Plankton effect on cod recruitment in the North Sea Gregory Beaugrand, Keith Brander, Alistair Lindley, Sami Souissi and Chris Reid Nature, Volume 426, 2003 ( What is this about? Fish stocks are a measure of the biomass and abundance of fish in a given area and the fishing industry relies upon healthy stocks for a good yield of fish. Fish stocks can fluctuate naturally over the years/ decades and in different areas but the reasons for this are not fully understood by scientists. This paper examines whether variations in plankton abundance and timing are having an effect on the number of larval cod surviving to adulthood. Larval cod rely upon a high level of good quality food (copepods and euphausiids) to survive to adulthood. Larval cod emerge in the spring in time for the high abundance of Calanus copepods. They feed predominately on C. finmarchicus in the early spring and C. helgolandicus in the summer. Modifications to the plankton ecosystem due to a rise in temperature since the 1980s are reducing the survival of young cod. Why is it important? There has been growing concern about the decline in Atlantic cod biomass since the 1960s. If the decline is an ongoing trend it could pose a serious problem to the fishing industry and socio-economic issues surrounding it. Why does it matter? A prolonged or semi - permanent change in the plankton community of the North Sea is highly likely to affect the abundance of other species of fish and other organisms further up the food web which rely on them as their prey. What does the paper tell us? The abundance of Atlantic cod is affected by overfishing and fluctuations in plankton abundance. The survival of larval cod has been shown to be highly dependent on mean size of prey, seasonal timing of the prey and the abundance. This is an example of bottom-up control. During the period 1963- 1983 there was a very high population of cod recruitment (one year olds) and this is called the ‘gadoid outburst’. The ‘gadoid outburst’ is a consequence of a plankton ecosystem that could support a large number of larval fish. This occurred despite an increase in fishing mortality during 1963 – 1983. Variability in temperature of the North Sea since the 1980s has modified the plankton ecosystem in the area where larval cod are feeding. Calanus finmarchicus (copepod prey for the larval cod) has declined in numbers in the North Sea since 1980. It has been substituted in places with Calanus helgolandicus which emerges in high numbers in the summer. Euphausiids have also suffered a long term decline in numbers. There is now a mis-match in predator/prey relationships due to the modification of plankton community composition. Unfavourable changes in the plankton ecosystem have exacerbated the impact of overfishing on reducing the recruitment of Atlantic cod in the North Sea.