Rhythmic Sky Studio, Inc. 2013-2014 HANDBOOK of Policies and Procedures 231-527-1553 18051 Northland Dr. Big Rapids, MI 49307 www.rhytmicskystdutios.weebly.com rythmicskystudios@hotmail.com Dear Parents and Students, As Rhythmic Sky Studios, Inc. (RSS) embarks on our 12th year of Dance, we thank our community of dancers and their families for choosing us to be your dance studio. Your commitment to dance and performing arts is instrumental in the evolution of RSS. We will continue to strive for excellence as this dance year, "Oh The Places We Will Go", begins. For our new families, we welcome you to Rhythmic Sky Dance Studios, Inc. We are dedicated to teaching dance, and the impact it will have on developing your mental, physical, and emotional artistic growth. Coordination, poise, grace, self- confidence, self- discipline, self- respect, and teamwork are all apart of the dance experience. Parents are a vital part of the students success in dance. By enrolling your child(ren), we ask that you take an active roll and strong commitment to the education and progress your student makes. You must also trust that we will make decisions in your child's best interest. Our teachers are professionals who are passionate about dance. We are excited to spread that passion to each student here at RSS, Inc. Please visit our website: www.rhythmicskystuidos.weebly.com for more information on our staff, up coming studio events. Sincerely, Stefanya McGuckin Owner/Artistic Director REGISTRATION A non-refundable fee of $15.00 is required at time of registration. Registration is accepted until December 1, 2013. PAYMENT AND FEES Tuition is not based on the number of classes per month, but a total fee for the classes provided from September through our recital in June. Three snow days are factored into the schedule for each class. Your student is guaranteed 35 lessons in the dance year. More if snow days do not occur. Tuition must be paid by the end of the first week of the month. Checks are payable to Rhythmic Sky Studios. Rhythmic Sky Studios reserves the right to withhold participation from any students due to lack of payment. Payments pay be sent in the mail but must be postmarked by the 10th of the month. ** Failure to pay with in the first week of the month will result in a $15 late fee that MUST BE PAID. Late fees will accumulate if they are ignored. Tickets will NOT be sold to anyone who has outstanding late fees. Even if a student is not in class, tuition must be paid. All non-sufficient funds checks returned by the bank will result in an extra $40 fee plus the monthly fee and a late fee. A 10% discount is given to students who pay their yearly tuition in full at time of registration, up to November 1st, 2013. Automatic credit card payments or post dated checks are much appreciated and an easy way to ensure that you do not acquire any late fees. Credit card payments will be charged on the first of every month. Post dated checks will be deposited first of each month. TUITION PRICES Pre-School Combo Class ................................................ $55 ONE class.........................................................................$45 TWO classes.....................................................................$65 THREE Classes.................................................................$85 FOUR Classes................................................................$105 FIFTH CLASS is FREE Unlimited Classes Family Rate ......................................$200 SHOE PRICES Students must have appropriate dance shoes for each class they are in within four weeks of the start of classes. If shoes are not obtained by this time, students will be allowed to observe class but not participated. Shoes may be purchased in the RSS office. **Never wear dance shoes outside, it will ruin them and you will be responsible for purchasing new ones before returning to class. COSTUMES We spend many hours determining the correct costumes for each class. They are always age-appropriate and of the highest quality possible. Pre-school students will need one costume; all other students will need one costume for each subject they train in. Please make sure to put your child’s name on all costumes and accessories!!!! Costumes include all accessories (hats, gloves, etc.). COSTUME EXPENSE The estimated cost of costumes is $70 for child sizes and $85 for adult sizes. Any special orders, including extra-large sizes, may require an additional charge (determined by the costume company). Additional charges are the sole responsibility of the parent or guardian. Accessories, such as headpieces or gloves, are included in the cost of the costume. Tights and shoes are not included. DEPOSITS In an effort to ensure that costumes are delivered in time for an organized distribution to our students, costume orders are placed during the December holiday break. Costume manufacturers do not accept cancellations or offer refunds; therefore the school does not refund costume deposits. Costume payments are as follows (each costume): 10/1 11/1 Child $35 $35 Adult $40 $40 **Costumes will not be ordered until they are paid for in full. If costumes are not paid in full by December 15th, there will be a added charge of $20 per costume. Parents or guardians accept full responsibility for all expenses, including surcharges and postage for costumes that are ordered late. RSS is not responsible if costumes are not received in time for the recital due to late payments. WITHDRAWAL Costumes are ordered during Christmas break. No refunds will be made for costumes if a parent or guardian withdraws a child from the school after the costumes have been ordered and prior to the recital. Parent or guardians may pick up purchased costumes at the school at the time of general costume distribution, and up to 15 days after the performance. Costumes not