2015.03.17 Covent Garden Medical Centre PPG Minutes

Patients Participation Group (PPG)
Minutes of meeting held at Covent Garden Medical Centre on Tuesday 17th
March 2015 6:25pm
Those present:
Nadya Babiychuck (Practice Manager)
Keith Danvers-Colquhoun (Chairperson)
Zack Hussain (Secretary)
Nick Luckman
Jean Madgwick
Kandiah Pathmanathan (General Practitioner)
Ashley Taboda
Carminella Taboda
Lorraine White
Apologies from Alana Pillay
The meeting opened 10 minutes later than the intended time, so as to allow for
those potential members who may arrive later, however it was not to be the
case. Those that had given their assurance to attend offered no explanation
before or after the meeting. One patient did send in a written note to offer her
apology as both she and her husband were unwell with influenza. She did
however ask if her points of view could be taken on board.
The chairman pointed out that his style would be for the forum to be relaxed,
and meeting to be light and conducive at a steady pace thereby allowing every
member in the surgery to express their point of view, eloquence was not what
he had in mind but the need to express their point of view in whatever manner
they chose and if clarification was needed, we would assist in whatever way
possible. The whole purpose was for the patients and practice staff to meet so
as to discuss topics of mutual interest, also to provide a platform for patients to
become more involved and make suggestions about the healthcare service they
receive, as well as on referral.
The chairperson mentioned that these two aspects he preferred to explore for
the time being, and with the progression of time incorporate other matters for
due consideration by all parties gathered at the time.
Starting with the chair person we all introduced ourselves to one another. One
patient pointed out that an improved form of advertising would probably see
an increase in our quarterly forum, as not many patients were fully aware of
the existence of the PPG. The Practice Manager mentioned that there were
leaflets available, in addition to the printed note on the subject. She promised
to make improvements. The doctor said that it was incorporated into a revised
questionnaire for new patients. The Practice staff are keen to make a conscious
and concerted effort to improve the image of PPG so as to attract more
Water- Cooler System
To kick start matters, the chairman said he would like to see one installed. It is
commonly used in many NHS practices, hospitals, surgeries and dentists and
in keeping we ought to follow suit. All present agreed the suggestion, also the
exact position of installation. The Health and safety aspect must be explored
with the company supplying the equipment, should there be water spillage.
Requesting date of birth
From his own research, it would seem that the NHS adapts its policy whereby
the only way of identifying a patient is through their date of birth. The subject
was discussed with no definite way of changing course unless the format is
altered nationwide, however it can be flagged up for later, with those further
up the line. The chairperson said that ladies in particular are most reluctant to
offer up information about their date of birth, more so if their neighbour is
sitting in the reception area. The chairperson pointed out that he favoured the
practice manager’s style where she adopts a sensitive approach to the patients’
feelings and would ask them to them to insert their date of birth on a piece of
Creation of a new patient survey
It was discussed and agreed that the survey would be deferred till the end of
April or early May 2015. It would give the practice time to gather its thoughts
and then introduce the survey form. The methodology for adoption of this
survey can be considered in so far as whether it is sent out en masse, or
handed at reception.
Installation of hygiene hand gel
The practice manager explained briefly about the gel that is commonly used in
all health centres. A general consensus of opinion is that it should be placed
immediately to the right of the automatic appointment screen.
Health Topic such as diabetes awareness
The doctor highlighted diabetes as a classic example of how this is on the
increase. He reminds his patients (including those present) to live a healthy
life style and undertake health checks, exercise through brisk walking. He also
mentioned the importance of watching what we consume, in order to avoid the
risk of diabetes.
Awareness of system on line
Both the doctor and practice manager encouraged the use of this system than
to physically bring their prescriptions in by hand so as to facilitate time and
Future election of chairperson
The current chairperson expressed that it was not his desire to remain in situ
for a long period. He would gladly hand over the reins to another person, once
elected, and continue to remain a member of the PPG at Covent Garden
Medical Centre.
Any Other Business
The one patient who could not attend but submitted her suggestions asked
about the possibility of another doctor joining the practice so as to lessen the
heavy burden placed on both the doctor and entire staff. The lady was most
complimentary about her GP, and his staff, and reasons for her suggestion was
because of her kind thoughts and consideration for the surgery.
There were no other business matters open for discussion, and the meeting
closed at 7:05pm
The next meeting has been scheduled for 6:15pm, same venue, on Tuesday
19th May 2015.
Chairperson of Patient Participation Group
25 March 2015