1 Appendix S1. Supporting online information on additional sampling protocols, multiplicative 2 diversity partitioning, characteristics of the plant-frugivore networks, species list of plants and 3 their frugivores, results of supporting analyses. 4 Monitoring of fruit abundance along transects in 2011 5 From July to October 2011 we monitored overall fruit abundance in all study sites. In each 6 study site we established one transect of 250 m length and 20 m width covering a total area of 7 0.5 ha. In some study sites ash-alder forests were continuously flooded and accessibility was 8 limited. Thus, we established transects in all study sites along pre-existing trails. As the 9 temporal turnover in fruit ripening of plants was low, we repeated transect walks twice during 10 the study period (from the 1st to 5th August, 2011 and from 1st to 5th September, 2011). During 11 the transect walks all fleshy-fruited plants bearing ripe fruits were identified within each 12 transect. For each plant the presence and number of ripe fruits were estimated on a 13 logarithmic scale and the number of fruits available per transect walk and plot was calculated. 14 For each study site we calculated the mean fruit abundance by averaging across the two 15 transect walks. 16 Estimation of consumer/resource ratios and inference about competition 17 Measuring competition for resources is not trivial. Here we used the consumer/resource ratio 18 as a rather simple surrogate for the degree of competition for fruit resources. This measure has 19 to be interpreted with caution since we have no information on the absolute effect of 20 consumer/resource ratios on the fitness of the consumers (i.e. reproductive success). 21 However, the mean consumer/resource ratios in the different forest types can be interpreted 22 relative to the distribution of the consumer/resource ratios of all observed focal plants (n = 23 98). At least, a comparison of consumer/resource ratios in a given habitat type with the 24 overall distribution provides an indication of how much the consumer/resource ratio deviates 25 from what is expected from the overall sample. In order to draw inferences about competition 26 from consumer/resource ratios we first calculated the consumer/resource ratio for each focal 1 27 plant and determined the median and the 25% and 75% quartiles of the distribution (Fig. S1). 28 Next we compared the observed distribution of consumer/resource ratios with the mean 29 consumer/resource ratios in the different habitat types (Figs. 2a and S1). In the interior of old- 30 growth forests the consumer/resource ratio (0.058 ± 0.010; mean ± SE) equalled the median 31 consumer/resource ratio of all observed focal plants (median = 0.049; 25% quartile: 0.027; 32 75% quartile: 0.11). In contrast, the consumer/resource ratios were lower (0.0096 ± 0.0089) in 33 the interior of logged forests and were higher (logged: 0.11 ± 0.010; old-growth: 0.085 ± 34 0.0086) at forest edges than the median consumer/resource ratio of all observed focal plants. 35 This suggests a higher pressure on the available fruit resources at forest edges (i.e. increased 36 competition) and a reduced pressure on fruit resources in the interior of logged forests (i.e. 37 reduced competition) compared to the interior of old-growth forests. 38 Partitioning of diversity into independent richness and evenness components 39 A recent review by Tuomisto (2012) has shown that Shannon diversity can be partitioned into 40 independent richness and evenness components in a multiplicative manner (equation 1). This 41 approach is mathematically related to the partitioning of diversity into alpha and beta 42 components (Jost 2009). According to the above mentioned concept multiplicative 43 partitioning of diversity into richness and evenness components can be written as: 44 e H i Ei J i 45 where e H is the exponent of the Shannon-index, Ei is the evenness component and Ji is the 46 richness component in the spectrum of frugivores on plant species i. Following the correct 47 definition of Evenness (Hill 1973): 48 Ei 49 equation 1 can also be rewritten as follows: 50 eH eqn 1 i e Hi Ji eH Ji Ji eqn 2 eqn 3 2 51 Note that the evenness and richness components measure two different phenomena, i.e. (1) 52 the equitability in the interaction frequency of species and (2) the number of involved species 53 (Tuomisto 2012). Further, evenness is replication invariant, i.e. does not change when a 54 dataset is replicated such that each of its species gives rise to n new species of the same 55 absolute abundance as the original one (Hill 1973). Given that both of these measures 56 quantify different phenomena they can vary independently of each other and multiplied 57 express the ’effective‘ number of species if all were equally common (Tuomisto 2012). 