picked up after the 15 days will be donated to charity. SIZING Costume measuring begins during the last week in November, during scheduled class time. Each child will be measured in order to determine his or her proper costume size(s). Alterations are included in the cost of the costumes and will be taken care of by RSS staff. TIGHTS To ensure that there are no discrepancies in color and style, students are required to have the same tights for their classes. Tights are available at the studio. All students will receive new tights for the recital. DO NOT wear or wash them before the dress rehearsal or performance. Tights are included in the cost of the costume. REFUNDS Rhythmic Sky Studios reserves the right to terminate lessons to any student, if attendance or behavior warrants. In such case, a refund will be given for unused lessons ONLY. If after December 1st, costume money will not be refunded, and the parent or guardian MUST pay balance owed when they pick up the costumes(s). WITHDRAWL MUST OCCUR WITHIN THE FIRST SEVEN DAYS OF THE MONTH ONE MONTH NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN TO DISCONTINUE CLASSES. WITHDRAWL MUST BE DONE AT THE OFFICE NOT WITH THE TEACHER NO CANCELATION WILL BE ACCEPTED OVER THE PHONE NO WITHDRAWL WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER APRIL 1ST NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN AFTER DECEMBER 1ST FOR COSTUMES ORDERED NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN TO ANYONE FOR MISSED CLASSES WEATHER CLOSINGS If the schools close, that doesn’t mean we do. Please listen to the radio and news for any cancellations. You may also call the studio. Classes cancelled will NOT be rescheduled. ATTENDANCE Students should not be dropped off more then ten min. early to class. If a student comes in late, the teacher reserves the right to have that student sit out of class. Any classes that are missed during the month will NOT be deducted from tuition. It is your responsibility to make up any missed classes. When they are in the lobby there is no one there to watch them and is not our responsibility. All students under the age of five must have a parent or guardian present during class. If a student comes in late, the teacher reserves the right to have that student sit out of class. If tardiness becomes a problem, parents will be contacted. A maximum of EIGHT absences is allowed. ANY student missing FOUR lessons after January 1st may be taken out of part of their recital dance. We cannot hold the class back due to lack of attendance. A teacher/parent meeting will also be called to determine the future course of action for this student. Please make sure you are on time to pick up children as some get scared if you are not there. If there is an emergency, please call and let our office know if you will be late. CLASS PLACEMENT All dancers are professionally evaluated and placed in proper levels from year to year. Final decisions are determined solely by the executive and artistic director. Dancers may be moved to proper levels at any time during the dance season. RSS is a professional organization and dance education center. Owners and executive/artistic directors reserve the right to re-direct placement of a student while attending any class conducted at RSS. Students are placed in classes according to age and ability, along with several other factors. Technical understanding, comprehension of the specific concepts and strong level of confidence in their dance, are just the start of our decision process. Students are placed with only best intention of the staff. Our intent is to educate and challenge, not to frustrate students. Students wishing to attend a Pointe or Lyrical class must take a Ballet class once per week. Pointe students must be approved by the teacher. CLASSROOM RULES DRESS CODE ALL students are required to wear proper dance attire to class. Leotards, Tights, tank tops and dance skirts or shorts are allowed (Capri pants may be excepted dependant on the teacher). NO PANTS OR SWEATSHIRTS ALLOWED ! Please do not wear underpants with dance clothes. This ensures proper ventilation for healthy bodies. Hair MUST be pulled away from face in a ponytail with clips keeping bangs away from face. Please no jewelry. These rules are for your dancers safety and will be strongly enforced. Any student not in proper dance attire may be asked to sit out of class and will be required to stay and observe class. BEHAIVOR Be cooperative and respectful of the instructors. Treat classmates with the same courtesy and respect that you would like to be treated with. No food, gum, candy, or water in the classroom. Never hang on the barre. Use the restroom before class starts. No street shoes on the dance floor. Please do not touch the mirror. There is no running in the studio. If you are in the lobby between classes be respectful. Keep the noise to a minimum to respect the classes that are in session, and clean up after yourself. We ask that students practice at home between classes to ensure they feel confident about what they have learned. CD’s of recital music will be available to your child in the RSS office for a small fee. INJURIES Parents, legal guardians, all minor students and adult students must waive the right to any legal action for any injury sustained on the school property before, during, and after classes, or at any other function held by the studio. RECITAL UPDATES As the season progresses, additional recital information or updates will be posted on the RSS school bulletin board and on our website and mailed to your home. It is your responsibility to keep up to date of this important information. It is our goal to make the recital experience organized and exciting for all involved. It is a team effort; students, their parents, the teachers, and the director are key players in the success of the show.