Cellular Processes Test Review Answer Key

Cell Cycle Test Review
Name each of the phases of the cell cycle for both the plant and animal cells shown below. Then write a
number next to the cell to place them in the correct and draw a star next to each of the phases of mitosis.
Plant Cells
Cytokinesis #6
Metaphase #3
Prophase #2
Interphase #1
Anaphase #4
Telophase #4
Animal Cells
Prophase #2
Interphase #1
Cytokinesis #6
Metaphase #3
Anaphase #4
Telophase #4
Cellular Processes Review
Define each of the following cellular processes in your own words.
Photosynthesis: The process plants use to make glucose (food) from water, sunlight energy, and carbon
dioxide using the organelle chloroplasts.
Cellular Respiration: The process plants and animals use to make energy (ATP) from oxygen and glucose
using the organelle mitochondrion.
Mitosis: The process of dividing the nucleus in eukaryotic cells consisting of four phases (prophase,
metaphase, anaphase, and telophase).
Cellular Division: The process of cells dividing to reproduce consisting of three stages (interphase,
mitosis, and cytokinesis).
Name each of the phases of cell cycle that best fits the description.
__Metaphase___ Chromatids line up in the middle.
___Prophase____ Nuclear membrane disintegrates.
____Anaphase___ Chromatids break apart at the centromere.
____Cytokinesis_____ Cytoplasm splits in two.
____Telophase______ Nuclear membrane re-appears.
_____Interphase_____ The cell duplicates the DNA.
What are the raw materials of photosynthesis? ________water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight energy_____
What are the products of photosynthesis? ________glucose, and oxygen_____
What are the raw materials of cellular respiration? Glucose and oxygen_____
What are the products of cellular respiration? __ATP energy (most important), water, and carbon dioxide
What is the product of mitosis? ______two identical nuclei___
What is the product of cellular division? _____two identical daughter cells_____