Los Angeles Harbor College Anthropology 101 Spring 2015 Human Biological Evolution Dr. Sasha David davidae@lahc.edu Section 7677 (Online) Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 1-3 PM @ NEA 157 Office Phone: (310) 233-4577 Course Description: Introduction to the anthropological study of human evolution. Topics include the mechanisms of evolutionary change, genetics, human variation, and the reconstruction of human evolutionary history through an examination of the fossil record and through the use of comparative studies of our closest biological relatives, the living monkeys and apes. Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Describe the evolutionary lineage that led to Homo sapiens, using the following species as points of reference: Australopiths, Homo erectus, Homo ergaster, Homo heidelbergensis, and Homo neandertalensis. 2. Describe the anatomical traits necessary for bipedalism and explain the significance of the Laetoli footprints. 3. Describe Darwin’s theory of natural selection and elaborate upon the scientific influences that shaped this theory. 4. Describe why race is both an unsound scientific category, and a valid category of social experience. Describe scientifically sound factors that cause human variation. 5. Apply the Punnett Square methodology in order to predict genetic outcomes. 6. Describe the traits that make primates unique among Class Mammalia and the differences that distinguish between anthropoids and prosimians. Assigned readings for the course: Larsen, Clark Spencer. Our Origins (3rd ed.). New York: Norton. (ISBN-10: 0393921433.) [Please note – Only the third edition of this textbook can be used for this course.] 1|Page COURSE OVERVIEW: This class consists of three types of activities, which are described in this syllabus and outlined below: 1.) You will read and study the modules that are posted, which consist of lecture notes and PowerPoints. 2.) You will read from the assigned textbook chapters and take reading quizzes to assess your mastery of the material. 3.) You will take a midterm and final exam that only cover the modules, including the lecture notes and PowerPoints that are posted. These exams do not cover the textbook reading. Timeframe for the Course: All materials for the class, including the quizzes and exams, are available to you from the very beginning until the very end of the class (from February 9, 2015 through 11:59 PM on May 31, 2015). Therefore, the only time rule is that everything, including the exams and the quizzes, need to be complete and submitted by the last day of the class. I do this because I realize you are probably taking an online class since you have many other commitments, such as your job. However, I would not recommend leaving everything for the last minute. Life is unpredictable and things could come up for you at the last minute, which prevent you from completing the course, if you’ve left all your work for the last weekend. No assignments will be accepted after 11:59 PM on May 31, 2015. Though the timeframe of this class is open-ended, please note that you need to accept this syllabus on the first day of class (February 9) in order to not be dropped from the class. Make sure to use the Coursemap tool to follow the correct schedule for the class. *** MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE ASSIGNMENTS FOR THIS CLASS: Modules: The modules consist of lecture notes and PowerPoints that cover topics essential to biological anthropology. If you have any questions at all about the modules, please do not hesitate to ask me. There is no such thing as a “dumb question” in this class. I can’t know what you’re having trouble with, if you don’t let me know. Reading Quizzes: The reading quizzes test you on the assigned textbook reading. They are timed and you only receive one try. You have 10 minutes to complete each test. No resubmissions are 2|Page allowed, regardless of circumstance. Each quiz consists of five True/False questions. Make sure you have studied the reading in depth before beginning each quiz. Quiz questions and answers will not be revealed at the end in order to prevent academic dishonesty. Here are the chapters that each quiz covers: Quiz #1: Chapters 1 & 2 Quiz #2: Chapter 3 Quiz #3: Chapter 4 Quiz #4: Chapter 6 Quiz #5: Chapter 7 Quiz #6: Chapters 8 & 10 Quiz #7: Chapter 11 Quiz #8: Chapter 12 & 13 Quiz #9: Chapter 5 Midterm and Final Exams: The exams for this class only cover the modules, including the lecture notes and PowerPoints. They are timed and you only receive one try. You have 60 minutes to complete each test and no resubmissions will be allowed, regardless of circumstance. Each exam consists of 30 multiple choice questions. Make sure you have studied the modules in depth and the Midterm and Final Exam review sheets (which can be found under the Resources tool) before beginning the exams. Exam questions and answers will not be revealed at the end in order to prevent academic dishonesty. The Midterm covers Modules 1-6 and the Final is cumulative. *** GRADING FOR THE CLASS: Reading Quizzes: Worth 5 possible points each (each question is worth 1 point). Each quiz is worth approximately 5% of your final grade. Midterm Exam: Worth 30 possible points (each question is worth 1 point). Worth approximately 29% of your final grade. Final Exam: Worth 30 possible points (each question is worth 1 point). Worth approximately 29% of your final grade. 