Unit Plan Adaptations - Margo Benya BiCi North 8th grade

Unit Plan Adaptations
Unit Topic: Behavioral and Physical Adaptations
Grade Level:
Subject: Science
Big Idea: Organisms are able to survive and reproduce because of their adaptations (traits)
Unit Outcome: TSW be designing two organisms that are perfectly suited to live in a given imaginary
environment, one plant and one animal with specific behavioral adaptations, physical adaptations, and
specific interactions with other organisms already in the given environment.
Core Standards: Concept 4 Diversity, adaptation, and behavior
PO1. Explain how an organism’s behavior allows it to survive in an environment.
PO2. Describe how an organism can maintain a stable internal environment while living in a constantly
changing external environment.
PO3. Determine characteristics of organisms that could change over several generations.
PO4. Compare the symbiotic and competitive relationships in organisms within an ecosystem (e.g.,
lichen, mistletoe/tree, clownfish/sea anemone, and native/non C native species).
PO5. Analyze the following behavioral cycles of organisms: hibernation, migration, & dormancy (plants)
Integrated Standards:
Concept 2 PO1. Apply the following scientific processes to other problem solving or decision making
situations: observing, questioning, communication, comparing, measuring, classifying, organizing data,
inferring, generating hypotheses, identifying variables.
Concept 4 PO3. Present analyses and conclusions in clear, concise formats.
Reading, Writing : Six traits writing, expository text, informational text
Prior Knowledge:
Characteristics of biomes. animal and plant classification, cooperative and competitive relationships in an
Ecosystem, Food chains and food webs.
Task Analysis of Daily Objectives: (See attached lesson plans)
TSW Demonstrate knowledge of Structural. and Behavioral. Adaptations by completing a preassessment
TSW analyze and categorize structural and behavioral adaptations by examining a toy animal and listing adaptations
and how they contribute to the animal's survival in its environment
TSW indentify information about Symbiosis and Competitive Relationships by taking Cornell Notes from the Smart
1. Rubric for Unit Outcome
2. Teacher created student sample at exemplar level.
3. At least three lesson plans in GESD framework (sub objectives and check for understanding.
4. Critical resources- Ecology, Diversity of Living Things, ScienceSaurus, Test Generator
Rubric-Designer Organisms
Regulating Body
Caring for offspring
Additional behavioral
Describes the
adaptation using
academic vocabulary
and complete
sentences and
provides explanation
for why it allows for
the survival of the
Shelter must fit into
the given
environment and a
detailed explanation
of how it helps the
survival of the
organism survive is
provided. Academic
vocabulary is used.
Describes whether or
not an organism cares
for its young and
describes in detail
how this contributes
to the survival of the
Student describes two
additional behaviors
(not protection or
defense) and explains
in detail how they
contribute to the
survival of the
Describes the
adaptation and
provides explanation
for why it allows for
the survival of the
Describes the
adaptation and
attempts to explain
why it allows for the
survival of the
Describes adaptation
but makes no
attempt to explain
why it allows for
survival of the
Shelter must fit into
the environment and
a description of how
it helps the organism
survive is provided.
Uses some academic
Description of shelter
is provided along with
some attempt of
affect on the survival
of the organism.
Describes shelter but
makes no attempt to
show connection to
the survival of the
Describes whether an
organism cares for its
young and explains
how this is an
advantage to survival.
Describes whether or
not an organism
cares fro its young
and attempts to
explain advantage for
Describes care of
offspring but makes
no attempt to
connect it to the
survival of the
Student describes one
additional behavior
(not protection or
defense) and explains
in detail how it
contributes to the
survival of the
Student describes
behavior(s) but
makes no attempt to
explain why it
contributes to the
survival of the
Student is able to
describe in detail
using academic
vocabulary how the
organism reproduces
and to explain why it
contributes to the
survival of the
Student describes
reproduction using
some academic
vocabulary and is able
to explain why it
contributes to
Student describes
one additional
behavior (not
protection or
defense) and
attempts to explain
how it contributes to
the survival of the
Student describes
reproduction and
attempts to explain
its connection to the
survival of the
Student describes
reproduction but
makes little or no
attempt to connect it
to the survival of the
Describes how the
organism protects
and defends itself
using academic
vocabulary and is able
to explain how that
contributes to
Describes how the
organism protects or
defends itself using
some academic
vocabulary and is able
to explain the
connection to
Describes protection
or defense and
attempts to explain
the connection to
Describes protection
or defense but makes
little or no effort to
connect it to survival.
