Non-Invasive Diagnostic Technology

Non-Invasive Diagnostic Technology
Course Number: 25.44500
Georgia Standard
Georgia HOSA Competitive
How It Relates
HS-NDT-1 Demonstrate employability skills required by business & industry.
1.1 Communicate effectively through
*Interviewing Skills (*IS)
*IS – Writing, speaking, listening, reading, & interpersonal skills.
writing, speaking, listening, reading &
*Speaking Skills (*SS)
*SS – Writing, speaking, & interpersonal skills.
interpersonal abilities.
Biomedical Debate (BD)
BD – Speaking, listening, reading, & interpersonal skills.
Extemporaneous Health
EHP – Reading & interpersonal skills.
Poster (EHP)
EW – Writing & reading.
Extemporaneous Writing
JSS – Writing, speaking, listening, reading & interpersonal skills.
MR – Writing, reading.
Job Seeking Skills (JSS)
MRC – Communication & interpersonal skills.
Medical Reading (MR)
MS – Writing, speaking, listening, & reading.
Medical Spelling (MS)
PS – Writing, speaking, & interpersonal skills.
MRC Partnership (MRC)
RPS – Writing, speaking, & interpersonal skills.
Prepared Speaking (PS)
Research Persuasive
Speaking (RPS)
1.2 Demonstrate creativity with
Biomedical Debate (BD)
BD – Use multiple approaches to ask questions; debate.
multiple approaches to ask challenging Community Awareness (CA) CA – Creative procedures, methods, & products to raise awareness.
questions resulting in innovative
Extemporaneous Health
EHP – Creativity in drawing to raise awareness.
procedures, methods, & products.
Poster (EHP)
HE – Creative procedures, methods & products to raise awareness.
Health Education (HE)
PH – Creative procedures, methods, & products to present to public.
Public Health (PH)
1.3 Exhibit critical thinking & problem
*Interviewing Skills (*IS)
*IS – Critical thinking, problem solving skills & career planning.
solving skills to locate, analyze, & apply Creative Problem Solving
CPS – Critical thinking, problem solving skills, analyze, & apply
information in career planning &
employment situations.
Health Career Display (HCD) HCD – Apply information in career planning.
Job Seeking Skills (JSS)
JSS – Critical thinking, problem solving skills, & career planning.
MRC Partnership (MRC)
1.4 Model work readiness traits
required for success in the workplace
including integrity, honesty,
accountability, punctuality, time
management, & respect for diversity.
1.5 Apply the appropriate skill sets to
be productive in a changing,
technological, & diverse workplace to
be able to work independently,
interpret data, & apply teamwork skills.
*Interviewing Skills (*IS)
*Speaking Skills (*SS)
Conference Dress Code
Job Seeking Skills (JSS)
Prepared Speaking (PS)
Researched Persuasive
Speaking (RPS)
Biomedical Debate (BD)
Community Awareness (CA)
Creative Problem Solving
Forensic Medicine (FM)
Health Career Display (HCD)
Health Education (HE)
HOSA Bowl (HB)
Knowledge Test:
Transcultural Health Care
Medical Innovation (MI)
Parliamentary Procedures
Public Service
Announcement (PSA)
All Competitive Events
Conference Dress Code
MRC – Critical thinking, problem solving skills, apply information for
career planning, & employment situations.
*IS – Model work readiness traits.
*SS – Model work readiness traits.
Conference dress code models work readiness traits.
JSS – Model work readiness traits.
PS – Model work readiness traits.
RPS – Model work readiness traits.
BD – Diversity, interpret data, & apply teamwork.
CA – Diversity, interpret data, & apply teamwork.
CPS – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
FM – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
HCD – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
HE – Diversity, apply teamwork.
HB – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
KT-THC – Diversity within workplace.
MI – Technological environment, interpret data, & apply teamwork.
PP – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
PSA – Technological environment & apply teamwork.
1.6 Present a professional image
Dress code requires students to be in a navy blue or black suit at all
through appearance, behavior, &
HS-NDT-2 Demonstrate a professional demeanor at all times, both in the classroom and within the healthcare facilities.
2.1 Demonstrate dependability as it
All Competitive Events
All competitive events require the student to be present, on time &
relates to being present, on time, and
ready to participate.
ready to participate.
2.2 Show compassion as it relates to
All Competitive Events
Student work ethics.
being sensitive to the needs of patients
and coworkers.
