CS-11 5/22/2016 5:00:00 PM - 5/22/2016 6:00:00 PM Identifying and Mitigating your Infection Risks: Performing an in-depth Infection Control Risk Assessment for your GI Lab The continued focus on patient safety and infection risk factors surrounding invasive endoscopy procedures, challenges us to perform an in-depth review of our infection prevention and reprocessing practices. Guided by evidenced based practices, professional guidelines and regulatory standards an indepth Infection Control Risk Assessment will provide identification and prioritization of potential risks. The risk assessment is a systematic process to assess and examine the infection risks within the healthcare setting, identifying potential harm to patients and staff in order to develop evidence based strategies to mitigate those risks. A review of the Infection Control Risk Assessment process and utilization of a sample risk template will aid the attendee in the development of a facility specific risk assessment and the creation of a Prevention Plan. Additional tools will be provided to aid in the evaluation of the Prevention Plan to determine the effectiveness. Incorporating the evaluation tool into your program allows for a continuous plan, do, study, act improvement process to ensure that patient safety and infection prevention remains at the forefront of patient care. Objective Content Time Frame Presenter Utilize an in-depth tool to perform an infection control risk assessment. Identify infection control risks within the GI Lab. Preview tool. 20 minutes Darlene Carey Review SGNA, ASGE, AAMI, CDC and TJC guidelines. Review manufacturer instructions for use for solutions and reprocessing equipment. Performance improvements steps for change implementation. 20 minutes Darlene Carey 20 minutes Sandy Diciccio List steps to mitigate identified infection control risks. GI Total Not GI