Women and Mental Health Special Interest Group of The Royal College of Psychiatrists EXECUTIVE GROUP Date: 6th March 2013 Time: 10.30 am Venue: Highgate Mental Health Centre Dartmouth Park Hill N19 5NX WaMHSIG MINUTES _____________________________________________________________________________________ Present: Apologies Katina Anagnostakis (chair) Judith Edwards Gira Patel Rebecca Horne Nisha Shah Carol Henshaw Olivia Protti Sarah Cohen Shaheen Shora 1 WELCOME Apologies were noted. Carol Henshaw was welcomed back into the SIG and the Executive, (she had previously been a member) and kindly agreed to take on the role of Vice Chair and secretary; Sarah Cohen was welcomed as a new member. It was noted that Louise Howard and Hema Ananth had stepped down. The Executive acknowledged their excellent work and wished to formally register their thanks for this. 2 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 2.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 30.05.2012 were reviewed and accepted as an accurate record. 2.2 3 Matters Arising The main focus of today’s meeting was related to the new work stream - Disadvantaged Women and discussion about the conference planned for September 17th at St Andrews, Northampton. CHAIR’S REPORT 3.1 Katina noted that the College was in the process of reviewing the function of SIGs, and that this had been discussed at a College Council meeting in January 2013. The meeting noted that the College would like to have feedback from individual SIGs. Katina noted that historically there had previously there had been little feedback and contact between the Council and the SIGs. Katina briefly reviewed the AGM of 2012. Difficulties had arisen due to booking of a venue but these had been outside of the SIG’s control. Despite this the Executive did meet and the meeting went relatively well Katina had recently had an informal meeting with Professor Sue Bailey, President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. She was supportive to any work that the SIG does, but would not be able to give specific input. Katina had spoken with Dr Irene Cormac who is now the President Elect of the Royal Society of Medicine. Dr Cormac is keen to have a conference based at the RSM in 2014, linking Obstetrics and Gynaecology, our SIG and the RSM, and that the conference would Page 1 of 4 ACTION focus on issues relating to physical health care in women. At present it is uncertain as to what speakers might be invited to this. 4 SECRETARY’S REPORT Hema has stepped down from this role. Carol Henshaw has kindly agreed to take on this role. 5 TREASURER’S REPORT Judith confirmed that a number of factors had contributed to the SIG’s reserves being low – now just over £1000.00. Judith noted that both conferences in the last financial year had been undersubscribed and had incurred losses. She noted that she had been told that in the current financial climate many other conferences had also struggled. She noted that the next conference would be at St Andrews and the aim would be for it to be cost neutral. She noted that WMHSIG’s members make very few claims for administration. She reported that the 2013 Business plan had been approved by the College’s Finance Committee. However Professor Craddock had personally written to Judith noting that the plan did not show a surplus for 2013 and how important it would be to avoid losses in subsequent years; otherwise the financial sustainability of the SIG would be in jeopardy. Professor Craddock requested that Judith give him a brief idea of our longer term thinking about generating income. Judith will do this. JE Members of the Executive discussed possible ways to generate income which included: 1. Using a venue which was cost neutral such as St Andrews 2. For future conferences to target a wider audience which could improve numbers wishing to attend 3. In particular psychiatric trainees, and with certain topics social workers, probation officers etc 4. That there should be closer collaboration with other organisations 5. Whether it might be possible to provide promotional opportunities at conferences e.g. to allow for a bookstall 6. All present agreed to reflect on the need to generate income 6 FEEDBACK FROM NEW WORKSTREAMS The Mental Health of Disadvantaged Women 6.1 This will be the focus of the conference of the 17th September at St Andrews. There was discussion about what audience we were aiming the conference at and what should the be the content of the conference. A number of suggestions were made that the conference consider: 1. 2. 3. The needs of marginalised women including those subject to domestic violence Women as victims and even perpetrators of violence Females with no recourse to public funds – it might be helpful to have an updates on the legislation relating to that Issues relating to women in prison Homeless women, trafficked women and asylum seekers 4. 