PPT Assessment Rubric Ideas 5 4 3 2 Creative, original ideas Interesting, new ideas Ideas are expressed clearly Makes sense Audience can identify the main idea that is supported with details The main idea of the scene is presented, with some questions Details support the main idea and make it interesting Makes sense and is enjoyable Audience is interested Audience cares about the presentation Organization Understandable Few new ideas presented Well organized and purposeful Good organization Ideas are clearly linked to support a position Ideas are connected and supported with detail Compelling lead and convincing conclusion Carefully selected transitions (how do you lead to the next topic?) Some details, but may be general or not related to scene Reader can follow the organization of ideas Details are connected to main idea Strong lead and appropriate conclusion Includes a lead and conclusion Strong transitions Helpful transitions 1 Main ideas? Not sure Either too few details or too many that aren’t connected Audience uninterested, unsure Audience can Hard to follow usually follow the organization No main idea Details don’t always match the main idea Introduction and/or conclusion may need revision Too many or not enough details that don’t match main idea Missing lead and/or conclusion Few transitions Some transitions 0 No main idea or unrelated to the scene No details that are connected Audience is confused, group is confused Impossible to follow No main idea, just a collection of details No lead of conclusion No transitions PPT Assessment Rubric Presentation Content Effective Slides (pictures, clips, etc.) Substantive use of information (quotes, themes, connections, inferences, outside sources, etc.) Themes 6 Showcases themes consistent with novel and shows understanding/mastery of themes Presented in a form that is understood and enjoyed Audience enjoys understands what themes are being presented Slides help to explain major points Slides are adequate to explain points Good use of information Presentation of pertinent information 5 Presents themes consistent with novel and shows understanding Presented in a form that is understood and enjoyed Audience understands themes being presented 4 Shows themes consistent with novel Presented in a form that is understood Audience can find themes presented in the scene. Slides are adequate but may be confusing at some points Information is mostly pertinent to main idea. 3 Tackles important ideas or motifs found in novel Presented in a form that may be inappropriate for scene Audience can find important ideas represented Slides are supplemented with material not pertinent to presentation Information may be incorrect or does not explain main idea 2 Presents an idea found in novel Slides are not polished/ Unfinished/ Or inappropriate Information does not pertain at all to the main idea 1 Presents no themes or ideas from novel Presented but the form is not quite understood; confusing Presentation is confusing and not understood Audience does not see what ideas are represented Audience does not see how the scene relates to novel.