3|Page Extra Credit: Upon successful completion of the course Service Learning, you will receive 10 extra credit points added to your final grade for the course. (For example, a final grade of 75/C would become 85/B, if you do Service Learning.) Please see the Service Learning handout, which can be found under the Resources tool, for more information about this course and how to enroll in it. No other extra credit will be offered. The exams for this class are very challenging, so I highly suggest you do the extra credit. Service Learning can be taken online or in-person. Grading for the Course: This class will use the traditional numerical values for each letter grade. (A = 90%-100%; B = 80%-89%; C = 70%-79%; D = 60%-69%; F = 59% or lower.) To calculate where you stand in this class, divide the points you have earned by the total points possible (105 possible points) and add ten points to that figure if you are doing Service Learning. *** COURSE POLICIES: Academic Honesty and Plagiarism Statement: All students are expected to adhere to conventional standards of academic honesty. These standards forbid plagiarism, unlawful copying and, or, failure to give credit to sources that you may use in the research and writing of your class work. Cheating and other forms of misconduct are covered under this statement. Failure to comply with these standards may result in a failed assignment and, or, a failed grade in this class. Controversial Content Statement: This course includes discussions of a frank and coarse nature regarding particular subjects including race, religion and sexual orientation protected by the college’s academic freedom statutes that may be considered offensive and controversial to some. When such topics may arise during the course of this semester and a student wishes to be excused, please notify the instructor that you wish to be excluded from class discussion on the ground that it is personally offensive and the instructor will excuse you until such discussion has concluded. Late Work Policy: All exams/assignments/presentations are due on the specified day in the course syllabus. No late exams/assignments/presentations will be accepted. Disability Statement: Students with a verified disability who may need authorized accommodation(s) for this class are encouraged to notify the instructor and the Office of Special Services or Disabled Students as soon as possible, at least two weeks before any exam or quiz. All information will remain confidential. Communicating with Dr. David: Please send any questions to davidae@lahc.edu. I also hold inperson office hours; please see the beginning of this syllabus for more information. Please stop by when you have a chance, as I would be delighted to meet you in person! 4|Page *** GENERAL ADVICE: It’s OK to feel a little lost at first, but after the first week you should start feeling at home. Remember that the role of an online student is much more active than the role of a traditional student, so you will need to make sure you are keeping on top of all the assignments. The CourseMap is a handy tool to use to make sure you are on track. Make sure you are using a fast internet connection when you take the quizzes and exams. As they are timed, a slow connection will make it take longer to go from question to question, which means you will have less time to work on them. You will need to be open files with a .pptx extension in order to view the PowerPoints. Therefore, you need to be working with an up-to-date version of MS Office. Answer the quiz and exam questions based ONLY on the course material; do not bring in outside information (i.e., random stuff you find on the internet) or your own personal opinion unless the question specifically asks you to. Also, always assume that I am NOT trying to trick you, when you take the quizzes and exams. Always choose the best answer that makes the most sense, not the answer that you think would be right if it were a trick question. *** Let’s get started!! Go to the CourseMap for your first assignment. Have a great semester and please let me know if there are any questions I can answer! Dr. David 5|Page