2.3 Exhibit flexibility as it relates to
All Competitive Events
Students participating in Competitive Events accept the added
their willingness to adapt to changes,
responsibility of preparing for their event. There are 15 events that
accept added responsibility, and be a
require the student to be a team player.
team player
2.4 Perform honesty as it relates to
All Competitive Events
Students participating in Competitive Events will experience work ethics
willingness to admit mistakes, to get
that pertain to honesty and acceptance of criticism.
help when unsure of a procedure, and
to act in the interest of client safety.
2.5 Demonstrate integrity as it relates
All Competitive Events
Student work ethics.
to client privacy and client
2.6 Exhibit proper personal appearance All Competitive Events
Students are required to be in professional dress code.
to include appropriate dress code, good
personal hygiene, and professional
2.7 Display the importance of good
All Competitive Events
Students work ethics.
organizational skills and time
management skills including
completion of assignments.
HS-NDT-3 Investigate professional ethics and legal responsibilities relating to non-invasive testing in the area of radiology, cardiology and
3.1 Maintain confidentiality and privacy HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
to include HIPAA regulations
Knowledge Test: Medical
L&E – Testing
Law & Ethics (L&E)
3.2 Explain medico legal concepts as it
relates to different non-invasive
3.3 Demonstrate adhering to and
understanding the personal and
professional code of ethics.
3.4 Investigate the national
professional standards related to
Radiology Technologists, EKG
Technicians, and Respiratory
Therapists, including careers available
in each field.
3.5 Evaluate how culture and diversity
affects the delivery of care.
Knowledge Test: Medical
Law & Ethics (L&E)
L&E – Testing
HOSA Bowl (HB)
Knowledge Test: Medical
Law & Ethics (L&E)
Health Career Display (HCD)
HOSA Bowl (HB)
Knowledge Test: Medical
Law & Ethics (L&E)
HB – Round 2 questions
L&E – Testing
Knowledge Test: Human
Growth & Development
Knowledge Test: Medical
Law & Ethics (L&E)
Knowledge Test:
Transcultural Healthcare
HOSA Bowl (HB)
Knowledge Test: Medical
Law & Ethics (L&E)
HGD – Testing
L&E – Testing
Trans – Testing
3.6 Examine scope of practice, torts,
malpractice, negligence, invasion of
privacy, privileged communication,
confidentiality and informed consent as
it relates to career in noninvasive
diagnostic testing.
3.7 Discuss and understand the
HOSA Bowl (HB)
patient’s rights to Informed Consent,
Knowledge Test: Medical
Advance Directives, Do Not Resuscitate Law & Ethics (L&E)
(DNR) orders), and a Living Will.
HS-NDT-4 Differentiate the services provided in diagnostic imaging.
HCD – Career exploration
HB – Round 2 questions
L&E – Testing
HB – Round 2 questions
L&E – Testing
HB – Round 2 questions
L&E – Testing
4.1 Differentiate between the types of
Health Career Display (HCD) HCD – Career Exploration
diagnostic imaging and the types of
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
medical information each generates,
Medical Assisting (MA)
MA – Testing
including but not limited to Computer
Assisted Tomography (CAT), Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (MRI), Positron
emissions Tomography (PET),
Ultrasound Imaging, Mammography
and X-Rays.
4.2 Differentiate how the types of
Health Career Display (HCD) HCD – Career Exploration
diagnostic imaging might be utilized for HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring
Medical Assisting (MA)
MA – Testing
of a medical condition.
HS-NDT-5 Demonstrate proper safety principles relating to Radiology, EKG and Respiratory Technicians.
5.1 Demonstrate adhering to radiation
protection for patient and personnel,
including basic methods of protection:
time, distance and shielding.
5.2 Distinguish between the protective
devices (engineering controls) and
procedures (work practice controls)
available to provide proper patient
care, including when and how to use
the devices
5.3 Demonstrate utilizing radiationsafety principles and guidelines,
including ALARA (as low as (is)
reasonably achievable) principles and
PMD (Personal Monitoring Devices).
5.4 Research the importance of
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
governing agencies and roles, including
L&E – Testing
FDA (Food and Drug Administration,
Knowledge Test: Medical
Pharm – Testing
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Law & Ethics (L&E)
Administration), MQSA (Mammography Knowledge Test:
Quality Standards Act), ACR (American Pharmacology (Pharm)
College of Radiology), and the NRC
(Nuclear Radiation Commission).
