Handout #1: Tri-Lateral Model of Adaptive Career Decision

Questions to ask Students or Alumni to Assess Level of Engagement and Encourage Engagement Using
the Tri-Lateral Model of Adaptive Career Decision-Making
Table 1 Occupational Engagement Scale – Student
1. I talk about my career choices with family or friends.
2. I am actively involved in groups or organizations.
3. I have contact with people working in fields I find interesting.
4. I gain hands on experience that I might use in the future.
5. I volunteer in an area that I find interesting.
6. I attend lectures, exhibits, and community events.
7. I take part in a variety of activities to see where my interests lie.
8. I ask people in social settings about what they do for a living or what they are interested in doing.
9. I visit places I’m interested in working at so I can learn more about them.
10. I attend presentations or talks related to a career I might find interesting.
11. I pursue opportunities in life because I just know they will come in handy.
12. I work with teachers or staff on activities other than coursework (committees, orientation, student
life activities, etc.).
13. I do lots of things that are interesting to me.
14. I have meaningful conversations with students of a different ethnicity.
* How well does each statement describe you? From ‘‘Not at all like me” to ‘‘Very much like me”.
Reprinted with permission from T.S. Krieshok et al. / Journal of Vocational Behavior 75 (2009) 275–290.
Table 2 Occupational Engagement Scale – Worker
1. I have talked with others about what I want in my ‘‘dream job.”
2. I network with people working in jobs I’m curious about.
3. I daydream about career possibilities.
4. I let friends know that I’m open to exploring other jobs.
5. I imagine how another job might feel.
6. I look for ways my strengths might apply to different kinds of work.
7. I have talked to someone about the steps needed to pursue a job I might be interested in.
8. I push myself to find jobs that pay more.
9. I picture the kind of life I might have with a different career.
10. I push myself to find positions that are more satisfying. Scale 2—Job Involvement
11. I network with people in my field.
12. I am a member of professional or work organizations.
13. I talk with colleagues or co-workers about current events in our field.
14. I attend conferences, workshops, or trade shows related to my work.
15. I can describe my work skills in detail.
16. I talk with others about new developments in my field.
17. I am involved in a work-related organization.
18. I am fixed on my career path.
19. I maintain lots of contacts with people in my line of work.
20. I pursue training to become more effective in my job.
* How well does each statement describe you? From ‘‘Not at all like me” to ‘‘Very much like me”.
Reprinted with permission from T.S. Krieshok et al. / Journal of Vocational Behavior 75 (2009) 275–290.