Microsatellite Data for Gehyra example This data file contains the microsatellite loci analysed from genetic samples and individual traits of the gecko Gehyra variegata (alias Gehyra versicolor) population of Kinchega National Park, Australia. These data were used for an application of the R-package NEff. The data file is an Excel file (.xlsx) that contains two tables. In the first table (Micsats), all microsatellite data of the individual geckos are listed. The first column contains the year when the individual was captured; the second column Individual contains the tissue sample identification number. The remaining columns contain the microsatellites at specific named loci for both alleles. In the second table (Num_Age_Sex) contains all captures of all individuals where a tissue sample was available. Just one capture per individual per year is considered. Here, the column Number refers to the gecko’s unique identification number and the column Date refers to the exact date of capture. The following columns Periode, Occasion, and Retrap refer to capture-recapture histories and the columns Sex and Age contain the sex and age on the individual gecko, respectively. The last column DNA-sample refers to the tissue sample identification number (analogue to the Individual in table 1).