Chemistry Fall Final Review 2011-2012 Alchemy Unit 1. Using the periodic table, where are the metals and nonmetals? What is hydrogen? Metals are in the left side of the periodic table. Nonmetals are on the right side of the periodic table. Hydrogen is an nonmetal. 2. Where are the alkali, alkaline earth, transition metals, halogens, and noble gases? Alkali metals = group 1, alkaline earth metals = group 2, transition metals = middle of periodic table, halogens = group 7, and noble gas = group 8 3. On the periodic table, what are the trends for atomic mass, atomic radii, and reactivity as you move across a period and down a group? On the periodic table: Atomic mass increases from left to right and top to bottom Atomic radii increases from top to bottom and right to left Reactivity: Metals increase from top to bottom Nonmetal increases from bottom to top 4. Draw a Bohr atomic model of lithium. Label the parts of the atom and their charges. Nucleus is in the center and contains the protons (positive charges) and neutrons (neutral). Electrons are negatively charged and they on the two shells. a).Which part of the atom is the heaviest and lightest? The nucleus is the heaviest part of the atom. The electrons are the lightest in weight. 5. What is the atomic number and atomic mass of phosphorus and strontium? P: atomic number =15, atomic mass = 30.97 amu Sr: atomic # = 38, atomic mass = 87.62 amu a). What is the difference between atomic number and atomic mass? Atomic number is the number of protons. Atomic mass is the weight of an atom (protons plus neutrons). 6. What is an isotope? Name two possible isotopes for carbon and potassium. An isotope is atom that can have different number of neutrons. Carbon -12 and Carbon-13; Phosphorus -30 and Phosphorus -31 7. a). Write the equation for the alpha decay of astatine -213. b). Write the equation for the beta decay of neptunium -239. 213 4 209 85As→ 2 He + 83 Bi 239 239 0 93 Np → 94 Pu + -1 e 8. What are valence electrons? Which subshells are included in valence? Valence electrons are the electrons on an atom’s outer shell. Valence electrons are on the s and p subshells. a) How many valence electrons do Mg, S, and Al have? Mg = 2, S=6, Al=3 9. Write the electron configuration for calcium and bromine. Ca – 1s22s22p63s23p64s2 Br – [Ar] 4s23d104p5 10. What element has the electron configuration of a). [Ar]4s23d104p1 Gallium b). [Ne]3s23p4 Sulfur 11. Fill in table. Type of Bond Conducts Electricity Dissolve in water Metals Metallic Yes No Metal and Nonmetal Ionic No Yes Nonmetals (hard solids) Covalent Network No No Nonmetals (l, g, soft solids) Molecular Covalent Yes Yes Conduct electricity when dissolved Yes No 12. What are ions? What are cations and anions? Ions are atoms that have lost or gain electrons and become positive or negative charged. Cation is a positive ion and an anion is a negative ion. 13. In ionic bonds, metals tend to lose electrons and nonmetals gain electrons. What happens to these elements to achieve noble electron configuration? What charge does the element form? a). oxygen Gain 2 electrons and become O-2 b). chlorine Gain 1 electron and become Cl-1 c). sodium Lose 1 electron and become Na+1 d). barium Lose 2 electrons and become Ba+2 14. a). What is the chemical formula and name of the compound formed when beryllium reacts with fluorine? b). Then when potassium reacts with sulfur? Be will lose 2 electrons and F will gain 1 electron. Be+2 and F-1 will crisscross charges and form BeF2, beryllium fluoride. K will lose 1 electron and S will gain 2 electrons. K+1 and S-2 will crisscross charges to form K2S, potassium sulfide. 