Key to Study Guide: Digestion, Energy Transformation and Work

KEY: Digestion / Energy Transformation (change) / Work Study Guide
1. Food contains which of the following
kind of energy?
A. Gravitational potential
B. Chemical energy
C. Mechanical energy
D. 2. Photosynthesis that plants do (making
glucose for food) transforms radiant
energy to Chemical energy
3. What type of energy transfer is happening with the griddle?
_______electrical_______ energy  _____thermal_______ energy.
4. Complete the following transformation a battery in a flashlight makes to produce light.
Chemical energy  ________electrical_____ energy  __light__________
5. When animals eat plants and then are running around doing animal
things, they are changing chemical energy to
__________mechanical__________ energy.
6. The _____digestive_________ system can mechanically and
chemically break down food to absorb nutrients and converts food to
7. Describe a physical change that occurs to food in the mouth.
_________food is chewed into smaller pieces by the teeth__________________________
8. What type of change occurs as enzymes break down starches into simpler sugars in the mouth?
Physical Change OR Chemical Change
KEY: Digestion / Energy Transformation (change) / Work Study Guide
9. Work is done when the force and motion are in the _same_____ direction.
10. Why is there NO work being done when you try to lift a weight that is too heavy for you?
_________there is no force being done to the weight because it is too heavy_____________________
11. The formula to calculate work done on an object is ….
____W______ = ___F________ x ____d________
12. How much work is done if a person lifts a 50N box straight up 2 meters high?
_______W =_100 Joules___________________________________________________________
13. True / False: You are doing NO work moving boxes at a constant height from one table to another
because the force and motion are in different directions.
14. True / False: You use 150N of force to move a box 3 meters up a ramp, you have done 350 Joules of
15. Which of these ramps require the smallest force to go up and why?
__A, because it is less steep than the others
16. True / False: An inclined plane changes the amount of force needed to move an object by reducing the
force needed but increasing the distance needed.
17. What remains the same whether you use a ramp or not to move an object up 2 meters?
A The amount of force
B. the amount of work done
C. the amount of distan