Food and water
Clearly describes how
the organism obtains
food and
Water using academic
vocabulary and is able
to explain why this
contributes to
Describes how the
organism obtains
food and water and
explains contribution
to survival.
Describes how the
organism obtains
food or water and
attempts to explain
why it is important to
Describes how the
organism obtains
food or water but
makes little or no
attempt to explain
how it is important to
Symbiotic Relationship
Describes in detail a
symbiotic relationship
between the
organism and an
existing organism in
the imaginary
environment. Uses
academic vocabulary.
Discusses both
organisms. Is able to
explain the advantage
for survival.
Describes in detail a
symbiotic relationship
between the
organism and an
existing organism in
the imaginary
environment. Is able
to explain how it
affects survival.
Describes a symbiotic
relationship between
organisms and
attempts to explain
how it affects
Describes a symbiotic
relationship but
makes little or no
attempt to explain
how it affects
Food Web with existing
Creates a food web
that includes the
designer organism
and existing
organisms. Designer
organism is not the
ultimate predator. All
parts of the food web
are clearly labeled
with correct academic
Creates a food web
including the designer
organism and existing
organisms. Most parts
of the food web are
labeled correctly.
Creates a food chain
or partial food web.
Some parts are
labeled Most existing
organisms are
Attempts to create
and label a food web
or chain,
Makes little or no
attempt to properly
label it. May not
include existing
Special Physical
Student lists and
accurately describes
4 additional physical
adaptations and is
able to describe how
they contribute to
Student lists and
accurately describes 3
additional physical
adaptations and is
able to describe how
they contribute to
Student lists and
accurately describes
2 additional physical
adaptations and is
able to describe how
they contribute to
Student lists and
accurately describes
1 additional physical
adaptations and is
able to describe how
they contribute to
Designer Organisms
8th grade Science- Benya
Name: ______________________________
Period: ______________________________
Directions: Think about the things that make an animal well adapted to /survive in their
environment. Organisms have both behavioral and physical adaptations that make them well
suited to live in a specific environment. Organisms gain their physical adaptations over millions
of years via natural selection. For the purposes of this assignment, you will be designing two
organisms, one plant and one animal that are perfectly suited to live in a given environment.
You may present this project in any of the following ways: a poster with written descriptions, a
written report, booklet, or another method of your choice.
Answer the following questions to guide you in your design. Remember that adaptations are
things that allow the organism to survive and reproduce in a particular environment.
My Environment is____________________.
This project is due on __________________.
How does the organism maintain its internal temperature?
What kind of shelter does the organism need?
How does the organism obtain food and water?
How does the organism reproduce?
How does the organism care for its young (or does it care for its young?)
What kinds of behaviors might the organisms have?
How does the organism protect and defend itself?
What is a possible symbiotic relationship the organism could have with an existing organism in
the environment?
Where might the organism fit in the existing food chain without being the ultimate predator?
What are some other physical adaptations that might help the organism in this environment?
You must turn in both this sheet, the rubric, and the sheet with your environment along with your
Designer Organisms GS Independent Study
8th grade Science- Benya GS
Name: ______________________________
Period: ______________________________
Directions: Think about the things that make an animal well adapted to /survive in their
environment. Organisms have both behavioral and physical adaptations that make them well
suited to live in a specific environment. Organisms gain their physical adaptations over millions
of years via natural selection. For the purposes of this assignment, you will be designing three
organisms, at least one plant, that are perfectly suited to live in a given environment. You may
present this project in any of the following ways: a poster with written descriptions, a written
report, booklet, or another method of your choice.
Independent Study – See teacher for information
Answer the following questions to guide you in your design. Remember that adaptations are
things that allow the organism to survive and reproduce in a particular environment..
My Environment is____________________.
This project is due on __________________.
How does the organism maintain its internal temperature?
What kind of shelter does the organism need?
How does the organism obtain food and water?
How does the organism reproduce?
How does the organism care for its young (or does it care for its young?)
What kinds of behaviors might the organisms have?
How does the organism protect and defend itself?
What is a possible symbiotic relationship the organism could have with an existing organism in
the environment?
Where might the organism fit in the existing food chain without being the ultimate predator?
What are some other physical adaptations that might help the organism in this environment?
You must turn in both this sheet, the rubric, and the sheet with your environment along with your
Designer Organisms Differentiated
8th grade Science- Benya
Name: ______________________________
Period: ______________________________
Directions: Think about the things that make an animal well adapted to /survive in their
environment. Organisms have both behavioral and physical adaptations that make them well
suited to live in a specific environment. Organisms gain their physical adaptations over millions
of years via natural selection. For the purposes of this assignment, you will be designing one
organism, one plant or one animal that are perfectly suited to live in a given environment. You
may present this project in any of the following ways: a poster with written descriptions, a written
report, booklet, or another method of your choice.
