MoU SAMPLE Please note that this SAMPLE MoU is a generic list of items that a Branch and Student Chapter may wish to use in creating their own MoU. An MoU is NOT essential to the Branch / Student Chapter relationship. This is an optional agreement that a Branch and Student Chapter may wish to use to ensure cooperation. The AusIMM Governance Manual outlines the various rights and obligations of a Student Chapter and a Branch – this MoU would condition those documents. The items listed below may be changed to suit the needs of the Branch and Student Chapter involved and you may wish to include additional items not listed here or reword aspects of those listed. A draft MoU must be referred to AusIMM Services and is subject to the approval of the Board. Please contact the AusIMM if you wish to use an MoU for your Branch and Student Chapter MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE AUSTRALASIAN INSTITUTE OF MINING AND METALLURGY, THE AUSTRALASIAN INSTITUTE OF MINING AND METALLURGY [ABC] BRANCH AND THE AUSTRALASIAN INSTITUTE OF MINING AND METALLURGY [XYZ] STUDENT CHAPTER This is a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM), The AusIMM [ABC] Branch and The AusIMM [XYZ] Student Chapter. The aim of this MoU is to assist the Branch and the Student Chapter to work cooperatively on those programs and services that deliver benefit to AusIMM members and enhance the professional development of members and their standing in the community. This MoU is to be read in conjunction with the AusIMM Branch Manual and the AusIMM Student Chapter Handbook. The MoU, Manual and Handbook define the authorities, responsibilities and accountabilities of the Branch and Student Chapter, and those of AusIMM Services in working with both sub-entities of the Institute. 1. The understandings between the [ABC] Branch, the [XYZ] Student Chapter and AusIMM Services are: 1.1 The Branch and the Student Chapter are separate sub-entities of The AusIMM. Each operates under the governance and direction of the AusIMM Board and with the administrative support of AusIMM Services. 1.2 The Branch and the Student Chapter have separate finances but the Branch may choose to fund selected Student Chapter activities, particularly those relating to education and vocational opportunities. The Branch also may allocate funds from other sources to various activities including those conducted by the Student Chapter. 1.3 Where the Branch has provided funds to the Student Chapter or has arranged funding for the Chapter from an external source, the Chapter must provide a report on the disbursement of the Branch or external funds within the overall budget for the event or service conducted by the Chapter and within one month of the activity having been completed. 1.4 In the event of any conflict or miscommunication between the Branch and the Student Chapter,it is recommended that the parties attempt to resolve the issue between themselves. If this is unsuccessful, the parties must advise AusIMM Services of the issue and seek assistance to resolve it. 1.5 Steps to resolution will include a meeting of the executive committee of the Branch and the executive committee of the Student Chapter. Either party may seek to have a senior staff member of AusIMM Services present to facilitate the discussion and resolution. 1.6 If the matter is not resolved, either party may ask the Chief Executive to prepare a report and recommended actions, to be reviewed in draft by all parties, for presentation to the AusIMM Board. 1.7 This MoU is to be reviewed on an annual basis or any time that a new Branch Chair or Student Chapter President is elected to ensure that it remains relevant to changing circumstances. 2. The obligations of the [ABC] Branch are: 2.1 To comply with the requirements of the AusIMM Branch Manual. 2.2 To encourage Student Chapter participation in activities of other student chapters and The AusIMM, including, but not limited to, the New Leaders’ Conference, Mining Games and AusIMM Congress. 2.3 To work with and assist the Student Chapter to grow AusIMM student and graduate membership through student engagement and support. 2.4 To use their best endeavours to ensure that a Branch representative and a University representative (if applicable) attend all meetings of the Student Chapter Committee and liaise with the Chapter. 2.5 To work with and assist the Chapter to obtain sponsorship for Students Meet Industry nights and other activities by contacting responsible persons in mining and related companies, or providing contacts to the Chapter. 2.6 To provide opportunities for Student Chapter members to speak at Branch and related meetings. 2.7 To provide opportunities for students to interact with and learn from experienced Branch members with an understanding of the minerals industry. 2.8 To ensure decisions of the Branch are made and minuted by the Branch Committee 3. The obligations of the [XYZ] Student Chapter are: 3.1 To comply with the requirements of the AusIMM Student Chapter Handbook. 3.2 To comply with the requirements of the University Student Code of Practice. 3.3 To organise events for students of disciplines relating to the minerals industry. 3.4 To provide representation on the Student Chapter Committee for students in the core disciplines studied at the University and to ensure the Executive is representative of all disciplines. 3.5 To work with and assist the Branch to grow AusIMM student and graduate membership through student engagement. 3.6 To nominate one or more Student Chapter representatives and use their best endeavours to ensure the Chapter is represented at all meetings of the Branch Committee and to liaise with the Branch. 3.7 To ensure decisions of the Chapter are made and minuted by the Chapter Committee (or by the Chapter office-bearers where there is insufficient time to call a Chapter committee meeting). 3.8 To request sponsorship directly from the Branch during the budgeting period required by AusIMM Services and as set down in the Student Chapter Handbook. 3.9 To participate in any Branch planning sessions, including tabling an overall plan and request for additional Branch funding for the year. 3.10 If for some unforseen reason, additional funding is requested it should be in writing on the agreed sponsorship forms with at least a month’s notice before the event, and with information on the funds to be contributed by the Student Chapter. 3.11 To provide AusIMM Services with a succession plan and to conduct an annual election that ensures that all relevant core disciplines, are represented on the Committee and Executive of the Chapter. ................................................................................. (for Branch) Name Signature ............................................................................................... (for Student Chapter) Name Signature ............................................................................................... (for The AusIMM) Name Signature Dated: ……………………………….