Community Re-Entry Place Inside/Out Housing Application Mailing address: 14221 E.4th Ave Ste.340 Aurora, Co. 80011 Ph# 720-207-5041 Fax # 720-222-0739 GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Date: ___________________________________ 2. DOC# & Case Manager: _____________________________________________________________ PED/MRD____________________________________________________________________________ Full Name (First, Middle, Last) Aliases: Date of Birth: ________________________ Social Security #:_____________________ ID or Driver’s Licenses State & No: ______ Message Phone: ______ (Circle ID or License and include No.) Current Address: Phone: Marital Status: Married: Single: Divorced: Separated: ________ How Long: How Long: ________ How long:_________ How long:________ Are you currently involved in a relationship? ______________If so, for how long: ____________________ Race: _______________________________ Employment status:________________________________ U.S. Citizen? Yes No Primary Language: _____________________________________ Military Status: Served/Serving U.S. Military: ____Yes ____ No Reason for Homelessness/Need for Transitional Living: (check all that apply) Unemployed □ Legal Issues/Prison □ Divorce □ Loss/Death/Disability □ Debt □ Addiction □ Domestic Violence □ Break up of Domestic Partnership □ Refugee □ Emergency Contact: ____________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________________________________________________ Relationship: _________________________________________________________________________ Children: Name: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pregnant Yes No Date of Birth: 3. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: 1 If yes, due date ____________________ Current Physical Custody With? A. List all bills you are currently paying including rent, storage, utilities, etc: __________________ B. List all past bills including student loans. NOTE: This information is for us to help you budget and will not keep you from being accepted. __________________ ____________ C. Do you think that you generally manage your money well? D. If you are in debt, what do you see as the main cause? ______ 4. CURRENT HOUSING: A. Describe your current living situation including where you are living (prison, shelter, apartment of your own, apartment of someone else) and your relationship to other people living with you: B. How long have you lived in your current situation? C. How much is your current rent? D. Why do you want to leave your current living situation? ______________________________ ____________ ______ ______ E. How many times have you moved in the last 2 years and for what reasons? ______ 5. MEDICAL: A. Do you currently have any health problems that require on going treatment (surgery, medication, physical therapy, etc.)? B. Have you been hospitalized for medical problems in the past 2 years? ________________________ If so, where and why? ______ C. Have you ever used any illegal drugs? Which ones? ____________ D. What is or was your drug of choice? E. When was the last time you used drugs? ______ G. When was the last time you used alcohol? ______ F. Would you say you have experimented, used regularly, or have an addiction to either drugs or alcohol/or both? ______________________________ G. Do you use drugs: Do you drink alcohol: Do you use either of these: 1. Daily 1. Daily 1. With people 2. 1-3 times a week 2. 1-3 times a week 2. Alone 3. Monthly 3. Monthly 3. Both 4. 2-4 times a year 4. 2-4 times a year 5. No longer use 5. No longer use 6. Never used 6. Never used H. Have you ever received in or outpatient treatment for drug or alcohol addition? If so: Where? __________________ When? ______________ How long was the program? 2 Did you complete the treatment? _______ Have you relapsed since completing treatment When? I. Do you smoke cigarettes? _______ Do you have an addiction to nicotine? ____________ ______ 6. MENTAL HEALTH: A. Have you ever seen a counselor (one time or ongoing)? ______ If so, for what issues? ______ B. Have you ever been prescribed or are you currently taking medication for mental health or emotional reasons, What medications are you taking? __________________ C. List any residential programs that you have been in before including hospitals, drugs and alcohol treatment, shelters, transitional programs. Name Dates Reason D. What kinds of support groups have you attended? ______ 7. LEGAL ISSUES: A. List any arrests and the outcomes in the past five years: ______ B. Have you received any DUI’s or DWI’s? ______ C. Have you spent any time in jail/prison? ______________ If so, list each time, length of stay and reason: ______ D. Do you have any outstanding warrants? ________ If so, what for? ______ E. Are you currently on probation or parole? ______ If so, what for? ______ What is your probation or parole officer’s name and phone number? ____________ Do you have any pending court cases? ______ If so, list what court, county/state, court date and cause or allegations: __________________ 8. EDUCATION: Highest level of education completed (circle one): No Schooling 5th-6th Grade 7th-8th Grade 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade High School diploma GED Trade/Vocational School Some college College Degree (school and type of degree)__________________________________________________ What are your educational or career goals?__________________________________________________ 9. FAMILY HISTORY: A. Please list parents and all siblings (including step-siblings): Name Relationship City How Often Seen 1.___________________________________________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________________________________________ 3 3.___________________________________________________________________________________ 4.___________________________________________________________________________________ 5.