Answer the following questions to guide you in your design. Remember that adaptations are
things that allow the organism to survive and reproduce in a particular environment.
My Environment is____________________.
This project is due on __________________.
How does the organism maintain its internal temperature?
What kind of shelter does the organism need?
How does the organism obtain food and water?
How does the organism reproduce?
How does the organism care for its young (or does it care for its young?)
What kinds of behaviors might the organisms have?
How does the organism protect and defend itself?
What is a possible symbiotic relationship the organism could have with an existing organism in
the environment?
Where might the organism fit in the existing food chain without being the ultimate predator?
What are some other physical adaptations that might help the organism in this environment?
You must turn in both this sheet, the rubric, and the sheet with your environment along with your
Biome 1: Cold and dark most of the time. There is very little rainfall. For most of the year the
ground is covered with permafrost. It has a very short summer where temperatures reach 45
degrees during the day. Rocky soil and terrain make up the ground. Existing organisms include
a large nocturnal hunting cat, a small squirrel-like rodent, small plants, a migrating predatory
bird, and some fish in the nearby ocean.
Biome 2: Hot temperatures year round. There is a lot of volcanic activity with several large
active volcanoes. Night time temperature averages about 40 degrees lower than in the daytime.
There is very little rainfall. The water supply is found in underground caverns. Existing
organisms include a striped carnivorous pig, a small seed gathering bird, an underground molelike creature that eats insects, a few trees and plants.
Biome 3: Most of this environment is under water, there are a few small jungle islands. With the
exception of a few ponds on the islands most of the water is salt water. The temperature is
moderate year round. There are several types of fruit and nut bearing trees on the island. Other
organisms include a large aquatic mammal, a poisonous snake, monkeys, birds, fish, reptiles,
and on the islands there is thorny plant tat grows along the ground and is deadly to most
organisms that touch it.
Biome 4: This is a series of underground caverns which receive little sunlight. The temperature
ranges from 40-60 degrees. Most of the water seeps in through the rocks. There is an area that
receives warm water from a natural hot spring. Existing organisms include a form of lichen, a
large 3 foot long slimy worm, that eats the decomposed waste of the other organisms, several
types of flies, a carnivorous crab, and a species of bacteria that converts energy from the hot
springs into a usable form for the plant life to use.
GESD Lesson Design Framework
Cooperation, Competition, and Symbiosis
Lesson 1 of 1
Essential Question
What are some ways that organisms can interact with each other in an ecosystem?
Big Idea
Organisms can Interact in many ways.
Performance Objective
Compare the symbiotic and competitive relationships in organisms within an
Lesson Objective
Learner Evidence
Ecosystem (e.g., lichen, mistletoe/tree, clownfish/sea anemone, native/non-native
TSW identify info about symbiosis and competitive relationships by taking Cornell
TSW produce a complete set of Cornell Notes about Organism interactions on the right
Hand side of their interactive notebook, then they will add main ideas or questions.
They will continue on the left side by writing a summary using new academic vocabulary,
providing and sketching examples, and enhancing academic vocabulary on the left hand
side to be checked later.
Literacy/Communication Listen, read and Write to take notes, restate main ideas as questions and summarize.
(Content) Sub-
Check for
TSW access background
knowledge to identify items for
which organisms compete and
Write Warm up on
Smart Board: List
some Items for
which organisms of
the same species
compete and
Students will copy
and answer the
warm up question in
the interactive
notebook using
Students should be
able to write about
cooperating for
protection, hunting,
raising young and
competing for mates,
territory, water, food
Write answers given on whiteboard for visual
learners.Non-linguistic representations where
TSW identify information about
symbiotic relationships.
Smart board power
point lecture.
"Organisms can
interact in many
Take Cornell Style
notes from power
point on the right
hand side. Write
Main ideas.
Summarize using
Students should be
able to determine the
question or main idea
of each slide and
write it on the left
side of the notes and
to summarize after
notes are taken.
Summaries should
contain academic
vocabulary from the
Copies of power point for SPED.
Direct the students
to work on their
notebooks to
provide examples,
pictures, etc relating
to the notes. Focus
on the academic
Work on completion
of left hand side if
interactive notebook
Spot check and
informal questioning
about word usage
and meaning
Students should be
able to use the word
in a sentence that
makes sense.
Copies of words and templates for SPED
TSW use information from
notes to complete the left hand
side of the interactive
Notebook Check
Materials: PowerPoint - Organisms can interact in many ways, Interactive notebooks, supply boxes
Copies of power point for SPED and absent students.
