6th Grade Summer Reading for ADVANCED/GIFTED Grammar Component You are going to go on a Grammar Scavenger hunt and search to find examples of concepts you have already learned and you will preview concepts you will learn next year in 6th grade. This should be as easy as a summer breeze!! However, if you are unsure, please use your vast computer abilities and research the unfamiliar concepts. In each chapter of OLD YELLER you will find a sentence that contains the different parts of speech requested or the skill to be practiced. Chapter 1- Copy THREE different sentences down in which you find these types of nouns: a common noun, a proper noun, and a plural noun. Be sure to underline and IDENTIFY /LABEL the nouns. Chapter 2- Copy THREE different sentences down in which you find different types of verbs: a linking verb, a helping verb , and an action verb. Be sure to underline and IDENTIFY /LABEL the verbs. Chapter 3- Copy THREE different sentences down in which you find adjectives. Be sure to underline and label the adjectives. Chapter 4- Copy THREE different sentences down in which you find adverbs. Be sure to underline and label the adverbs. Chapter 5- Copy THREE different sentences down in which you find prepositions. Be sure to underline and label the prepositions . Chapter 6- Copy THREE different sentences down in which you find prepositional phrases. Be sure to underline and IDENTIFY /LABEL them. Chapter 7- Copy FOUR different sentences down in which you find these types of pronouns: personal , subjective, objective, and possessive. Be sure to underline and IDENTIFY /LABEL the pronouns. Chapter 8- Copy THREE different sentences down in which you find antecedents. Be sure to underline and IDENTIFY /LABEL them. Chapter 9- Copy THREE different sentences down and separate them using a vertical slash into complete subject and complete predicate. Chapter 10- Copy THREE different sentences down in which you find conjunctions: coordinating, subordinating, and correlative. Be sure to underline and IDENTIFY /LABEL them. Chapter 11- Copy THREE different sentences down in which you find direct objects. Be sure to underline and IDENTIFY /LABEL them. Chapter 12- Copy THREE different sentences down in which you find indirect objects. Be sure to underline and IDENTIFY /LABEL them. .