Monthly Meeting Minutes: September 8th, 2012 Call to order

Monthly Meeting Minutes: September 8th, 2012
Call to order - 9:00 am, Sarah Cheesman
Attendance – Tom Zemlin, Jerry Fancher, John Chipps, Jodi Naylor, Stefanie Mulqueeney,Tom Myhre,
Ann Myhre, Mark Maki, Mary Bowyer, Connie Tsuchiya, JoAnn Raymond, Laura Burnison, Kristin Kilgore,
Steve Neuman, BJ Perkins, Sarah Cheesman, Shelley Kaufmann, Mike Grant
Introductions - lots of new people in attendance, WELCOME!!
Approve June 2nd Meeting Minutes: Motion – Tom Zemlin, Second – Steve Neuman.
Motion approved unanimously.
President’s Report
 Sarah thanked everyone for working hard over the summer to have everything ready for the
beginning of the school year.
 Reminder that people need to turn in receipts for spending to Nancy Frischmon. Anything spent over
$500, no budgeted, needs approval prior to spending.
 Provided information about Best Buy cell phone fundraising opportunity – Best Buy will provide $25
for each phone upgrade. Discussion today, will vote on whether we take advantage of the
opportunity at October meeting. Will need someone to chair this opportunity.
 Provided information about Eden Prairie Mall opportunity – mall is hosting celebrate schools weekend
pep rally and fundraising opportunity. Unfortunately the event is Homecoming weekend. . . Stefanie
Mulqueeny and Tom Zemlin offered to man booths. Need to check on if we can sell merchandise at
the booth. Sarah will follow up on details.
Treasurer’s Update
Steve talked about revenue to date, noted that some of the revenue information isn’t complete as there is
so many different revenue streams happening right now. Financial report will be more complete in October.
Nancy is creating a new system for credit card reports in order to clean up sales.
Communications Update
August and September are busy months! Lots of components created/updated such as Activity Passes,
Activity Pass inserts, posters and cheat sheets for sales, Spirit Store letter jacket inserts, Corporate sponsor
mailing (mailed in early August), thank you mailings for corporate and family sponsors, sign holders/posters,
website updates, facebook updates, event programs updated on a weekly basis and the back-to-school
Spirit Store
Jodi passed around new youth items from the Spirit Store. Redoing the store over the summer, new
computer system. Schedule pick-up/picture day was really busy and sales have been great. $24,000 in
sales to date – running about the same as last year. Training in 125 volunteers on the new system.
Decided this year to close up the Activities Center store – main store is in Main Commons only. Store is
open Mondays thru Thursday 11-1 and Fridays 11-3. First Friday was very busy so that’s a great start!
Activities Center store will still be used for basketball and volleyball games. Now that the school sells school
supply items like planners, English books/guides and other supplies, the Booster Association is really
integrated with the school.
Student Activities Update
Mike talked about all the events happening today – Prairie Colors, JV football game, ACT testing, etc!
Talked about the difficulty in working out schedules for all the different activities.
Great start to the year, busy as always. Already looking into registrations for Winter activities. Talked
about the contribution to the Marching Band trailer and how much the band appreciated the financial
support. Talked about the importance of the Booster organization and helping keep activities financially
supported, responsibility to make sure fine arts versus athletics versus gender are getting equal support,
etc. Talked about the facilities plan for the Dome, a lot of conversation going on about this currently. Major
improvements will cost $50,000 - $100,000 but Boosters will not be responsible for the majority of that cost
as this is a facilities improvement. Also talked about the need for a new scoreboard in Aerie Stadium.
Wayzata unveiled their new scoreboard last week – their scoreboard was paid for by their Booster
organization by leasing the space for advertising (they are generating $50,000 per year in advertising).
Conversation that needs to be had in the future between Student Activities and the Booster Association.
Activity Pass Update
Sarah spoke for Activity Pass sales are approximately $17,000 to date – very good start to the year.
Corporate/Family Sponsorships Update
Tom Zemlin talked about family sponsorships, just shy of $15,000. Still trying to reach another $5,000 $6,000 in sponsorships. Corporate sponsorships are coming in a little slower, much to do with the
Have sent emails out to some of the EP Association sports mailing lists.
Concessions Update
No report.
New Business Update
Tom Zemlin talked about doing a raffle at Homecoming. Need to determine whether we give away cash or
Spirit Store gift certificate. For the cash option, we sell tickets and then determine cash prizes, keeping
some of the cash for profit. Prizes have to be listed on the ticket. Cash prize can’t be more than $1,500.
Will sell tickets ahead of time and then award prizes at the last football game on . Cost for raffle permit is
$50. Talked about shelving the idea (since we’re a little behind) until Spring and perhaps partner with the
Booster Invitational. Further discussion in October
Motion to adjourn meeting: Motion - Jerry Fancher, Second - Shelley Kaufman. Motion approved
unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 10:40 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Amy Jore, VP/Communications
EPHS Booster Association