58 In the following we show that this framework easily can be generalised to be used with 59 species interaction networks. To measure the effective number of dispersal vectors per plant 60 species Sq we calculated the mean across the plants in a given network where each plant was 61 weighted by its interaction strength as: 62 S q i 1 63 where Ai is sum of interactions of plant species i and m is the sum of interactions in the 64 network. Likewise the evenness and richness components can be calculated. Finally, equation 65 1 can be generalised to the network context as follows: 66 Hi Ai H i I Ai e I A e i1 m i1 m J i1 mi J i i 67 Since equation 1 holds for all plant species I in a network and diversity as well as its 68 components for each plant species i are scaled by the same constants (i.e. the interaction 69 strength of plant species i) the assumptions of equation 1 also hold for equation 5. 70 Partitioning of Environmental and Spatial Effects on composition of frugivore 71 assemblages 72 We used a PCNM analysis (Principal Coordinates of Neighbourhood Matrix; Dray et al. 73 2006) combined with a multivariate redundancy analysis (RDA) to partition the variance in 74 the species turnover of the frugivore assemblages among study sites that was explained by I Ai Hi e m I eqn 4 eqn 5 3 75 environmental and spatial components. In our case the analysis required (i) a site × species 76 community matrix, (ii) a table containing spatial eigenvectors retained from PCNM analysis 77 and (iii) a table containing the environmental variables. 78 Community data 79 For the multivariate redundancy analysis (RDA) we constructed a site × species matrix. To do 80 so we first calculated the mean abundance of each frugivore species across the plant species in 81 each study site and year (i.e. the mean visitation rate of each frugivore species in each of the 82 18 networks during 18 hours). Then we calculated the mean abundance of each frugivore 83 species across the two study years for each study site (i.e. the mean abundance of each 84 frugivore species across the two networks per study site). We applied a Hellinger 85 transformation to the abundance data prior to analysis (Legendre and Gallagher 2001). 86 Hellinger transformation makes abundance data containing many zeros suitable for analysis 87 by linear methods such as redundancy analysis (Legendre 2008). 88 Spatial Variables 89 We derived the spatial variables by using principal coordinates of neighbourhood matrices 90 (PCNM), a method well suited for the detection of spatial trends across a wide range of scales 91 (Borcard and Legendre 2002; Borcard et al. 2004; Dray et al. 2006). The GPS coordinates of 92 the centre of each study site were used to construct a Euclidean distance matrix. This matrix 93 was truncated at the smallest distance that keeps all sites connected in a single network (9.8 94 km in our case). The distances above the truncation threshold were given an arbitrary value of 95 four times the threshold. Then, we used a principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) to retain the 96 eigenvectors associated with positive eigenvalues as spatial variables (PCNM variables) 97 (Borcard and Legendre 2002; Borcard et al. 2004). We used a forward selection procedure 98 based on redundancy analysis (RDA) to retain the spatial eigenvectors that explain most of 99 the variation in the species turnover among the study sites. The forward selection was based 100 on a double-stop criterion (Blanchet et al. 2008). The procedure began with performing a 4 101 global test (RDA) with all spatial eigenvectors. Afterwards, α-values (P < 0.1 based on 102 pseudo F-values after 9999 permutations) and coefficients of determination (R2) of global 103 tests were used as stopping criteria in the forward selection of variables. The spatial 104 eigenvectors that fulfilled both stopping criteria were identified as the significant spatial 105 variables influencing the variation in the species turnover among the study sites. 106 Environmental variables 107 The environmental table contained the two main factors location and logging. The main 108 factors were represented by dummy variables coded by 0 and 1. The interaction between the 109 main factors was included as the product of the two dummy variables. Moreover, we included 110 fruit abundance (ln(x) transformed, mean across the two years for each study site) as a 111 continuous predictor into the environmental table. 