Release Area AC14-1,Vulcan Sub-basin, Bonaparte Basin, Territory

Release Area AC14-1,
Vulcan Sub-basin, Bonaparte Basin,
Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands
Work program bids close 2 April 2015
Figure 1
Adjacent to proven oil-producing province
Development planned for nearby
Cash/Maple gas accumulation
Shallow to deep water depths, 50–500 m
Release Area flanks Jurassic depocentre
with oil- and gas-prone source rocks
Potential for structural and stratigraphic
plays in Jurassic–Triassic, Cretaceous and
Paleogene sandstones
Special Notices apply, refer to Guidance
Location of the 2014 Release Area in the
Vulcan Sub-basin, Bonaparte Basin
Release Area AC14-1 is located in the western Bonaparte Basin in the Timor Sea approximately 300 km offshore and
650 km from Darwin. It overlaps the western Vulcan Sub-basin and the northeastern Ashmore Platform.
The Vulcan Sub-basin is a northeast-oriented Mesozoic extensional depocentre in the western part of the Bonaparte
Basin. The sub-basin is flanked by the Permo–Triassic platforms of the Ashmore Platform and the Londonderry High.
The Vulcan Sub-basin is a proven Jurassic hydrocarbon province containing depleted oil fields, the producing Montara oil
field, and the Cash/Maple gas accumulation which is currently under development. Upper Jurassic fan delta/submarine
fan and Upper Cretaceous submarine fan sandstones are proven exploration targets. Structural traps containing Triassic
to Jurassic reservoir sandstones are sealed by Lower Cretaceous claystones. On the Ashmore Platform, up to 1500 m of
flat-lying Cretaceous and Cenozoic strata overlie up to 4500 m of heavily faulted and folded Permo-Triassic sediments.
Exploration of the Ashmore Platform has focused on Cretaceous and Triassic reservoirs and hydrocarbons sourced from
the adjacent Vulcan Sub-basin. However, Miocene and Lower Cretaceous reef structures, and Permo-Triassic and
Lower Cretaceous equivalents of proven source rocks in other areas of the Bonaparte Basin and Caswell Sub-basin
could represent elements of a petroleum system indigenous to the Ashmore Platform.
Offshore Petroleum Exploration Acreage Release
DISCLAIMER: This document has been developed as a guide only. Explorers should not rely solely on this information when making commercial decisions.
Image courtesy of BHP Billiton Petroleum Pty Ltd.
Figure 2
Structural elements of the western Bonaparte Basin showing petroleum fields and discoveries, the location of
the regional seismic line and the 2014 Release Area
Offshore Petroleum Exploration Acreage Release
Figure 3
Stratigraphy and hydrocarbon discoveries of the Vulcan Sub-basin and Ashmore Platform based on the Bonaparte Basin Biozonation and Stratigraphy Chart 34
(Kelman et al, 2014). Geologic Time Scale after Gradstein et al (2012). Regional seismic horizons after AGSO (2001)
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Figure 4
Seismic line 98/r02 across the Ashmore Platform, Vulcan Sub-basin and Londonderry High. Interpretation after AGSO (2001). Location of the seismic line is shown in
Figure 2. Regional seismic horizons are shown in Figure 3
Offshore Petroleum Exploration Acreage Release
Figure 5
Seismic and well data in the vicinity of the Release Area on the Ashmore Platform, Londonderry High and in
the Petrel Sub-basin, Bonaparte Basin
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Petroleum systems elements
Vulcan Sub-basin
Middle–Upper Jurassic transgressive marine shales of the Montara and lower Vulcan formations
Lower–Middle Jurassic fluvio-deltaic Plover Formation
Permo-Triassic marine-deltaic shales of the Kinmore Group including the Fossil Head and Ascalon
Upper Cretaceous submarine fan sandstones of the Puffin Formation
Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous submarine fan sandstones of the Vulcan Formation
Middle–Upper Jurassic marine shoreface/barrier bar sandstones of the Montara Formation
Lower–Upper Jurassic fluvio-deltaic Plover Formation
Upper Triassic estuarine to intertidal Challis Formation and deltaic Nome Formation and equivalents
Paleogene carbonates of the Oliver Sandstone Member, Oliver Formation and Cartier Formation
(Woodbine Group)
Regional seals
Paleocene marine carbonates of the Johnson Formation
Lower Cretaceous marine claystones of the Echuca Shoals Formation
Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous marine claystones of the Vulcan Formation
Intraformational seals
Paleogene–Neogene Woodbine Group carbonates
Stratigraphic traps including submarine fan sandstones, reefs, pinchouts and unconformities
Structural traps consisting of tilted fault blocks, horst blocks and anticlines
Infrastructure and markets
Release Area AC14-1 is proximal to the Cash/Maple gas accumulation currently being developed by PTTEP.