___________________________________________________________________________________ 6.___________________________________________________________________________________ 7.___________________________________________________________________________________ BY SIGNING THIS APPLICATION BELOW, I HEREBY AFFIRM THAT I HAVE ANSWERED ALL QUESTIONS HONESTLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY, I HAVE GIVEN ACCURATE INFORMATION. ALSO, I UNDERSTAND THAT I AM GRANTING LEGAL PERMISSION TO ALLOW COMMUNITY RE-ENTRY PLACE INSIDE/OUT TO OBTAIN A CBI BACKGROUND CHECK ON ME AND, IF DEEMED NECESSARY, I AGREE TO THE RELEASE OF INFORMATION IN ANY COMMUNICATION WITH ANY OFFICIALS OF THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS. Signature_______________________________________________ Date____________________ Printed Name___________________________________________ Community Re-Entry Place Inside/Out Ministry Program We are supporting people who need of a “re-entry” back to life that are in the stage of willingness and readiness to go to any lengths in to transform their lives in order to be reconciled to themselves, their loved ones and their community. We are focused on the continued process of helping people make the changes necessary to live a positive healthy lifestyle. ACRPIO is an affordable faith-based re-entry transitional housing program for ex-offenders and recovering persons as they transition back into society, and that have the desire to achieve transformation in their lives. Community Re-entry Place Inside/Out (CRPIO) is a forward-looking, innovative exceptional FaithBased ministry program designed specifically to help ex-offenders move out of homelessness and institutionalism. We focus on excellence and uphold the best practices. 1. Eligibility Requirements: Must be 18 years or older Must be single Must be 6 months’ sober or 4 months’ sober with completed treatment Must commit to 3 months to 1 year Must have a desire to change negative life patterns Must desire self-sufficiency 2. ACRP Inside/Out Ministry is Centered on the Following Four Elements: Each participant will receive an assessment to determine their needs and participants that are entering into CRP Inside/Out, along with the ATR approval for supportive housing services there will be requirements to participate in the ministry program. Services provided include housing, spiritual development, pastoral counseling, alcohol, drug and family counseling, employment coaching, living skills, and urinalysis (UA) and/or breathalyzer (BA) testing. A Community Re-Entry Place Inside/Out has a Faith Based Transformational Drug & Alcohol Program. We are a state licensed and DOC Approved treatment provider. Offering Strategies for SelfImprovement Curriculum, Individual counseling & DUI level I, Level II Education & Therapy. A 4 voucher system is available for those who qualify. Supporting housing vouchers will not be submitted unless requirements are met. A. Spiritual Development Each resident will be given many opportunities for personal spiritual development. This will be offered through morning devotions, Bible enrichment classes/Pastoral faith based support, and being actively involved in a local place of worship/faith community of their choice. ATR clients are required to participate in a minimum of 8 sessions up to 1 year in pastoral faith based support within the CRP Inside/Out. B. Case Management A chaplain/counselor will provide each resident with case management that will help each one address his or her goals, issues, and struggles. Some of these may be spiritual, emotional, physical, psychological, legal, financial, medical educational or employment-related. The chaplain/counselor will be their advocate. C. Drug, Alcohol Counseling A professional Clinical Chaplain/ counselor will provide each resident with a minimum of 8 sessions up to a 1 year period of Christian-based counseling. D. Literacy and Education Each resident will be given the opportunity to further their education and prepare for a life of successful employment and self-sufficiency. 3. 4. Participation Schedule – The First 3’s As outlined in the CRP Inside/Out brochure: The First 3 Hours The First 3–7 Days The First 3 Weeks The First 3 Months The First 1-3 Years General Rules: Participants must be actively involved in a faith community, recovery group (AA/NA, celebrate recovery), and all scheduled meetings with a chaplain/counselor, to be able to stay active with the ATR supportive housing vouchers. A minimum of 8 sessions up to 1 year is required. The goal of aftercare support is to discover, train, network, and encourage a Community of Care. The realization of true transformation comes when one has come to a place of willingness to surrender, willing to do and go to any lengths to recover and heal. Transformation then allows one to begin witnessing the healing of others manifest, the reciprocity of helping other lives being restored, and transformation instilled. The individual who comes to CRP Inside/Out has made the decision they want something better for their lives. It is the process of change and transformation when truth moves from the head to the heart that the lasting change occurs WELCOME TO A NEW BEGINNING! 