Application Form - Melbourne Neuroscience Institute

Melbourne Neuroscience Institute
Interdisciplinary Seed Funding Scheme
Application Form – 2016 Commencement
Closing Date: Friday 11 September 2015
Proposal Title
Coordinating Investigator: The primary contact for this research proposal.
Team members: List the known investigators who will be involved in the research (add more rows if needed)
MNI Interdisciplinary Seed Funding Scheme 2016 Application Form
(if not UoM)
page 1
Note that the objectives of the Scheme are to:
 Fund highly innovative small- to medium-scale interdisciplinary research projects that show significant potential
for future funding by granting bodies; and
 Catalyse the drawing together of academic staff from across disciplines to work on interdisciplinary problems
consistent with the broad research objectives of the Melbourne Neuroscience Institute.
And included in the evaluation process are:
Applications that interface between pharmacology and neuroscience, in the context of precision medicine will be
viewed favourably. For example, pre-clinical projects that facilitate drug discovery.
Applications with a disability theme are encouraged.
Note the assessment criteria are:
Demonstrably innovative interdisciplinary research, that would be facilitated and accelerated by this grant;
Consistent with the broad research objectives of the Melbourne Neuroscience Institute;
Involves a team of academic staff from across disciplines with appropriate and complementary expertise for the
proposed research. Teams involving early career researchers will be viewed favourably;
Shows significant potential for future funding by granting bodies; and
Budget expenditure is aligned with proposed outcomes.
Applicants are advised to review the assessment metrics which can be found in Section 7.3 of the MNI-ID seed
funding guidelines.
Your two page proposal should use the following headings.
A. Summary
Should include: identification of the opportunity, emphasizing the novelty;
explanation of alignment with the goals of the Melbourne Neuroscience Institute
B. Interdisciplinarity
Include description and justification of the proposed interdisciplinary approach.
C. Expected outcomes
Include plans and options for future funding and outline your proposed strategy for the
communication, dissemination and translation of project outcomes.
D. Project budget
Between $10,000 and $40,000 over the period 1 Jan 2016 to 31 Dec 2016
Include amount and justification for:
 Staffing
 Consumables
 Other costs
If applicable, please describe and quantify any in kind contributions from UoM and non-UoM team
It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all cost items are correctly budgeted. Further
funds will not be provided for cost over-runs or inadequately budgeted items.
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E. Roles
Describe the complementary roles of the investigators associated with the project.
F. Schedule
Detail the project activities and milestones over the 12 month period.
G. Background and Pilot Work
Supporting the proposed research; previous relevant research undertaken by the team members; any
supporting documentation (e.g. letters of support).
For the Coordinating Investigator and for each Team member, provide a statement of no more than 1 page
in total including:
(a) Current position;
(b) Expertise relevant to the proposed role in the current proposal, including track record of prior
collaboration; and
(c) A representative list of grants and/or refereed publications in areas relevant to the proposal.
I will also be submitting an application for funding this project to another scheme (provide details) ☐
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In submitting this application, the Coordinating Investigator affirms:
The Coordinating Investigator holds a salaried academic appointment at the University of
Melbourne of at least 0.5 EFT and running until at least 31 December 2016.
The Coordinating Investigator bears full responsibility for the conduct of the project.
The requested funds do not supplement another current internal University grant, external grant or
research contract.
All project team members have consulted appropriately with their Heads and Deans and all have
the time and basic infrastructure resources to pursue the project concerned within the context of
existing research, teaching and higher degree supervision responsibilities.
The team has the necessary skills to achieve the aims and the capacity to meet deadlines.
If non-UoM team members are included in the project team, that intellectual property issues have
been discussed and agreed, with appropriate agreements in place, if applicable.
The training of early career researchers will occur in a planned and structured manner.
Interim and final reports on the project and its outcomes will be provided to the Director,
Melbourne Neuroscience Institute as requested.
Signed - Coordinating Investigator
Endorsed – Head of Department/School
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