112 Partitioning of environmental and spatial components 113 In the last step we used multivariate redundancy analysis to partition the variation in the 114 species turnover among the study sites with respect to the environmental and spatial 115 components (Borcard et al. 1992). For inference we used adjusted R² values as unbiased 116 estimators of explained variation (Peres-Neto et al. 2006). We assessed the significance of the 117 joint and independent environmental and spatial components using pseudo F-tests based on 118 9999 permutations. All analyses were conducted in R version 2.14.0 (R Development Core 119 Team 2011), using the packages vegan (Oksanen et al. 2011) and packfor (Dray et al. 2011). 120 Variation in species turnover explained by environmental and spatial components 121 The forward selection procedure identified one spatial eigenvector (PCNM4: R² = 0.05; P = 122 0.095) as predictor of species turnover. The partitioning of environmental and spatial effects 123 showed that the spatial component in our study design explained 18% of the variation in 124 species turnover among study sites (F1,4 = 2.81, P = 0.079; Table S3). After accounting for the 125 spatial component the environmental component significantly explained 36% of the variation 5 126 in the species turnover among study sites (F4,4 = 2.44, P = 0.017; Table S3). Thus, we are 127 confident that the observed patterns are not merely a spatial artefact. 6 128 Table S1. Geographical coordinates and characteristics of the 18 plant-frugivore networks quantified in Białowieża forest, Eastern Poland in the years 129 2011 and 2012. Fruit abundance Site Latitude Longitude Logging Location 2011 2012 Number of plant species Number of frugivore species Number of interaction links Total number of interactions 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 CV Interaction frequencies 2011 2012 1 52.7023920044 23.6534900218 Logged Interior 3820 4494 3 8 5 11 6 31 16 192 120.16 142.26 2 52.7048510034 23.6223939992 Logged Interior 2303 2016 4 9 7 15 8 39 52 306 154.72 159.92 3 52.6704000402 23.6854699999 Logged Interior 973 - 2 - 6 - 7 - 33 - 79.10 - 4 52.7421170287 23.8343590032 Old-growth Interior 2000 6262 3 6 11 19 17 40 51 397 141.42 247.53 5 52.7892280184 23.8460719585 Old-growth Interior 4852 5568 5 6 9 13 20 30 110 239 157.79 165.85 6 52.7162399981 23.8157899864 Logged Edge 2809 3075 6 8 9 12 24 28 207 260 151.59 253.93 7 52.7343607090 23.7892601568 Logged Edge 5915 3209 5 8 14 11 27 42 336 156 264.72 128.40 8 52.7307270281 23.8221490011 Old-growth Edge 494 2464 2 5 7 9 9 17 44 111 125.03 102.76 9 52.7990119625 23.8249779772 Old-growth Edge 9794 13739 8 8 11 16 29 51 510 1133 236.90 230.38 10 52.7795999777 23.8578750193 Old-growth Edge 4250 - 5 - 12 - 25 - 224 149.16 - - 1 130 Table S2. Summary of linear mixed effects models (Typ III SS) testing the effect of location 131 (forest interior vs. edge), logging (logged vs. old-growth), year and second order interactions 132 on (a) fruiting plant richness, (b) network size, (c) total number of interactions and (d) 133 coefficient of variation (CV) of interaction frequencies in the 18 plant-frugivore networks 134 quantified in Białowieża Forest, Eastern Poland in 2011 and 2012. Network size and total 135 number of interactions were ln(x) transformed prior to statistical analysis. Significant 136 predictors at a level of P < 0.05 are given in boldface type. Source of Variance (a) Fruiting plant richness Location Logging Year Location × logging Year × location Year × logging Dfnum,Dfden F P 1,6 1,6 1,5 1,6 1,5 1,5 1.07 0.141 9.75 0.0870 2.86 4.95 0.34 0.72 0.026 0.78 0.15 0.077 (b) Network size Location Logging Year Location × logging Year × location Year × logging 1,6 1,6 1,5 1,6 1,5 1,5 0.469 1.34 14.5 1.14 4.68 0.612 0.52 0.29 0.013 0.33 0.083 0.47 (c) Total number of interactions Location Logging Year Location × logging Year × location Year × logging 1,6 1,6 1,5 1,6 1,5 1,5 2.74 0.521 14.9 0.349 7.31 0.116 0.15 0.50 0.012 0.58 0.043 0.75 (d) CV of interaction frequency Location Logging Year Location × logging Year × location Year × logging 1,6 1,6 1,5 1,6 1,5 1,5 0.160 0.553 1.24 1.86 1.03 0.116 0.70 0.49 0.32 0.22 0.36 0.75 1 137 Table S3. List of codes for frugivore and plant species. Mammals are marked with an 138 asterisk. Frugivores were classified into forest specialists and generalists (Jędrzejewska and 139 Jędrzejewski 1998a; Jędrzejewska and Jędrzejewski 1998b; Svensson et al. 2009). Forest 140 specialists reproduce exclusively in forest habitats, whereas generalists also reproduce in non- 141 forest habitats. Code Frugivores 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Plants P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 Scientific name Vernacular name Habitat specialisation Sylvia atricapilla Turdus merula Erithacus rubecula Turdus philomelos Coccothraustes coccothraustes Parus major Sylvia borin Poecile palustris Sitta europaea Muscicapa striata Fringilla coelebs Dendrocopos major