Class: BMAS Curriculum Map: 1 Cluster #_1____ OBJECTIVE: KNOW: hardware and software , graphic designs in Desktop Publishing SHOW: UTILIZE AND CREATE A PICTURE USING DESKTOP PUBLISHING TITAN LESSON PLAN BLOOM’S: ☐ Remember ☐ Understand ☐ Apply ☐ Analyze ☐ Evaluate XCreate ITINERARY: BELLWORK INTRODUCE VOCAB CREATE SHAPES CLOSURE LANGUAGE OBJECTIVE: ☐ Word Analysis, Fluency & Vocabulary Development ☐ Reading Comprehension ☐ Close Analytic Reading ☐ Writing Strategies ☐ Listening & Speaking ☐ Written & Oral Language Conventions BELL WORK: Teacher will introduce the lesson by showing the students a picture of a house. Teacher will ask the students how many different objects they see in the picture and to write their responses in their bellwork notebook. ANTICIPATORY SET: “Have you used the different shapes in Microsoft Word and have you ever made an object using the shapes?” Teacher will call on 2 or 3 non-volunteer students for a response. Teacher will explain that the picture of the house was created using different shapes and tools located in Microsoft Word. Desktop Publishing will be important in many jobs such as graphic design, web design, management or any job where they must create anything. Creating the picture is desktop publishing © Acevedo, Brock, Dow, Eulberg, Gunn, Hamilton, Kaigler, Kniest, and Newman 6/15/12 Date: VOCABULARY: Desktop Publishing – Using different types of tools and shapes to create graphic designs. Microsoft Office – A software suite that has several different software programs within it. Microsoft Office Word – Software program used to create different types of documents and graphics (Ex: letters, memorandums, etc.). Shapes – In Microsoft Word, there are several different ready-made shapes. This is located in the Insert tab area (Ex: Circle, Square, Diamond, etc.). Format – In Microsoft Word, you use the Format Tab to make changes to a shape (Ex: Add shading, color, line width, etc.). ANTICIPATORY SET: Relevant to Objective Active Participation Activate Background Knowledge Promotes Purpose Statement of Objective LESSON SEQUENCING: (At least 2 to 3 learning experiences.) Define the terms related to Desktop Publishing in Microsoft Word. 1. 2. Teacher will explain the first terminology term using BMAS-SystemsPowerPoint2.ppt Slides 5-6. As the teacher explains the terminology, students will fill in the missing words using BMAS-Systems-Handout2b.doc. Teacher will continue the same process until all of the terms have been defined. 3. For assessment purposes, the teacher will ask the students to close their eyes and answer questions about the terminology using Thumbs up/Thumbs down. List the tools needed for Desktop Publishing in Microsoft Word. 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. 4. 7. Using a Proxima, teacher will visually show the students how to access Microsoft Word: Start - Programs – Microsoft Office – Microsoft Word. Teacher will ask the students to open up Microsoft Word. While the students are opening up Microsoft Word, teacher will walk around the room to make sure students aren’t having any problems. Teacher will show students where the Insert Tab is located in Microsoft Word. Teacher will ask the students to click on the Insert Tab. Teacher will show the students where the shapes are located in the Insert Tab and show them where to find the different shapes available. Teacher will ask the students to click on shapes and view the different shapes using their computer. Teacher clicks on shapes, chooses a triangle and draws on triangle on the blank document. Teacher will tell the students to click on the shapes, choose a triangle and draw their own triangle. Teacher will show the students how to insert writing/text inside the triangle they drew. Teacher will instruct the students to right click on the Triangle, click on Add Text and type the word Triangle. Teacher will remind the students that you can’t do anything to a shape without clicking on it first. The shape must be selected. Teacher will show the students how to use shape fill, shape outline and shape effects. Teacher will give the students 3-5 minutes to play with the shape fill, shape outline, and shape effects. Tell students they can also try inserting other shapes. - While the students are experimenting with shapes, the teacher will walk around the room to make sure students aren’t having any problems. Teacher will be asking students questions for understanding. (Ex. How can I change the color of a shape?) To check for understanding, the teacher will instruct the students to fill in the triangle with a gradient fill (Shape Fill – Pattern – Gradient) and to change the shape outline to 2 ¼” (Shape Outline-weight). While students are doing this, teacher will walk around the room and help those students that are confused or lost. Teacher will show the students how to rotate the Triangle. (Use the small green circle. Reminder: Click on the object first.) Teacher will have the students rotate their © Acevedo, Brock, Dow, Eulberg, Gunn, Hamilton, Kaigler, Kniest, and Newman 6/15/12 INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY MENU: Teach to the Objective (IRAQ) Retention Modeling (I do…) Guided Practice (We do…) Additional Practice (Two do or Do as a group…) Independent Practice (You do alone…) Wait Time Check for Understanding Differentiated Instruction Monitor and Adjust SIOP Questioning Student Engagement Strategies Marzano’s Nine triangle. 5. Teacher will show the students how to flip the triangle. (Make sure you select the triangle, click on the format tab, click on rotate and select flip vertical. Lists the steps needed to generate graphic designs in Desktop Publishing. 8. 9. Teacher will give out BMAS-Systems-Handout2c.doc and will show BMAS-SystemsPowerPoint2.ppt Slide 7. Teacher will ask the students to visually look at the house for a second time and identify the different shapes that were used in creating the House. Teacher will call on 1 or 2 non-volunteers to give answers. Teacher will ask the students to look at the Truck and identify the different shapes that were used in creating the Train. Teacher will ask students to write down their responses. Teacher calls on 1 or 2 non-volunteers to give answers. 7. Teacher uses the same process with the Truck. 6. Utilize hardware and software to create graphic designs in Desktop Publishing. 10. Teacher tells the students that they will now create the three objects on BMASSystems-Handout2c.doc (House, Train, Truck) using the Insert Tab, Shapes, and Format. 8. While the students are working on this assignment, teacher will walk around the room to make sure students aren’t having any problems. Teacher will answer questions by guiding/prompting students to figure out the answer by themselves ( “What shape do you see?”). Teacher will also ask students questions for understanding. QUESTIONS TO CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING: CLOSURE: Teacher will have the students write on a piece of paper: 1) While you were creating your house, what were the three most important things you had to do in order to be successful? and 2) What tab you choose in order to find the ready-made shapes. TEACHER REFLECTION: (Reflect during and after the lesson. Note changes.) © Acevedo, Brock, Dow, Eulberg, Gunn, Hamilton, Kaigler, Kniest, and Newman 6/15/12 All Students Summarize the Learning of the Objective All Students are Actively Engaged Congruent to the Objective