2015-16 Golden Apple Selection Process

2015-2016 Golden Apple Application
Please type in the space provided only. Please do not handwrite or copy and paste. No attachments.
Please check your work carefully – the forms do not allow for spell check.
Deadline: October 5, 2015
The detailed selection process is enclosed
Those who wish to be considered for the Golden Apple recognition must meet the following eligibility
• Be able to provide a teaching schedule that meets the requirement of the site visit/observation
• Be a full-time (1.0) Florida Certified Teacher or a CCPS District Career and Technical Education
Certified Teacher.
• Have taught full-time and completed a minimum of two years in the Collier County Public Schools.
• Meet the standards set forth in the “Code of Ethics and the Principles of Professional Conduct of the
Education Profession in Florida” and give permission for background review by Collier County Public
Grade Level(s):
Subject Area(s):
Class Characteristics (e.g.: AP, ESE, Reading Lab) – if applicable:
Degree(s) Earned and Granting Institution(s):
Total Years Teaching:
No I am a full-time (1.0) Florida Certified Teacher or a CCPS District Career and Technical
Education Certified Teacher.
No I have been teaching full-time for a minimum of two years in Collier County Public Schools.
The Education Foundation of Collier County
3606 Enterprise Avenue, Suite 150, Naples, FL 34104
239.643.4755 phone 239.643.4799 fax
I would like to share a practice/strategy that has impact in one or more of the following areas (check all
that apply):
Innovative instructional practice
Culture that creates a positive environment for learning (classroom management, etc.)
Motivational practice that inspires students
Integrating real world experiences
Educator collaboration and collegiality
Involving the community
Parent engagement and communication
Other ____________________________________________
What need/gap/opportunity were you intending to fulfill with your practice? [Character limit, including
spaces: 1,200]
3606 Enterprise Avenue, Suite 150
239.643.4755 phone 239.643.4755 fax
Describe the practice that you utilized, adapted, improved or developed that has had a significant impact
on student learning. Please be specific about the techniques/strategies. [Character limit, including spaces:
What are the positive results from your practice? How do you know it is working? Please provide
examples. [Character limit, including spaces: 1,500]
3606 Enterprise Avenue, Suite 150
239.643.4755 phone 239.643.4755 fax
Home Address:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Home E-mail:
Your full name as you would like it to appear in printed materials (i.e. press releases, website listing,
Golden Apple printed program, etc.):
Name of School:
School Address:
School Phones (both direct and main):
School E-mail:
The thoughts expressed in this application are my own, and I hereby give my permission to use the
enclosed information for the compilation of data. I understand that all teachers considered for the
Golden Apple recognition must meet the standards set forth in the “Code of Ethics and the
Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida,” and that my name,
therefore, will be submitted to the Collier County Public Schools for background review.
Date: _______________________
Please complete this form, save it and email it to:
Champions For Learning
Phone: (239) 643-4755 | Fax: (239) 643-4799
Kimberly Komorny, Director of Operations
E-mail: KKomorny@ChampionsForLearning.org
Sign and send (fax/email/Pony) this signature page only:
Fax: 239.643.4799
Pony Box 119
3606 Enterprise Avenue, Suite 150
239.643.4755 phone 239.643.4755 fax
2015-16 Golden Apple Selection Process
Teachers who wish to be considered for the Golden Apple Award must meet the following eligibility
 Be able to provide a teaching schedule that meets the requirements of the observation/site
visit process.
 Be a full-time (1.0) Florida Certified Teacher or a CCPS District Career and Technical Education
Certified Teacher.
 Have taught full-time for a minimum of two years in the Collier County Public Schools.
 Meet the standards set forth in the “Code of Ethics and the Principles of Professional Conduct
of the Education Profession in Florida” and give permission for background review by Collier
County Public Schools.
Eligible teachers may apply for Golden Apple; we will continue a “thank a teacher” campaign but
application is not contingent on receiving a thank-a-teacher card.
The application questions will elicit practice(s) that have impact in one or more of the following areas:
- innovative instructional practice
- culture that creates a positive environment for learning
- motivational practice that inspires students
- integration of real world experiences
- educator collaboration and collegiality
- involving the community
- parent engagement and communication
Deadline October 5, 2015
The Golden Apple Selection Committee will read all the Golden Apple Applications “blind” (that is,
with the teachers’ names and schools removed) and rank-orders them. The teachers with the highest
scores move on to the next stage in the process.
Teachers will be scheduled for a 15 minute Presentation session at the Champions For Learning office
after school hours. The Golden Apple Selection Committee will have the opportunity to have each
teacher show and explain their practices/strategy, share results, and answer questions. Based on the
scores, the committee will then choose the Teachers of Distinction (approximately 25) to move on to
the next stage in the process, which is a scheduled classroom site visit.
3606 Enterprise Avenue, Suite 150
239.643.4755 phone 239.643.4755 fax
Teachers who are continuing in the process as Teachers of Distinction will be notified in surprise
classroom visits. Those not continuing in the process will be notified by letter. The Teachers of
Distinction will submit the Site Visit Observation form, and provide a copy of their current schedule.
The Golden Apple Selection Committee members will make scheduled site visits, approximately 30
minutes, to the classrooms of the Teachers of Distinction to see the impact of their best practice in
their classroom environment.
From among the Teachers of Distinction, the Golden Apple Selection Committee will select the five (5)
Golden Apple Award recipients and they will be notified in surprise classroom visits. Teachers who are
not receiving a Golden Apple Award will be notified by letter. The Golden Apple recipients and
Teachers of Distinction will be honored at the Golden Apple Celebration of Teaching Dinner on TBD
The Golden Apple Selection Committee is made up of a group of approximately 12 community
volunteers that contribute countless hours to the Golden Apple selection process. They read the
applications, facilitate the demonstrations, and observe all Teachers of Distinction, and make the final
selection; they may not have an immediate family member or significant other currently teaching in
the Collier County Public Schools. They sign a “confidentiality agreement” prior to serving.
2015-16 Award Components and Benefits
The key recognition and award components of the Golden Apple program are:
Teachers of Distinction and Golden Apple recipients announced through surprise classroom
Teachers of Distinction receive a $500 cash honorarium, and the Golden Apple recipients
would receive an additional $500 cash honorarium.
The five (5) Golden Apple recipients receive a $5,000 grant from Suncoast Credit Union
Foundation to expand/adapt their practice the following school year.
Celebration activities throughout the year, such as the Fleming’s luncheon and the McDonald’s
Ongoing media coverage shares the work of the educators
A Golden Apple Dinner on TBD 2016.
3606 Enterprise Avenue, Suite 150
239.643.4755 phone 239.643.4755 fax