Topics for the Exams in English January 2016 1. ročník 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Our family British Royal family Me and my best friend My hobbies + Sports – použít: I like/ love/ prefer/ don´t like/ hate/... I am good at/ I am interested in... My daily routine – použití přítomného času prostého a frekvenčních příslovcí (always, often, sometimes, usually, seldom, hardly ever, rarely, never) Halloween, Christmas Winter – viz. domácí úkol Animals and me (My favourite pet, wild animals, farm animals, insects, ...) Parts of the body – bude probráno v lednu Gramatika: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Zájmena osobní, přivlastňovací, ukazovací + slovesa to be, to have Číslo jednotné a množné, Členy určité a neurčité Číslovky základní a řadové Hodiny a určování času, dny v týdnu, měsíce, roční období Přítomný čas prostý v kladné a záporné větě Přítomný čas prostý v otázce zjišťovací a doplňovací Předložky místa Předložky času Vazba there is/there are – bude probráno v lednu Doporučené zdroje: 1. Maturita Solutions (Student´s Book + Workbook) 2. Worksheets 3. 4. Forma zkoušky: 10 minut přípravy 10 minut zkouška (samostatná promluva o zadaném tématu 5 minut, gramatika 5 minut) Topics for the Exams in English January 2016 2nd Form 1. My last holiday 2. Education (see worksheet Back to school) 3. Australia (see Bridge 2015/01) 4. Film and cinema(My favourite film/ actor/ actress/..., giving opinion) 5. London sights( + Skyscrapers - see Bridge 2015/01) 6. British houses and equipment of rooms 7. Thanksgiving day 8. What are best friends for 9. Scotland (see Bridge 2015) 10. Work and jobs (My dream job, My parents´ jobs, Types of jobs,...) – see questions in the Vocabulary worksheet) Grammar: 1. Countries and their inhabitants 2. Irregular verbs 3. Comparative and superlative of adjectives and adverbs 4. Intensifiers of adjectives and adverbs (so, very, enough, too, really, rather, quite, much, a bit, a little, as-as, the-the,...) 5. Future tense- 4 ways to express future – (It will be explained in January.) Recommended resources: 1. Maturita Solutions (Student´s Book + Workbook) 2. Worksheets 3. 4. Form of the oral exam: 15 minutes – preparation 15 minutes – exam (10 minutes conversation about the topic, 5 minutes the grammar) Topics for the Exams in English January 2016 3rd Form 1. My last holiday 2. My favourite actor/ actress – appearance + characteristics 3. Film - My favourite film (plot, actors, review), types of films, film vocabulary ... 4. British houses and equipment of rooms 5. Hotel of my dreams 6. The Czech Republic 7. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 8. Australia ( +see Bridge 2015/01) 9. The USA 10. London sights( + Skyscrapers - see Bridge 2015/01) 11. British cities 12. Picture description Grammar: 1. Intensifiers of adjectives and adverbs (so, very, enough, too, really, rather, quite, much, a bit, a little, as-as, the-the,...) 2. Articles with proper nouns 3. Present perfect 4. Tenses: Present simple, Present continuous, Past simple, Past continuous, Future (will/ going to/ present simple/ present continuous), Present perfect 5. Irregular verbs Recommended resources: 1. Maturita Solutions (Student´s Book + Workbook) 2. Worksheets 3. 4. Topics for the Exams in English January 2016 4th Form (only students with English conversation lessons) Topics from this year: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. My best holiday, Types of holiday accommodation Housing and living in the USA, the UK, the CR Australia ( +see Bridge 2015/01) London sights( + Skyscrapers - see Bridge 2015/01) Hotel of my dreams The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Marketing Problems of young generation Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, Poppy Day, Christmas, Three wise men, Easter, Independence Day 10. The USA 11. Weather and seasons of the year 12. Food and drink 13. Health and body care 14. Jobs and employment + Topics from the last year: 15. Mass media and means of communication 16. Global problems of the world, Natural disasters 17. Environment + How I protect the nature 18. Literature – types of books, My favourite book 19. William Shakespeare, Ernest Hemingway 20. British literature (Jane Austen, Arthur Conan Doyle+ 5 others) 21. British Royal family 22. Sports and free time activities 23. Washington DC, NYC 24. Pilsen 25. Prague 26. Canada 27. Mass media and means of communication 28. Services + everybody: Description of a picture Grammar: 1. Used to 2. Exclamation sentences 3. Reported speech 4. Either-or, neither-nor, both 5. Relative clauses 6. Conjunctions 7. Present simple versus present continuous versus present perfect 8. Present perfect versus past simple versus past continuous 9. Time clauses 10. Modal Verbs