Mrs. Howard Central Bucks High School South Voicemail: (267) 893-3000 ext 6140 Email: The School-Aged Child Course Packet 9 weeks .5 credit 90 minute block This course is designed for the student who is interested in learning about development and change in the school-aged child. A background in child development is helpful, but not necessary for the successful completion of this course. Timely social issues affecting the individual and the family will be examined and discussed. Students who are interested in pursuing careers in education, health-related fields, psychology, and sociology will benefit greatly from this course. This course is part of a series in Human Development that includes The Young Child, The SchoolAged Child, and Living Independently. A partnership with a Central Bucks Elementary School has been established to encourage interaction and service learning in the fields of child development. COURSE CONTENT: I. Child and Adolescent Development 5-18: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Social Development II. Knowledge of Self: Personality, Temperament & Esteem Issues – What makes you YOU III. Teaching Project: Various topics in child development during the school-age years will be taught by students – MAJOR PROJECT IV. Partnership/Project with Elementary School: Students will be afforded an opportunity to work, in some capacity, in one of the C.B. Elementary Schools throughout the marking period. Students will also create a lesson/project to donate to the class that they visit. MAJOR PROJECT Classroom Expectations: 1. Respect yourself, your teacher, your classmates, and all classroom property. 2. Be on time for class, take your seat immediately, have necessary materials, and be ready to work. 3. Use of cell phones or iPods in the classroom is at the discretion of the teacher and for class purposes only. 4. All behavior supports learning and creates a safe and productive classroom. Classroom Policies: Lateness Policy – You must be inside the classroom when the bell rings. ANYTHING after the bell, you will need a pass. If you have no pass, you will be marked as late. If you are late 3 days, a cut will be issued. Detentions are issued and participation points are taken off for foul language and inappropriate or dangerous behaviors. They are 1 hour detentions. Restroom use requires that you ask permission and write out your own pass that includes your name, date, and time. I will sign your pass and then you sign out on the sign out sheet. You MUST sign back in when you return from the restroom. Clean Up everything before you leave the classroom. End-of-Class Dismissal is determined by the teacher, you are to remain in your seat, not standing by the door, until the bell rings. GRADING STRUCTURE FOR THE SCHOOL-AGED CHILD *Grades will be given on a weighted basis. They are as follows: Formative Assessments: 20% Summative Assessments: 70% Non-Academic: 10% 1. Formative Assessments (20%): a. Class Work b. In Class Projects c. Homework 2. Summative Assessments (70%): a. PIES Observations b. Elementary School Lesson/Game Project c. Teaching Project d. Tests There is NO extra credit to increase grade. Do your best from day one. 3. Non-Academic (10%): a. Class Preparation (Having papers signed and returned.) b. Class Participation (Volunteering, not having head down, being engaged at the elementary school) OTHER VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION When students are absent-excused, any missing work, tests, quizzes or observations must be made up within five school days. It is your responsibility to ask the teacher what you missed. If your absences is unexcused or you do not make up the work, the grade will be a zero for the task. Homework & Projects will only be accepted up to 5 days late. Assignments which are turned in late will be reduced by 10% each day that it is late, with a maximum of 5 days late and 50% reduction. No work will accepted after 5 days, and the grade earned would be a zero. Students may be photographed or video-taped as part of the course during project work as well as either during or in preparation for elementary school visits. If you do not want your child photographed or videoed, please initial here. __________ Please also note the Academic Integrity Policy and its consequences found in the student handbook online. This policy will be strictly upheld. ☺The teacher can be available for extra help at various times. Please make arrangements for this ahead of time. Human Development: School-Aged Child Course Contract Student Name _________________________________ Part of the Human Development, School-Aged Child class involves interacting with a CB elementary school. The welfare of the elementary students, staff and all high school students is of the utmost importance. Therefore, to maintain a professional and educational environment, all Central Bucks students must conduct themselves as professionals. In order to present a professional image, students must: Be prepared for the site visit by bringing all required materials (Portfolio, pencil, etc.) Dress appropriately - no jeans, hats, flip flops/sandals, short skirts/dresses, low tops, tightfitting (yoga) pants, drug/smoking/sex related shirts, bare midriffs and no cleavage. Students not appropriately dressed will NOT be allowed to go on the trip and will have to make it up on their own time. If dress is a problem, student may receive additional disciplinary actions. Dispose of all gum before getting on the bus. Leave all cell phones and bags in the classroom. Be on time for the bus both traveling to and from the site. All school rules apply during the travel time as well as the time spent at the site. Any behavior problems that occur either traveling to or from the site or at the site will result in immediate withdrawal with an “F” from the course. These behaviors would include: Failure to follow the directions of the teacher or the mentors at the site. Failure to behave appropriately on the bus. Rude or insensitive behavior either to the staff members at the site or to the residents. Disrespectful language or behavior. Failure to be in the assigned area and to remain there as directed by the teacher. BEFORE WE GO: 1. Dress appropriately - no jeans, hats, flip flops/sandals, short skirts/dresses, low tops, tight-fitting (yoga) pants, drug/smoking/sex related shirts, bare midriffs and no cleavage. Students not appropriately dressed will NOT be allowed to go on the trip and will have to make it up with an alternate assignment. If dress is a problem, student may receive additional disciplinary actions 2. You will be considered teacher’s helpers and will need to dress more professionally. Please take a coat/jacket… you may have playground duty. 3. You are to leave all cell phones, book bags and purses at CB South. The door will be locked. I will further secure valuables in a locked closet if you would like. 4. Make sure you approach this activity with a positive and mature attitude. You need to be prepared to put your best foot forward and take these visits seriously. 5. No gum chewing, cell phones, or food/drink. ON THE BUS: 1. You must be on time for the bus. We will be leaving promptly at the beginning of the period and due to the arrival time at the elementary school; we will not be able to wait for anyone. IF YOU ARE IN SCHOOL AND MISS THE BUS, IT WILL COUNT AS A CLASS CUT. CONSEQUENCES OF THREE CUTS FROM A NINE-WEEK COURSE WILL RESULT IN WITHDRAWAL FROM THE CLASS AND A FAILURE. 2. There is to be no eating or drinking on the bus, both going and returning from the elementary school. All regular school rules for bus behavior apply to our trips. Poor behavior will result in detention. 3. Do not leave anything on the bus. AT THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: 1. When we arrive, you are to go directly to your placement and stay with your placement teacher and students. If your students are not in their placement, go to the office and ask where they are. 2. Be quiet in the halls at all times. Remember school is in session. 3. If your students are in the lunchroom, do not eat the children’s food even if they offer it to you. 4. Introduce yourself to your teacher and the students in the class. Be prepared to share about yourself with students and staff. Give a firm handshake to your cooperating teacher. When it is time to go, make sure you tell your teacher and students. REMEMBER TO SAY GOODBYE each time. 5. Stay with your teacher and students. They are counting on you to work with them. 6. Take the initiative to be involved. Ask your teacher what he/she would like you to do. They may ask for assistance with a lesson, help in preparing a lesson, work with a child on a one on one basis, encourage cooperative play on the playground or monitor lesson progress. Do not just sit around…interact with the children. If you are not directed, take the responsibility to help out. I have read, understand and agree with the course syllabus, grading policy, course expectations and contract. I understand that my behavior is extremely important when working with others in this setting. I understand that if I violate any of the above rules, I will be dropped from the class with an “F”. Student Signature _____________________________________ I have read this contract and realize that my son/daughter will be dropped from the class with an “F” if any of the above rules are violated. Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________