Dorrigo & Upper Nymboida River Catchment Area Soil Health and Soil Conservation Project Application Form Closing date: Monday 30th November 2015 Published by the Local Land Services Title: Dorrigo and Upper Nymboida River Catchment Area Soil Health and Soil Conservation Project Application Form First published February 2016 ISBN More information Selina Miller / Local Land Services / North Coast Acknowledgments NCLLS would like to acknowledge and thank Phil Parbery from Farm Forest Plantations for providing significant input into this document. [Insert Reference number] © State of New South Wales through Local Land Services, 2016. Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication is based on knowledge and understanding at the time of writing February 2016. However, because of advances in knowledge, users are reminded of the need to ensure that information upon which they rely is up to date and to check currency of the information with the appropriate officer of Local Land Services or the user’s independent adviser. Part A – Eligibility A1. Have you checked your proposal against the assessment criteria listed in the Guidelines? Is it eligible? Yes No A2. Has the property (where the proposal is located) previously received grant funding? Yes If yes, please complete the following table for each NRM grant received. Source of funds Total amount of funding received Years No Description of activities funded Part B – Applicant and Correspondence Landholders name/s: Property manager name if different from owner: Property address: Postal address if different to property address: Phone (h): Mobile: Property Lot No.: Property DP No.: GST registered: Yes No Email: ABN: Part C – Property Details Total size of property (ha): Specify the main landuse and hectares the proposal covers Beef: ha Hobby farm: Dairy: ha ha Cropping: ha Crop type: Other: ha Other (please specify): Part D – Description of Proposed Project D1. What is the issue or management practice you are trying to fix and improve, what is the extent or severity of the issue, cause and how long has the problem existed? (E.g. 200m x 5m gully / stream bank erosion, recently occurred from last flood in January 2015). 1 D2. What activities or on-ground works are you proposing to implement to fix the issue or problem and describe how you believe this will improve the situation? (E.g. fencing off gully / stream bank, revegetating site with native plants to stabilise bank and installation of 2 water troughs). D3. Why is the site important or a priority and how does it relate to adjacent areas? (E.g. the site has a very good natural resource condition and stabilising the bank through native vegetation planting and fencing off stock will improve soil erosion and water quality downstream). Part E – Project Tasks Work Plan and Budget Work plan Please provide a detailed breakdown of the activities to be undertaken for each financial year. For each broad activity (for example weed control, planting or fencing) list and cost separately. Details of the approximate area of weed control or length of fencing should also be provided. (add/ delete rows as required to accommodate all activities) Funding breakdown ($ ex GST) Planned Itemisation of tasks needed to fulfil Completion Landholder Landholder Contribution Total broad activity Date Contribution Contribution sought by (DD/MM/YY) (in-kind) (cash) grant 2015/16 e.g. 200m Fencing @ $8/m 1st Jan 2016 0 0 $1,600 $1,600 Purchase fence fittings (2x @ $30) 1st Jan 2016 0 $60 0 $60 Construct fence @ $40/hr x 20hr 2016/17 E.g. purchase lomandra longifolia seedlings (80 seedlings x $4.50 ea.) Plant lomandra longifolia along 200m x 5m stream bank (14h x $25 (labour)) 30th May 2016 $800 0 0 $800 10th Oct 2016 0 0 $360 $360 10th Nov 2016 $350 0 0 $350 2 TOTAL Part F – Locality map of project Show the locality of the property proposed for funding, including boundaries and roads. This can be hand drawn or you can use SIX Maps at 3 Part G – Sketch Plan of Works Show the location and type and of works proposed e.g. new fence, laneways, troughs, pipes etc. 4 Part H – Declaration I agree that: The information provided in this application is correct. I have read the NCLLS Project Guidelines and eligibility. I understand all funded works must be completed by the 1 st June for each financial year you applied for funding 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18. If my proposal is successful, I authorise the NCLLS to use information about my project for promotional purposes, including publication of case studies. Applicant Name: Signature: Date: Applicant Name: Signature: Date: 5