Allow extra time on slides as needed.
Model main ideas and questions.
Individual attention
Cooperative work with Table Group
GESD Lesson Design Framework
Preassessment - Adaptations
Lesson 1of 1
Essential Question
How do structural and behavioral adaptations of organisms help them to survive
and reproduce?
Big Idea
Organisms have many different types of adaptations.
Performance Objective
8SS4C4P1: Explain how an organism’s behavior allows it to survive in an environment
8SS4C4P2: Describe how an organism can maintain a stable internal environment while living in a
constantly changing external environment
8SS4C4P3: Determine characteristics of organisms that could change over several generations
8SS4C4P4: Compare the symbiotic and competitive relationships in organisms within an
ecosystem (e.g., lichen, mistletoe/tree, clownfish/sea anemone, native/non-native species)
8SS4C4P5: Analyze the following behavioral cycles of organisms: hibernation, migration,
dormancy (plants)
8SS4C4P6: Describe the following factors that allow for the survival of living organisms:
protective coloration, beak design, seed dispersal, pollination
Lesson Objective
TSW use knowledge to complete a multiple choice pre-assessment about adaptations
Learner Evidence
TSW complete a multiple choice Preassessment by the end of class to be checked
Literacy/Communication Read and write to answer multiple choice questions
(Content) Sub-
Check for
TSW complete a warm up
question in their interactive
Put warm up on the
smart board:
Copy the warm up
questions on the
right hand side of
the interactive
notebook. Write
possible answers on
the left hand side.
Walk classroom to
check student
Write student answers on the whiteboard
Answers will vary
Group discussion
Complete the
Preassessment then
read the article for
class discussion.
Check test
Participate in the
discussion with table
group as indicated
by the teacher.
Follow assigned
group roles. Be
prepared to present
your answer in the
whole class
Answers should be
aligned with the
TSW complete a multiple
choice Preassessment.
TSW take part in a class
discussion about the article.
What are some
characteristics that
humans have that
help them to
And discuss as a class.
Visual representation
What is a behavior?
Hand out test copies
and scantron sheets,
explain instructions
and test taking
Alternate seating,
Read instructions
Extra time if needed
Prepare to hand out
an article for
students who finish
Give student table
groups specific
questions about the
article, ask them to
prepare answers to
discuss with the
Groups will self
Cooperative Grouping
Varied Presentation.
Designer Organisms
8th grade Science- Benya
Name: Teacher Produced – Student Example
Period: ______________________________
Directions: Think about the things that make an animal well adapted to /survive in their
environment. Organisms have both behavioral and physical adaptations that make them well
suited to live in a specific environment. Organisms gain their physical adaptations over millions
of years via natural selection. For the purposes of this assignment, you will be designing two
organisms, one plant and one animal that are perfectly suited to live in a given environment.
You may present this project in any of the following ways: a poster with written descriptions, a
written report, booklet, or another method of your choice.
Answer the following questions to guide you in your design. Remember that adaptations are
things that allow the organism to survive and reproduce in a particular environment.
My Environment is Biome 1: Cold and dark most of the time. There is very little rainfall. For most
of the year the ground is covered with permafrost. It has a very short summer where
temperatures reach 45 degrees during the day. Rocky soil and terrain make up the ground.
Existing organisms include a large nocturnal hunting cat, a small squirrel-like rodent, small
plants, a migrating predatory bird, and some fish in the nearby ocean.
This project is due on June 4, 2010.
How does the organism maintain its internal temperature?
If it lived on the land, this organism would likely need to be an endotherm or warm-blooded. This
means that it would have a consistent and probably high temperature that it regulates internally.
The only truly endothermic animals are classified as mammals or birds so this organism would
need to be a bird or a mammal. Feathers or fur would provide it with additional warmth. It
probably would shiver.
What kind of shelter does the organism need?
The organism would need a sheltered environment, perhaps a cave. This might offer it some
additional protection from the harsh temperatures as well as keeping it concealed from the
nocturnal hunting cat.
How does the organism obtain food and water?
The organism could be a primary consumer or a secondary consumer. In order to fit into a food
web and not be the ultimate predator, this organism will be a carnivore that hunts and eats the
small squirrel like rodent.
It obtains fresh water from pools in the caves that collect after the rainfall. Because there is little
rainfall it probably needs an adaptation like that of a camel where their red blood cells are oval
and able to flow in a dehydrated state. The red blood cells are also adapted to withstand
osmotic variations and do not rupture easily. The organism does not sweat and loses little water
to perspiration.