The closest fixed infrastructure are the Bayu/Undan and Ichthys pipelines approximately 200 km to the east and
southeast, respectively.
Critical risks
Structural complexity as a result of fault reactivation has meant adequately imaging trap and seal structures has proved
challenging. Significant erosion has also removed much of the Jurassic succession across the Ashmore Platform portion
of the Release Area, restricting the spatial extent of reservoir and seal units and reducing the likelihood of widespread
Jurassic reservoirs/source rocks as seen in the adjacent Vulcan Sub-basin. Improved 3D seismic data coverage and
processing is progressively improving knowledge of trap integrity, as well as source and reservoir potential.
Long-distance migration pathways for Swan and Paqualin graben sourced hydrocarbons to the Ashmore Platform are
poorly understood and present risks for plays charged by Jurassic sources. Limited drilling in, and near, the Release
Area means that indigenous Ashmore Platform Permo-Triassic petroleum systems are poorly understood.
Data sets
For the Wells Data Listing go to
For the Seismic Surveys Listing go to
Offshore Petroleum Exploration Acreage Release
Geoscience Australia products
Regional geology and seismic
1996 Vulcan Sub-basin Airborne Laser Fluorosensor Survey Interpretation Report (WGC Vulcan Graben Survey
Number 1113). GEOCAT 31806
Interpreted Horizons and Faults for Seismic Survey 98. Vulcan Basin, 2001. GEOCAT 35237
Line Drawings of AGSO – Geoscience Australia’s Regional Seismic Profiles, Offshore Northern and Northwestern
Australia, 2001. GEOCAT 36353
Vulcan Sub-basin Composite Well Log, 1999. GEOCAT 25307
Vulcan Sub-basin, Offshore WA, 1989 (P556). GEOCAT 60009
Vulcan Sub-basin, Timor Sea Survey 97: High Resolution Seismic Reflection Profiling and Direct Hydrocarbon
Detection (Vulcan I): Post-Cruise Report: Project 121.19, 1991. GEOCAT 14503
Vulcan Tertiary Tie (VTT) Basin Study, Vulcan Sub-basin, Timor Sea, Northwestern Australia, 1996.
GEOCAT 25189
Basement and Crustal Structure of the Bonaparte - Browse Basins, 2003. GEOCAT 41976
Geoscience Australia’s Basin Biozonation and Stratigraphy Chart Series: Bonaparte Basin Biozonation and
Biostratigraphy Chart 34, 2014. GEOCAT 76687
Petroleum systems and accumulations
AGSO Marine Survey 176 Direct Hydrocarbon Detection North-West Australia: Yampi Shelf; Southern Vulcan SubBasin; Sahul Platform (July/September 1996) - Operational Report and Data Compendium. GEOCAT 33928
Ashmore-Cartier prospectivity package: an analysis of the petroleum prospectivity of vacant areas overlying the
Ashmore Platform, Vulcan Sub-basin, Jabiru Terrace and northern Browse Basin, 1991. GEOCAT 14475
Bonaparte Basin, Northern Territory (NT), Western Australia (WA), Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands
Adjacent Area (AC), Joint Petroleum Development Area (JPDA), 2004. GEOCAT 60865
Characterisation of Natural Gases from West Australian Basins, 2012. GEOCAT 33569
Light Hydrocarbon Geochemistry of the Vulcan Sub-basin, Timor Sea: Rig Seismic Survey 97: Project 121.19, 1992.
GEOCAT 14570
Oils of Western Australia II, 2005. GEOCAT 37512
Source Rock Distributions and Petroleum Fluid Bulk Compositional Predictions on the Vulcan Sub-basin, Offshore
Western Australia, 2009. GEOCAT 69210
Source Rock Time-slice Maps, Offshore Northwest Australia, 2004. GEOCAT 61179
The Petroleum Systems of the Bonaparte Basin, 2004. GEOCAT 61365
Vulcan Sub-basin – Hydrocarbon Shows Analyses, 2001. GEOCAT 37020
Contact Geoscience Australia’s Sales Centre for more information or to order these reports or products,
phone +61 (0)2 6249 9966, email
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Key references
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Offshore Petroleum Exploration Acreage Release