5.5 Apply proper body mechanics for
*Personal Care (*PC)
*PC – Procedures I, II, III, IV & V
the safety of the healthcare worker and Home Health Aide (HHA)
HHA – Testing & Procedure VII
patients when performing simulated
Nursing Assisting (NA)
NA – Testing & Procedures I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII & VIII
5.6 Apply the appropriate infection
*Personal Care (*PC)
*PC – Procedures I, II, III, IV & V
control standards while performing
Home Health Aide (HHA)
HHA – Testing & Procedure VII
procedures in radiology, cardiology or
Nursing Assisting (NA)
NA – Testing & Procedures I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII & VII
pulmonary services.
HS-NDT-6 Demonstrate an understanding of image acquisition and evaluation
6.1 Differentiate between film screen
processing and digital imaging
6.2 Explain the importance of image
Knowledge Test: Medical
L&E – Testing
identification in diagnostic imaging and Law & Ethics (L&E)
understand the legal considerations
(patient data, examination data) if not
performed properly.
6.3 Identify image quality related to
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
film brightness/density, contrast/gray
scale, motion, artifacts, fog, required
anatomy, and positioning accuracy.
6.4 Investigate the PACS (picture
archiving and communication system)
system related to diagnostic imaging.
6.5 Recognize currently-utilized
diagnostic imaging equipment.
HS-NDT-7 Electrocardiogram (EKG) Demonstrate how to properly place leads and operate a 12-lead EKG (electrocardiogram) unit.
7.1 Demonstrate collecting and
Medical Assisting (MA)
MA – Procedures II & III
documenting patient history, cardiac
medication, and information needed
for EKG testing.
7.1 Demonstrate setting up and
verifying the leads recorded on an EKG.
7.2 Demonstrate verifying EKG machine
paper speed (e.g., 25mm, 50mm) and
EKG machine sensitivity (e.g., h, 1, 2).
7.3 Inspect the waveforms of a cardiac
cycle for symmetry, direction, and
amplitude (e.g., P waves, QRS
complexes, ST segments, and T waves).
7.4 Demonstrate troubleshooting a 12lead EKG unit.
7.5 Demonstrate mounting a
completed EKG for a patient’s chart
and properly uploading a completed
EKG to a patient’s electronic medical
7.6 Demonstrate how to maintain EKG
equipment and the work environment.
7.7 Demonstrate correctly positioning a
patient for testing and applying EKG
leads in the correct position on the
7.8 Apply electrodes on patient and
understand how to respond to signs
and symptoms of cardiopulmonary
7.9 Demonstrate performing patient
*Personal Care (*PC)
*PC – Procedure V
vital signs (heart rate, respirations,
Clinical Nursing (CN)
CN – Procedure III
temperature, blood pressure) and
Home Health Aide (HHA)
HHA – Procedures I & II
utilizing a pulse oximeter) to monitor
Nursing Assisting (NA)
NA – Procedure VI
patient during procedures.
7.10 Demonstrate informing patients
Clinical Specialty (CS)
CS about the purpose of procedure and
Medical Assisting (MA)
MA – Testing
directions for testing, including EKG
(Electrocardiogram) monitoring, Holter
monitoring, Stress testing, and
Telemetry monitoring
7.11 Differentiate between the care
Clinical Nursing (CN)
CN – Testing
needed for infant, pediatric, adult
Home Health Aide (HHA)
HHA – Testing
patients and those with special
Nursing Assisting (NA)
NA – Testing
considerations (e.g., right sided heart,
posterior chest, amputations).
HS-NDT-8 Demonstrate and explain how EKG grid paper is used, and plot EKG axis.
8.1 Calculate a patient’s heart rate
from the EKG tracing (e.g., 6-second
method, R to R, sequencing).
8.2 Measure a patient’s heart rhythm
from the EKG tracing.
8.3 Measure a patient’s heart
conduction from the EKG tracing (e.g.,
PR-interval, QRS duration and QTinterval).
HS-NDT-9 Recognize normal and abnormal patterns in all EKG leads and understand proper procedures that medical professionals utilize in
responding to and reporting results.
9.1 Identify and resolve artifacts from
the EKG tracing (e.g., wandering
baseline, somatic, and electrical).
9.2 Identify and determine how a
medical professional evaluates sinus
rhythm and major classifications of
arrhythmias from the EKG tracing
(sinus, atrial, ventricular, junctional,
and heart blocks).
9.3 Describe and demonstrate response *Life Support Skills (*LSS)
*LSS – Procedure I
to potentially life-threatening
CPR/First Aid (CPR)
CPR – Testing & Procedures VI, VII, VIII & IX
Emergency Medical
EMT – Testing & Procedure VI
Technician (EMT)
9.4 Recognize pacemaker spikes on an
EKG tracing.