5. It was suggested that the conference could focus on the - The needs of disadvantaged women and signposts to their care which would give it a wider remit. Dr Cohen mentioned the possibility of a legal view from the Mary Ward legal centre. There was then discussion as to who could be approached to speak at the meeting. The following were suggested Louise Howard - KA to approach Page 2 of 4 KA Iain Duncan Smith, with a political view – OP to approach OP Margaret Oates – Executive members linked to the Perinatal Faculty will approach ALL Annie Bartlett – KA to approach KA Dame Ann Owers – JE to approach JE The Poppy Project – NS to make contact NS Executive could link up with Jackie Short now in New Zealand who could provide an international perspective ALL Mary Ward Centre and solicitors working there – SC to approach SC Other options included Professor Bhui, (OP), J Weber and his work on HIV ( NS) Olivia suggested that it would be useful with the conference being at St Andrews that there be an opportunity for people to visit some of the wards. There was a brief discussion about the possible workshops. It was thought that there should be a working party set up and it was agreed that the next meeting should be on the 24th April at 10.30 am at the College 6.2 Working Lives- Women in Management Katina noted that Fiona Mason is now Medical Director at St Andrews and could assist with articles on management. Dr Mason recently presented at the Forensic Faculty in February 2013, and is on the College Council where she noted the need for medical competencies for trainees. There could be the opportunity of an article written for The Psychiatrist with Dr Mason being the co author. It was important that the lead for that would be the SIG. 7 FEEDBACK FROM COMMITTEE LEADS 7.1 Newsletter All agreed that the last newsletter had been very good and comprehensive and RH was thanked for this. It was thought that the next newsletter should be after the September conference and in time it was thought that the newsletter should be twice a year. There were various ideas for the newsletter: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7.2 GP could report on a recent interview she had with Dr Henrietta Bowden Jones who has recently set up a national gambling service. GP thought that Dr Bowden Jones was a very inspirational psychiatrist. NS has just completed a Diploma in Psychosexual Therapy and would be happy to write about that. KA and colleagues are due to have a paper published in the Annals of Clinical psychiatry, on the use of Clozapine in Borderline female patients Those from the perinatal faculty spoke about the importance of pregnancy planning KA noted that St Andrews will be providing scholarships and electives to medical students and have been very impressed by the candidates. KA said that we could all invite colleagues to write something for the newsletter. NS mentioned the Athena Swan initiative which was promoting women in academia which was thought very important. Conferences The Mental Health of Disadvantaged Women /The needs of disadvantaged women and signposts to their care – September 17th 2013 7.3 Website SS had sent her apologies. It was noted that it was important to have a functioning website as a way of advertising the work of the SIG. Page 3 of 4 7.4 JISCmail GP confirmed that 6 people had joined the SIG, and 2-3 men following last year’s annual meeting. One male member – Dr Ramakrishna noted that he would be happy to take SIG’s issues at the RCPsych Council Meeting. There was then a brief discussion about the numbers of women in senior and managerial roles, and how GP hoped to do a brief survey of College personnel to determine the numbers and positions of women in senior roles. 7.5 Primary Care Mental Health Forum This is now an email link and we understand that there are no longer primary care and psychiatric meetings, but Rebecca and Judith still remain on the mailing list. 7.6 Psychiatry Trainees Committee (PTC) It was thought that Maria Atkins could possibly take on this role. 7.7 Workforce Committee Beth has stepped down from her position. Sarah Cohen agreed to take her place. 8 CONSULTATIONS 8.1 None at present 9 NAME CHANGE & REBRANDING Publicity 9.1 All agreed that the rename had been very successful, but that it was important to try to raise the profile of the SIG and recruit new members. There was a discussion about future meetings which would be 24 April - Working group to consider the September 17th Conference 5 July – AGM – this will be in Edinburgh. KA encouraged all executive members to attend. 14 November - Follow up executive meeting to the conference 10 11 12 9.2 Raising Profile 9.3 Via conference, newsletter and JISC mail Direction of Work/ Intended Outcomes DISADVANTAGED WOMEN WORKSTREAM 10.1 AOB 11.1 JE noted that she was wishing to stand down as Treasurer, but would do this after the submission of the Business plan for 2014. She wondered whether there was a volunteer who could work with her on that so that there could be a handover. It was suggested that Judith could approach someone to take this on. She wondered about Dr John Jacques who works at Ealing with women DATE & VENUE OF NEXT MEETING April 24th - working group to consider the September 17th Conference 5th July AGM in Edinburgh. KA encouraged all Executive members to attend. November 14th – Executive meeting Page 4 of 4 JE