Clay Basics and Rules 1. Clay is very fine grained earth/ dirt. 2. Clay is elastic, moldable when moist. It is fragile when dry before firing. 3. Formed dry clay is called GREENWARE. 4. Fired clay is called BISQUEWARE. 5. Fired glazed pieces are GLAZEWARE. Working with clay: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Knead the clay to remove air bubbles. Keep your clay moist with a sponge and water Score and slip all additions to your clay piece Keep unfinished work in a plastic sealed bag Cracking lines mean drying and weakness Do add texture Rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Keep work appropriate Never leave extra clay out to dry NO THROWING (10 % off your grade each time) Wash tables again and again KEEP PAWS OFF OTHERS’ WORK!!!! Name_______________________Signature__________________________ I understand the clay basics and rules.