5 RULES FOR RESIDENCY With respect to one another the following rules are to serve as a guideline for all residents of the property. The rules outlined in this document are NOT meant to be limited to what has been included, but, in fact, is meant to be used as a guideline by management in determining the needs of the residents, individually and collectively. Therefore, management of the property reserves the right to modify the rules, as any such need may occur. Written notification of any changes will be posted and reviewed with residents prior to implementation. Adherence is required for any curfews established by parole, when applicable. Whether on parole or not, all residents are expected to fully cooperate and be respectful and honest with any and/or all parole officers when they visit. Curfews for CRPIO are as follows 10pm on weekdays and 12 midnight on Friday and Saturday. Any violations of the rules or any type of criminal activity can be grounds for immediate removal from this housing. Depending upon the severity, a first violation is considered a warning. A second violation is consideration for possible removal from this housing. All residents residing on the property must adhere to the following: All residents will be required to maintain clean and orderly living areas throughout the house and allow management access to rooms for inspections, as well as, keep the front and backyards mowed and clean of debris, including snow. Beds must be made every morning and kept neat, and rooms clean and organized at all times. The kitchen and bathrooms must be cleaned after each use. Conserve energy usage at all times: o When use of the furnace is needed the thermostat is to be set at all times NOT to exceed 70 degrees. o When leaving a room turn off lights; when leaving the house turn off all electronic devices – TV’s, radios, CD/DVD players, etc. o To conserve water rinse dishes thoroughly after use and load into the dishwasher; run the dishwasher ONLY for full loads. o Use the clothes washer/dryer ONLY for full loads. NO guests are allowed to use the laundry facilities. o Limit showers to no more than 10 minutes. NO guests are allowed to use the shower facilities. Use of television, radios and all music devices will be limited with a respect to the “quiet enjoyment” of other residents, as well as neighbors. Residents will treat all staff, residents, visitors and property with respect. Encourage one another instead of criticizing one another when mistakes are made Live cooperatively with other residents. Be honest at all times, lying is unacceptable. No gang colors are to be worn at any time on CRPIO property. Behavior that is indicative of gang representation is not allowed on CRPIO property at any time. Eating and drinking will be limited to the kitchen and dining room area. NO candles are to be used anywhere in the house including each bedroom A “NO TOLERANCE RULE” applies: Resident will be suspended from the ministry program if, at any time o There is contraband in the residents’ rooms, i.e., drugs, alcohol, material of a sexual nature, weapons, stolen items, etc. If any of these items are found within a resident’s room, this will constitute grounds for prompt removal from the housing. If necessary, and when applicable, we will ask parole to do room searches. 6 o If any resident is found to be selling, using or suspected of drug usage (including marijuana, whether medical or NOT, and synthetic marijuana) and/or alcohol usage, it will be grounds for prompt removal. o All residents must submit to random urinalysis tests. If a resident refuses to submit to testing, the test is considered positive. Resident will be suspended from the ministry program if, at any time, a urinalysis test is positive for drugs, alcohol, residents parole or probation officer will be notified. o NO sexual activity of any kind is permitted on the premises. No men are allowed to hang out; dating takes place outside of CRPIO housing. Your date may pick you up at the door and drop you off at the door only. o No sexual activity or relationship with one another while residing in this housing and or participating in the ministry program. o No man or woman resident of CRP. Inside/Out may enter into ANY of the residency without management or approval from management. o NO person of the opposite sex is allowed in any resident’s bedrooms at any time. Men and women may only gather in a coed manner when directed by management for official and or professional purposes Male and female clients of CRP Inside/Out are prohibited from associating with each other outside of CRP Inside/Out functions and then only in the presence of CRP Inside/Out staff. NO acts of violence directed toward any resident, management or staff will be tolerated, which includes but is NOT limited to, fighting, threats, damage to the property, name calling, cursing or racial slurs and can be cause for removal. A NON-smoking policy applies inside the house and outside in front of the house; smoking is permitted in the backyard ONLY NO guests will be present in the house between the hours of 8:00pm and 9:00am. The number of guests per person is limited to NO more than TWO at a time without prior permission and they are required to follow all rules as are applied to the residents. Any children of any residents will be allowed to visit ONLY on a limited basis and with PRIOR approval by the management of Community Reentry Place Inside/Out There are to be NO space heaters put to use anywhere in the house. All residents may participate in mentoring, as offered; residents are encouraged to attend a church of their choice each week. The Bible study/Living Skills/Employment Coaching presented at the house each week (Wednesday’s). Attendance of Relapse Prevention groups held once a week, a minimum of 6 months, held Tuesday Evenings from 5pm to 630pm @ 14221 E. 4th Ave. Ste. 330 Ar. Co. 80011 We encourage Celebrate Recovery, AA, NA attendance. NO pets allowed living on the property no exceptions. Residents are required to attend house meetings. These rules are for your safety, health and general well-being. By signing this form you are agreeing to be in compliance with ALL rules at ALL times I ___________________________________________ have read and understand all requirements, rules and agree to the following requirements for CRP Inside/Out ministry program. Printed Name_____________________ / Date_____________________ Community Re-entry Place Inside/Out RATES FOR RESIDENCY 7 Security Deposit of $50 - All Rooms Weekly $ 113. Bi-Weekly $ 226. Monthly $ 450. (This includes utilities, water, phone, internet and trash) WELCOME TO A NEW BEGINNING! 8