File - Ms. Bell`s Classroom

Monday 11/18/2013
Life Science- MN State Standard-{Living things are divers with many
difference characteristics that enable them to grow, reproduce, and survive}.
Chapter 4 – Lesson 8
Weekly Standard- Explore how to classify animals. Understand that animal cells
are organized into tissues, organs, and systems. Describe observable
characteristics of vertebrates and invertebrates. Classify animals by using a key.
Learning Goal- “ I can describe characteristics of vertebrates and
invertebrates and these characteristics help them grow, reproduce, and
Today’s Objective: “I can describe how traits help classify animals”
Essential Question: How do traits help classify animals?
1. Review objective and Essential Question- Whole group/Partner (3mins)
2. Whole Group Direct Instruction –Chapter 4 Lesson 8 (20 mins)
a. Chapter 4- Lesson 8 – Animal Traits pg. A90-A93
b. Vocabulary’
i. Fish
ii. Amphibian
iii. Reptile
iv. Bird
v. Mammal
3. Guided Practice: Chapter 4 Graphic organizera. Animal Traits Compare and Contrast pg. 38 Activity Resource
4. Apply the Skill- Independent Practice (10 mins)
a. What are the Traits of Animals Explore Activity
i. Page 36 Activity Resource
5. Wrap it up! (2 mins)
a. What did I learn?
i. Share with a shoulder partner- “What are traits? How do they
help classify animals?
6. Homework- None
Tuesday 11/19/2013
Life Science- MN State Standard-{Living things are divers with many
difference characteristics that enable them to grow, reproduce, and survive}.
Chapter 4 – Lesson 8
Weekly Standard- Explore how to classify animals. Understand that animal cells
are organized into tissues, organs, and systems. Describe observable
characteristics of vertebrates and invertebrates. Classify animals by using a key.
Learning Goal- “ I can describe characteristics of vertebrates and
invertebrates and these characteristics help them grow, reproduce, and
Today’s Objective: “I can name and describe the classes of vertebrates”
Essential Question: what are the 5 classes of vertebrates?
1. Review objective and Essential Question- Whole group/Partner (3mins)
2. Whole Group Direct Instruction –Chapter 4 Lesson 8 (20 mins)
a. Chapter 4- Lesson 8 – What are the Traits of Animals? Pg. A94-A95
i. Vocabulary Review
ii. Fish
iii. Bird
3. Guided Practice: Chapter 4
a. Lesson Outline- Reading in Science pg. 65
b. Classes of Vertebrates Power Point
4. Apply the Skill- Independent Practice (10 mins)
a. Classifying Vertebrates
i. 5 fold and cut/paste
ii. Interpret the Illustration- Reading in Science pg. 67
5. Wrap it up! (2 mins)
a. What did I learn?
i. Share with a shoulder partner- “What the 5 classes of
6. Homework- None
Wednesday 11/20/2013
Life Science- MN State Standard-{Living things are divers with many
difference characteristics that enable them to grow, reproduce, and survive}.
Chapter 4 – Lesson 8
Weekly Standard- Explore how to classify animals. Understand that animal cells
are organized into tissues, organs, and systems. Describe observable
characteristics of vertebrates and invertebrates. Classify animals by using a key.
Learning Goal- “ I can describe characteristics of vertebrates and
invertebrates and these characteristics help them grow, reproduce, and
Today’s Objective: “I can describe traits for classifying invertebrates”
Essential Question: What are traits that invertebrates have?
1. Review objective and Essential Question- Whole group/Partner (3mins)
2. Whole Group Direct Instruction –Chapter 4 Lesson 8 (20 mins)
a. Chapter 4- Lesson 8 – Invertebratesb. Pages. A96-A97
c. Vocabulary
d. Chapter Outline pg. 69
3. Guided Practice: Charting Invertebrates
a. Inclusion Activity- page. A97
4. Apply the Skill- Independent Practice (10 mins)
a. What are Invertebrates
i. Interpret the illustration page. 68
5. Wrap it up! (2 mins)
a. What did I learn?
i. Share with a shoulder partner- “What are traits to classify
6. Homework
a. None
Thursday 11/21/2013
Life Science- MN State Standard-{Living things are divers with many
difference characteristics that enable them to grow, reproduce, and survive}.
Chapter 4 – Lesson 8
Weekly Standard- Explore how to classify animals. Understand that animal cells
are organized into tissues, organs, and systems. Describe observable
characteristics of vertebrates and invertebrates. Classify animals by using a key.
Learning Goal- “ I can describe characteristics of vertebrates and
invertebrates and these characteristics help them grow, reproduce, and
Today’s Objective: “I can describe traits to classify vertebrates ”
Essential Question: What are traits that vertebrates have?
1. Review objective and Essential Question- Whole group/Partner (3mins)
2. Whole Group Direct Instruction –Chapter 4 Lesson 8 (20 mins)
a. Chapter 4- Lesson 8 – Animal Traits pg. A98-A99
b. Vocabulary Review
c. Intro into classification power point
3. Guided Practice: Lesson Outline
a. Chapter 4 Cloze Test pg. 70
b. All About Vertebrates!! Activity
4. Apply the Skill- Independent Practice (10 mins)
a. Characteristics of Vertebrates
i. Cut/match/paste activity
5. Wrap it up! (2 mins)
a. What did I learn?
i. Share with a shoulder partner- “What are traits used to classify
6. Homeworka. None
Friday 11/22/2013
Life Science- MN State Standard-{Living things are divers with many
difference characteristics that enable them to grow, reproduce, and survive}.
Chapter 4 – Lesson 8
Weekly Standard- Explore how to classify animals. Understand that animal cells
are organized into tissues, organs, and systems. Describe observable
characteristics of vertebrates and invertebrates. Classify animals by using a key.
Learning Goal- “ I can describe characteristics of vertebrates and
invertebrates and these characteristics help them grow, reproduce, and
Today’s Objective: “I can compare and contrast vertebrates and
Essential Question: How do vertebrates and invertebrates differ? How are they the
1. Review objective and Essential Question- Whole group/Partner (3mins)
2. Whole Group Direct Instruction –Chapter 4 Lesson 8 (20 mins)
a. Chapter 4- Lesson 8 –
i. Inquiry Skill Builder- page 100
ii. Science Magazine- Animal Life Cycle
b. Vocabulary Review
3. Guided Practice: Chapter 4 Vertebrates & Invertebrates
a. Smart Board File “Vertebrate Invertebrate”
b. I Have.. Who Has? … Activity
4. Apply the Skill- Independent Practice (10 mins)
a. Vertebrate Freebie
i. Sorting by traits
ii. Compare and contrast vertebrates and invertebrates
5. Wrap it up! (2 mins)
a. What did I learn?
i. Share with a shoulder partner- “how do vertebrates differ? How
are they the same?
6. Homework- None