9.5 Identify the major variances to
waveforms related to ischemia, injury,
or infarction.
HS-NDT-10 Apply patient assessment techniques to differentiate the need for non-invasive pulmonary diagnostic testing.
10.1 Identify and describe basic
Medical Terminology (MT)
MT – Testing
cardiopulmonary anatomy and medical
terminology for the cardiopulmonary
10.2 Demonstrate utilizing assessment *Personal Care (*PC)
*PC – Procedure V
skills to check vital signs, height and
Home Health Aide (HHA)
HHA – Testing & Procedures I & II
weight, initial impressions of patient,
Medical Assisting (MA)
MA – Testing & Procedures III & IV
and record patient history
Nursing Assisting (NA)
NA – Testing & Procedure VI
10.3 Apply examinations techniques,
CPR/First Aid (CPR)
CPR – Testing
including visual examination head to
Emergency Medical
EMT – Testing & Procedures I & II
extremities (chest appearance,
Technician (EMT)
clubbing, cyanosis, pedal edema,
capillary refill, and skin temperature),
auscultation of lung and heart sounds,
palpitation, and percussion.
10.4 Differentiate between normal and *Personal Care (*PC)
*PC – Procedure V
abnormal breath sounds.
Nursing Assisting (NA)
NA – Testing & Procedure VI
10.5 Recognize various breathing
*Personal Care (*PC)
*PC – Procedure V
patterns and respiratory effort.
Nursing Assisting (NA)
NA – Testing & Procedure VI
10.6 Demonstrate utilizing pulse
Clinical Nursing (CN)
CN – Procedure III
oximetry as a tool for assessing patient
basic oxygen needs and differentiate
between normal and abnormal
10.7 Observe a medical professional
utilizing chest radiography to recognize
normal and abnormal chest findings
and apply a systematic approach to
reading the chest radiography as an
important diagnostic tool.
HS-NDT-11 Differentiate between the types and the need for pulmonary non-invasive diagnostic testing. (Simulation in the lab or
observations in a clinical setting)
11.1 Describe the basic types of
pulmonary non-invasive diagnostic
testing (chest X-ray, peak flow meters,
basic pulmonary function test
11.2 Identify and describe the lung
volumes and capacities of the averaged
size adult.
11.3 Differentiate between the use of
peak flow meters and basic pulmonary
function testing (simple spirometry).
11.4 Observe a medical professional
teaching proper peak flow technique,
performing a peak flow test, and
appropriately interpreting information
11.5 Properly calibrate and set up
spirometer and discuss the limitations
of basic spirometry and the need for
more advance pulmonary function
testing. Observe as a medical
professional interprets basic
spirometer results.
11.6 Apply principles of infection
control to prevent cross contamination
of patients when using simple
pulmonary function testing.
11.7 Differentiate between restrictive
and obstructive pulmonary disease
based on the expected pulmonary
functions results.
11.8 Discuss contraindications to
pulmonary diagnostic testing.
HS-NDT-12 Research careers and certification available in careers that utilize non-invasive diagnostic techniques in fields of radiology,
cardiology and pulmonary.
12.1 Research career opportunities in
Health Career Display (HCD) HCD – Career exploration
fields that utilize non-invasive
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
diagnostic techniques in
radiology/imaging, cardiology and
12.2 Investigate certifications and
Health Career Display (HCD) HCD – Career exploration
further education available for
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
proficiency in using noninvasive
diagnostic testing
12.3 Analyze the trends and
advantages in the hiring multi-skilled
medical workers.
Health Career Display (HCD)
Healthcare Issues Exam
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HS-NDT-13 Complete a CPR Basic Life Support and first aid course.
13.1 Successfully complete Basic Life
*Life Support Skills (*LSS)
Support CPR course by a recognized
CPR/First Aid (CPR)
agency, such as the American Heart
Emergency Medical
Association or American Red Cross.
Technician (EMT)
13.2 Successfully complete a First Aid
*Life Support Skills (*LSS)
course by a recognized agency, such as CPR/First Aid (CPR)
the American Heart Association or
Emergency Medical
American Red Cross.
Technician (EMT)
HCD – Career exploration
HIE – Analyzing trends in healthcare
HB – Round 2 questions
*LSS – Procedures I, II, III & IV
CPR – Testing & Procedures I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII & IX
EMT – Testing & Procedures I, II, III, IV, V & VI
*LSS – Procedures I, II, III & IV
CPR – Testing & Procedures I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII & IX
EMT – Testing & Procedures I, II, III, IV, V & VI