How does the organism reproduce?
The organism will reproduce sexually with sperm and egg via internal fertilization. The gestation
period is short. Young are small replicas of their parents and fully functional when they are born.
They are born live, no egg.
How does the organism care for its young (or does it care for its young?)
Young organisms stay with their parents to learn basic skills like hunting. Newborn organisms
nurse for about two weeks and then begin to hunt for food with the group.
What kinds of behaviors might the organisms have?
The organism lives in a colony. It exhibits social behavior in that they tend to hunt together. The
males compete for mating by performing an elaborate mating ritual something like a mating
dance. Females choose males who are able to outlast their competition in the dance proving
their stamina for later hunting excursions.
How does the organism protect and defend itself?
The organism hides in the crevices of the cave to protect itself from predators. It is diurnal and is
most active when the large nocturnal sleeps.
What is a possible symbiotic relationship the organism could have with an existing organism in
the environment?
The organism has a mutual symbiotic relationship with a small plant in the biome. The organism
provides fertilizer for the plant via its feces and the plant produces a fragrance that attracts the
small squirrel-like rodent (the main food source of the organism).
Where might the organism fit in the existing food chain without being the ultimate predator?
The organism eats the small squirrel like rodent and is eaten by the nocturnal hunting cat.
What are some other physical adaptations that might help the organism in this environment?
The organism needs claws and sharp teeth to rip apart its food. It has thick fur with 3 hairs per
follicle to provide additional warmth against the cold temperatures. The organism has wings
hollow bones to enable it to fly both while it is hunting and to help it to escape from predators if
needed. It is dark colored to allow it to remain camouflaged both from its prey and its predators,
ensuring success in both hunting and survival. Because the environment is dark its pupils dilate
to ten times their normal size to enable it to see the world around it.
You must turn in both this sheet, the rubric, and the sheet with your environment along with your
Designer Organism – The Marbat
The Marbat is a mammal that lives in the unforgiving climate of Biome 1. It has several adaptations that
enable it to survive and reproduce here successfully.
Shelter: Marbat requires a sheltered environment, it live in a rocky cave. This offers it some additional
protection from the harsh temperatures as well as keeping it concealed from the nocturnal hunting cat.
Maintaining Body Temperature: This organism is an endotherm or warm-blooded. This means that it
would have a consistent and probably high temperature that it regulates internally. Fur would provide it
with additional warmth. It shivers when it is really cold. This is an advantage in the cold climate.
Food and Water: The organism is a secondary consumer. In order to fit into a food web and not be the
ultimate predator, this organism will be a carnivore that hunts and eats the small squirrel like rodent.
It obtains fresh water from pools in the caves that collect after the rainfall. Because there is little rainfall
it has an adaptation like that of a camel where its red blood cells are oval and able to flow in a
dehydrated state. The red blood cells are also adapted to withstand osmotic variations and do not
rupture easily. In a pinch it can drink and process small amounts of ocean water. The organism does not
sweat and loses little water to perspiration.
Reproduction: The organism will reproduce sexually with sperm and egg via internal fertilization. The
gestation period is short. Young are small replicas of their parents and fully functional when they are
born. They are born live, no egg. This protects it from the harsh environment and makes it more likely to
Caring for the young: Young organisms stay with their parents to learn basic skills like hunting. Newborn
organisms nurse for about two weeks and then begin to hunt for food with the group. Being able to
contribute to the group quickly is an advantage to group survival.
Other Behaviors: The organism lives in a colony. It exhibits social behavior in that they tend to hunt
together. The males compete for mating by performing an elaborate mating ritual something like a
mating dance. Females choose males who are able to outlast their competition in the dance proving
their stamina for later hunting excursions.
Protection and Defense: The organism hides in the crevices of the cave to protect itself from predators.
It is diurnal and is most active when the large nocturnal cat sleeps.
Symbiotic Relationship: The organism has a mutual symbiotic relationship with a small plant in the
biome. The organism provides fertilizer for the plant via its feces and the plant produces a fragrance that
attracts the small squirrel-like rodent (the main food source of the organism).
Other Physical Adaptations: The organism needs claws and sharp teeth to rip apart its food. It has thick
fur with 3 hairs per follicle to provide additional warmth against the cold temperatures. The organism
has wings hollow bones to enable it to fly both while it is hunting and to help it to escape from predators
if needed. It is dark colored to allow it to remain camouflaged both from its prey and its predators,
ensuring success in both hunting and survival. Because the environment is dark its pupils dilate to ten
times their normal size to enable it to see the world around it.
Food Web