15. What are the chemical formula and charge for the following polyatomic ions? a). sulfate b) hydroxide c) nitrate OH -1 hydroxide SO4 -2 sulfate -1 NO3 nitrate Smells Unit 16. What is the HONC1234 and Octet rule? Which molecules obey the Octet rule? Draw the Lewis Dot structures for the following molecules. a). CF3 b). PCl2 c). OCl2 d). SiI4 HONC1234 rules states that hydrogen bonds once, oxygen bonds twice, nitrogen bonds three times, and carbon bonds four times. The octet rules states that elements need to obtain eight valence electrons through bonding to be stable. Only c and d obey the octet rules. .. :I: .. .. .. .. .. .. :I:Si:I: :Cl:O:Cl: ˙˙ ˙˙ ˙˙ ˙˙ ˙˙ ˙˙ :I: ˙˙ 17. What are the different functional groups, the smells associated for each, and their common names endings? Functional Group Structure Smell Name endings Ester O=C-O-C Sweet “-ate” Carboxylic Acid O=C-O-H Putrid “-acid” Ketone O=C Minty “-one” Alcohol C-O-H Camphor, Minty, Sweet “-ol” Amine C-N “-amine” Fishy 18. What is an electron domain? What is the difference between lone pairs and bonded pairs? Electron domains are set of electrons (bonded or lone) that surround an atom. Lone pairs are electrons that are from the same atom. Bonded pair are electrons that from two different atoms in a bond. 19. Fill in table. Molecule Lewis Dot Structure Structural Formula and Lone pairs on Bonded Name of Shape central atom pairs CO2 .. .. O=C=O Linear 0 4 :O::C::O: SeCl2 Se .. .. .. :Cl:Se:Cl: ˙˙ ˙˙ ˙˙ / Cl Bent 2 2 \ Cl NH3 .. H:N:H ˙˙ H N / | \ H H H Pyramidal 1 3 CH4 H .. H:C:H ˙˙ H H Tetrahedral | C / | \ H H H O Trigonal || Planar C / \ H H 0 4 0 4 CH2O H .. .. H:C::O: 20. What is a catalyst? What does it do? A catalyst is a substance that is not a reactant or product but added to a reaction to accelerate the reaction time. 21. Write the molecular formula, structural formula, Lewis Dot structure, and ball-and-stick formula for water. Molecular formula H2O Structural Formula Lewis Dot Structure Ball and Stick Model 22. What are the different characteristics between a polar vs. nonpolar molecules? (ex: dissolve in water, attraction to a negatively charged wand, on wax paper). Polar Molecules Nonpolar Molecules Partial charges No charge Dissolve in water Does not dissolve in water Attract to charged wand No attract to charged wand Bead up (droplet) Spreads out Smells Does not smell 23. How do you use the electronegativity values chart to determine nonpolar covalent, polar covalent, and ionic bonds? What is happening to the electrons in these different bonds? Nonpolar covalent bonds have electronegativity difference between 0-0.3 and there is equal sharing of electrons. Polar covalent bonds have ED between 0.4-1.8 and there is unequally sharing of electrons. Ionic bonds have ED 1.9 or higher and there is losing and gaining of electrons. 24. Determine type of bond between these atoms: Cl-Cl, As-H, Ca-O, P-I, K-Cl, and Si-F Cl-Cl 3.16-3.16=0 Nonpolar covalent bond As-H 2.18-2.10=0.08 Nonpolar covalent bond O-Ca 3.44-1.00=2.44 Ionic bond I-P 2.66-2.19=0.47 Polar covalent Cl-K 3.16-0.82=2.34 Ionic bond F-Si 3.98-1.90= 2.08 Polar covalent (not ionic because the two elements are nonmetals) 25. Are the following molecules polar or nonpolar molecules? Explain a). SiF4 b). PI3 a). SiF4 is nonpolar. The bonding between Si and F is polar covalent. The tetrahedral shape of the molecule is symmetrical which cancels out the partial charges. The resulting molecule is nonpolar. b). PI3 is polar. The bond between P and I is polar covalent. The pyramidal shape of the molecule is not symmetrical so the partial charges remain to result in a polar molecule. 26. What is hydrogen bonding? Hydrogen bonding is the way polar molecules that contain hydrogen stick together. Specifically, hydrogen in a molecule is partially positive is attracted to the partially negative atom (F, O, N) in another molecule. Hydrogen bonding is illustrated with the dash lines.