Convergent Boundaries Name: Block: Date: OCEANIC-OCEANIC Convergence 1. Explain how symbols indicate that the diagram shows a convergent boundary and not a divergent boundary. 2. Describe what once oceanic plate must do when two tectonic plates converge in mid-ocean. 3. What happens to the subducted crust when it is pushed deep into the lithosphere? Explain how this may affect the surface of the plate that was not subducted. 4. Japan is made up of islands formed by oceanic-oceanic convergence. What type of islands would you expect to find in Japan? Why? 5. Explain where the subduction zone in an oceanic-oceanic convergence is located. OCEANIC-OCEANIC Convergence OCEANIC-CONTINENTAL Convergence 1. Explain what happens to oceanic crust when oceanic and continental plates converge. 2. When oceanic and continental plates converge, what do you call the subduction zone that forms? 3. What change on the continent’s surface may be caused by the convergence of these plates? Explain the things that need to happen to bring about this change. 4. How are the lithosphere and asthenosphere affected by oceanic-continental convergence? 5. The Andes Mountains are volcanic in origin. The Himalayas are not volcanic. One of these mountain ranges was formed by oceanic-continental convergence. How do you know which one? 6. Compare and contrast oceanic-continental convergence and oceanic-oceanic convergence. OCEANIC-CONTINENTAL Convergence CONTINENTAL-CONTINENTAL Convergence (collision) 1. Explain what the arrows on the diagram show. 2. Explain why this diagram doesn’t show a subduction zone. 3. Describe how mountains are formed at this type of plate boundary. 4. Explain how mountains formed by the convergence of two continental plates differ from those formed by the convergence of two oceanic plates or one oceanic and one continental plate. 5. Locate the Himalayas on a world map (use your notes). Explain how their location would lead to the hypothesis that they could have been formed by continental-continental convergence. CONTINENTAL-CONTINENTAL Convergence (collision)