serious matter, with serious consequences that
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Missouri Health Professions Consortium
School of Health Professions
Occupational Therapy Assistant Program
OTA 205 Medical Conditions in Occupational Therapy
range from probation to expulsion. When in doubt about plagiarism, paraphrasing, quoting, or
collaboration, consult the course instructor.
Students who have disabilities that qualify under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) should
register with their home campus if requesting accommodations and/or assistance. All members of the
Missouri Health Professions Consortium comply with ADA guidelines. If you have special needs as
addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and need assistance, please notify the course
instructor immediately and/or contact the Access/ADA Office at your college to confidentially discuss
disability information, academic accommodations, appropriate documentation and procedures. Students
may register for assistance through the Office of Access and ADA Services through their respective
home campuses. Respective ADA college contact information is listed below:
MACC: The Office of Access and ADA Services is located in the Main Library and the phone number is
(660) 263-4110 ext. 11240. Students may also contact the Columbia office at (573) 234-1067 ext.
If you need accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share
with me, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please inform me
immediately. Please see me privately after class, or at my office. Office location & Office hours are printed
on the syllabus.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. The student will synthesize information about commonly seen medical conditions in the practice of
occupational therapy. This information will then be applied to an occupational performance
perspective: “how might this condition impinge upon the occupational performance components and
the occupational performance areas?”
2. Describe the most frequently occurring medical conditions that cause difficulty with daily living skills
3. Understand the etiology, prognosis, and progression of the conditions
4. Understand the routine diagnostic tests for specific conditions
5. Understand the medical management of conditions
6. Demonstrate ability to determine which OT services a client may need
7. Reflect on the ramifications of a specific condition to a specific client
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Missouri Health Professions Consortium
School of Health Professions
Occupational Therapy Assistant Program
OTA 205 Medical Conditions in Occupational Therapy
Reading Assignment
Assigned Blackboard Homework
(Due 1 week, after assigned)
Tue, 1- 5
Week 1
Th, 1-7
Tue, 1-12
Week 2
Review Syllabus
Thinking like an OT
Atchison, Ch 1
1) Answer chapter questions from assigned reading
Atchison, Ch 8
Ryan, Ch 29
1) Answer chapter questions from assigned reading
2) Write 1 multiple choice and 1 essay question chapter questions on discussion
board. Provide answer and support information. If someone has already posted your
questions, you must post a different question.
Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)
Atchison, Ch 9
Ryan, Ch 26
1) Answer chapter questions from assigned reading
Atchison, Ch 17
Ryan, Ch 24
1)Answer chapter questions from assigned reading
2) Write 1 multiple choice and 1 essay question chapter questions on discussion
board. Provide answer and support information. If someone has already posted your
questions, you must post a different question.
Spinal Cord Injury
Atchison, Ch 16
Ryan, Ch 19
1) Answer chapter questions from assigned reading
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Atchison, Ch 12
Ryan, Ch 18
1) Answer chapter questions from assigned reading
2) Write 1 multiple choice and 1 essay question chapter questions on discussion
board. Provide answer and support information. If someone has already posted your
questions, you must post a different question.
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
Atchison, Ch 15
Ryan, Ch 23
1)Answer chapter questions from assigned reading
Th, 1- 14
Tue, 1- 19
Week 3
Th, 1- 21
Tue, 1- 26
Week 4
Th, 1- 28
Tue, 2-2
Week 5
Th, 2- 4
Tue, 2-9
Week 6
Th, 2- 11
Tue, 2-16
Week 7
Th, 2- 18
OTA 205 Medical Conditions
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Missouri Health Professions Consortium
School of Health Professions
Occupational Therapy Assistant Program
OTA 205 Medical Conditions in Occupational Therapy
Tue, 2-23
Week 8
Diabetes (DM)
Atchison, Ch 10
Atchison, Ch 11
Read Blackboard article on
1)Answer chapter questions from assigned reading
Th, 2- 25 MID TERM
Tue, 3-2
Week 9
Th, 3- 4
Tue, 3-9
Week 10
Progressive Neurological
Atchison, Ch 14
Ryan, Ch 21 & 27
Blackboard Meg Morris
1)Answer chapter questions from assigned reading
2) Write 1 multiple choice and 1 essay question chapter questions on discussion
board. Provide answer and support information. If someone has already posted your
questions, you must post a different question.
Atchison, Ch 13
1) Answer chapter questions from assigned reading
Substance Abuse
Ryan, Ch 25
Atchison, Ch 5 & Ryan 20
Mental Health Book pg 619622
1) Answer chapter questions from assigned reading
2) Write 1 multiple choice and 1 essay question chapter questions on discussion
board. Provide answer and support information. If someone has already posted your
questions, you must post a different question.
Th, 3- 25
Tue, 3-30
Week 13
Mood Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Atchison, Ch 6 & Ryan, Ch 17
Atchison, Ch 7 & Ryan, Ch 22
1) Answer chapter questions from assigned reading
Th, 4- 1
Tue, 4-6
Week 14
Cerebral Palsy (CP)
Atchison, Ch 2
Atchison, Ch 3
1) Answer chapter questions from assigned reading
Cultural Perspectives on
Ryan, Ch 31
1)Answer chapter questions from assigned reading
Th, 3- 11
Tue, 3-16
Week 11
Th, 3- 18
Tue, 3-23
Week 12
Th, 4- 8
Tue, 4-13
Week 15
Th, 4- 15
Tue, 4-20
Week 16
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Missouri Health Professions Consortium
School of Health Professions
Occupational Therapy Assistant Program
OTA 205 Medical Conditions in Occupational Therapy
Th, 4- 22 FINAL
Standards for an Accredited Educational Program for the Occupational Therapist (ACOTE)
Standards: This course meets the intent of the following Standards from the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE®)
Standards and Interpretive Guidelines (ACOTE, 2009):
The following accreditation standards are related to the course content and assignment:
OTA Standard
B.1.1 Demonstrate oral and written communication skills.
B.1.3 Demonstrate competence in basic computer use, including the ability to use databases and search engines to access information, word processing
for writing, and presentation software (e.g., PowerPoint).
B.1.4. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the structure and function of the human body to include the biological and physical sciences.
Course content must include, but is not limited to, anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics.
B.1.5. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of human development through the life span (infants, children, adolescents, adults, and elderly
persons). Course content must include but is not limited to, developmental psychology.
B.1.7 Demonstrate knowledge and appreciation of the role of sociocultural, socioeconomic, diversity factors, and lifestyle choices in contemporary
society by assessing data collected without judgment and appreciating people with disability as a minority group. (from Wiki)
B.1.8. Articulate the influence of social conditions and the ethical context in which humans choose and engage in occupations.
B.1.9 Demonstrate knowledge of global social issues and prevailing health and welfare needs.
B.2.4. Articulate the importance of balance areas of occupation with the achievement of health and wellness.
B.2.5 Explain the role of occupation in the promotion of health and the prevention of disease and disability for the individual, family and society
B.2.6 Understand the effects of physical and mental health, heritable diseases and predisposing genetic conditions, disability, disease processes, and
traumatic injury to the individual within the cultural context of family and society on occupational performance.
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