Working on Asbestos electrical mounting boards

Doc ID
SOP 805_021
Vers #
SOP Prep By:
J Hobbins , Stuart Rowley (NAA)
;Nathan Richardson, Harvey Baldwyn
Authorised By:
Harvey Baldwyn
FM Maintenance Manager
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All QUT Staff and Contractors
Alternate contractor procedures are acceptable only
if equivalent in intent and standards.
Date of Issue:
Working on asbestos containing
electrical mounting boards or
Task description & scope:
This procedure shall be followed where work is to be conducted on identified or suspected asbestos containing
electrical mounting boards or switchboards.
This procedure is not appropriate where the risk assessment identifies that the asbestos containing electrical
mounting boards/panel is in poor condition, discovered to be friable or requires major works. In this instance the
panels/boards should be removed as per the Safe Work Australia (SWA) Code of Practice for the Safe Removal of
Asbestos [NOHSC:2002(2005)] and replaced with non asbestos materials.
PPE : Minimum requirements
* Indicates standard for all ACM minor work
* Half face respirator fitted with a P2 air filter approved to
AS 1715/1716.
* 100% synthetic disposable type coveralls -meeting
specification that prevents fibre of diameter down to 0.5 microns
and a maximum of 15 peneetrations of asbestos fibres eg:
* Washable safety boots( laced boots are
difficult to decontaminate)
* Safety Glasses or goggles (to protect
against dust and or loose objects.)
Training and Certification
Only carry out this work if you have General Asbestos Awareness training and/or specific asbestos work
procedure training for this task.
Exposure to airborne asbestos fibres may cause dose related asbestos diseases such as lung cancer;
mesothelioma; or pleural plaques if inhaled in sufficent quantities.
As a first priority, planning for the maintenance of ACM must include consideration of the removal of the ACM as
the most preferred control option. Where removed , asbestos products must be replaced with non – asbestos
Removal of asbestos products must be done in accordance with the QUT AMMP; Safe Work Australia (SWA)
Code of Practice for the Safe Removal of Asbestos [NOHSC:2002(2005)].
Further advice may be sought from your FM supervisor, FM Maintenance Manager or FM Health and Safety on
specific safety concerns.
Prevent spread of asbestos fibres ( dust) from contaminating surrounding work areas. Ensure all ACM waste is
disposed of correctly.
The responsible supervisor MUST ensure that all personnel are trained and competent in these procedures.
Work site area must be left in a clean and safe condition.
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Equipment required in addition to normal tools or materials
 Non powered hand drill or low speed battery powered drill or other drilling equipment .
Equipment to be fitted with local exhaust ventilation (LEV) dust control hood where possible. If LEV hood cant
be attached and other dust control methods such as pastes or gels are unsafe to use, then shadow vacuuming
techniques should be used.
200 micron polythene sheeting & duct tape;
Warning tape , barricades and safety signage
Type H Vacuum Cleaner
Bucket of water, rags and wet wipes and/ or a misting water spray bottle as appropriate.
Suitable asbestos waste container E.g. Labelled 200 micron asbestos waste bag
Appropriate task lighting
Referenced Documents
QUT Asbestos Materials Management Plan PLN805_010; Qld WH & S Regulations; Code of Practice for the Safe Removal of
Asbestos [ NOHSC:2002(2005)]; Code Of Practice for management and control of asbestos in workplaces [NOHSC:2018
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Working on asbestos containing electrical mounting boards or
1.Prepare work area
2. Work on the electrical
mounting panels
QUT Staff or
QUT Staff/
As asbestos work will involve electrical
hazards, appropriate electrical safety
procedures must be in place to prevent the risk
of electrocution.
Ensure all necessary electrical isolations have
been made ( QUT has a no live work policy)
Avoid working in windy situations where
asbestos fibres can be redistributed.
Before starting check there is no obvious
damage to the board.
If the work is to be carried out at height, the
appropriate height safety precautions MUST be
Carry out the work with the minimum of people
Restrict access to work area, E.g close door
and/or use warning tape or signage
Use Plastic sheeting, secured with duct tape, to
cover any surface within the segregated area
which could become contaminated. (This also
helps prevent run off from wet sanding
Ensure there is adequate lighting.
Providing the panel is not friable, maintenance and
service work may include:
the replacement of asbestos-containing
equipment on the electrical panel with nonasbestos equipment;
the operation of main switches and individual
circuit devices; pulling / inserting service and
circuit fuses;
bridging supplies at meter bases;
using testing equipment;
accessing the neutral link; and
Installing new components/equipment.
If the asbestos-containing electrical mounting panel
has to be removed for work behind the board, the
procedures for removing electrical meter boards
outlined in the QUT AMMP and Safe Work Australia
(SWA) Code of Practice for the Safe Removal of
Asbestos [NOHSC:2002 (2005)] should be
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Working on asbestos containing electrical mounting boards or
3. Clean up
QUT Staff/ Contractor
4. Personal De-contamination
6. Site Clearance
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If drilling is required, the control process should
be consistent with the measures defined in FM
SOP805_18 Drilling Holes in Non Friable
Asbestos Materials
Use damp rags to clean the equipment
Carefully Roll/fold plastic sheeting within the
work area, preventing spills of dust or debris
In areas where there is an electrical hazard
present, an asbestos vacuum cleaner should
be used to remove dust and debris from the
mounting panel and other visibly contaminated
sections of the work area.
In areas where there is no electrical hazards,
wet wiping with a damp rag can be used to
clean minor amounts of of dust or debris.
Place debris, used rags, plastic sheeting and
other waste into asbestos waste container
Where available, use a H-Type vacuum cleaner
to clean your overalls or clothes.
Otherwise use a damp-rag (use patting action)
as rubbing can generate airborne fibres
Where two or more workers are involved they
can clean each other (buddy cleaning)
Remove disposable overalls by turning inside
out & place in suitable asbestos waste
Disposable respirators can then be removed
and placed in a suitable asbestos waste
Dispose of all waste, including all water, as
asbestos waste.
Visually inspect the area to ensure it has been
properly cleaned
Clearance air sampling is not normally required
QUT Staff/ Contractor
QUT Staff/ Contractor
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