
Vocabulary Sentences Expectations
Choose six of the 20 words and write six original, complete, and varied sentences
Follow expectations for good copy assignments
Number sentences
Skip lines between sentences
Highlight, underline, or italicize vocabulary word
Use of vocabulary word should demonstrate meaning (refer to the pages at the beginning of the
book for examples)
Do not start sentences with pronouns: he, she, it, I, my, etc.
Every sentence has to start with a different word; do not use the same form of the word (a and
an are considered the same word)
Apply grammar concepts
Proofread for spelling, grammar, and mechanics (You’ll be graded on this.)
You’ll be given almost two weeks to write six sentences. Use your time wisely. We are looking
for quality, not quantity.
For review lessons, you’ll be asked to write a paragraph with a given number of vocabulary
Sentences are worth 20 pints and one-third of you vocabulary grade. Each sentence is worth
three points and following all directions is worth two points. Work completion/participation
and tests will make up the other two-thirds.