Luscinia luscinia Garrulus glandarius Ficedula hypoleuca Tetrastes bonasia Poecile montanus Dendrocopos medius Phylloscopus trochilus Pyrrhula pyrrhula Apodemus flavicollis* Ficedula parva Dendrocopos leucotos Oriolus oriolus Turdus pilaris Columba palumbus Dryocopus martius Martes martes* Periparus ater Sciurus vulgaris* Turdus iliacus Turdus viscivorus Eurasian Blackcap Common Blackbird European Robin Song Thrush Hawfinch Great tit Garden Warbler Marsh Tit Eurasian Nuthatch Spotted Flycatcher Common Chaffinch Great Spotted Woodpecker Thrush Nightingale Eurasian Jay European Pied Flycatcher Hazel Grouse Willow Tit Middle Spotted Woodpecker Willow Warbler Eurasian Bullfinch Yellow-necked Mouse Red-breasted Flycatcher White-backed Woodpecker Eurasian Golden Oriole Fieldfare Common Wood Pigeon Black Woodpecker European Pine Marten Coal Tit Eurasian Red Squirrel Redwing Mistle Thrush Generalist Generalist Generalist Generalist Specialist Generalist Generalist Specialist Generalist Generalist Generalist Generalist Specialist Specialist Specialist Specialist Generalist Specialist Generalist Generalist Specialist Specialist Specialist Specialist Generalist Generalist Specialist Specialist Specialist Specialist Generalist Generalist Cornus sanguinea Euonymus europaeus Euonymus verrucosus Frangula alnus Lonicera xylosteum Prunus padus Rhamnus cathartica Ribes alpinum Ribes nigrum Ribes spicatum Rubus idaeus Common Dogwood European Spindle Spindletree Glossy Buckthorn Common honeysuckle Hackberry Common Buckthorn Alpine Currant Black Currant Red Currant Red Raspberry - 2 P12 P13 Sorbus aucuparia Viburnum opulus Rowan Guelder Rose - 3 142 Table S4. Summary of linear mixed effects models (Typ III SS) testing the effect of fruit 143 abundance location (forest interior vs. edge), logging (logged vs. old-growth), year and 144 second order interactions between the main factors and year on (a) consumer/resource ratio 145 CRq, (b) frugivore specialisation ‹d’j›, (c) evenness Eq, and (d) redundancy Sq of the 18 plant- 146 frugivore networks quantified in Białowieża Forest, Eastern Poland in 2011 and 2012. Fruit 147 abundance was ln(x) transformed prior to statistical analysis. Given are adjusted effect sizes 148 radj according to the formula given in Rosenthal and Rosnow (1985) as the square-root of the 149 ratio: r² = dfnumerator × F / (dfnumerator × F + dfdenominator). For comparison significant effects at a 150 level of P < 0.05 and effect directions from the full and the reduced model are given in 151 boldface type. Note that inclusion of the second order interactions between year and the two 152 main factors does not affect our main conclusions qualitatively (effect direction) and that 153 interaction terms including year were not significant in any of the models. Source of Variance (a) Consumer/resource ratio Fruit abundance Location Logging Year Location × logging Year × location Year × logging Dfnum,Dfden F P radj full radj reduced 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,4 1,6 1,4 1,4 28.7 1.20 7.94 4.21 9.97 6.45 0.757 0.0058 0.32 0.031 0.11 0.020 0.064 0.43 (–) 0.94 0.41 (–) 0.75 0.72 (+) 0.79 0.79 0.40 (–) 0.92 0.55 (–) 0.77 0.47 (+) 0.79 - (b) frugivore specialisation Fruit abundance Location Logging Year Location × logging Year × location Year × logging 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,4 1,6 1,4 1,4 8.92 0.008 9.30 2.36 8.97 1.93 0.197 0.041 0.93 0.023 0.20 0.024 0.24 0.68 (+) 0.83 0.04 (+) 0.78 0.61 (–) 0.77 0.57 0.22 (+) 0.83 0.48 (+) 0.88 0.49 (–) 0.85 - (c) Evenness Fruit abundance Location Logging Year Location × logging Year × location Year × logging 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,4 1,6 1,4 1,4 27.0 12.9 0.0785 2.89 2.85 3.71 0.596 0.0066 0.011 0.79 0.16 0.14 0.13 0.48 (–) 0.93 (–) 0.83 0.11 0.65 0.57 0.69 0.36 (–) 0.92 (–) 0.81 0.47 0.12 0.59 - (d) Redundancy Fruit abundance Location Logging Year Location × logging Year × location Year × logging 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,4 1,6 1,4 1,4 8.81 2.53 8.73 2.36 6.85 0.410 0.0942 0.041 0.16 0.026 0.20 0.040 0.56 0.77 (–) 0.83 (–) 0.54 (–) 0.77 0.61 (+) 0.73 0.30 0.15 (–) 0.81 (–) 0.75 (–) 0.85 0.69 (+) 0.78 - 4 154 Table S5. Partitioning of variation in the composition of frugivore assemblages in the local 155 networks that was explained by environmental and spatial components. The spatially 156 structured environment fraction is not testable in a separate model. Note that the negative 157 variance component for spatially structured environment indicates that environmental and 158 spatial components are not completely uncorrelated, i.e. they are not orthogonal. Dfnum and 159 Dfden give numerator and denominator degrees of freedom, respectively. Significant predictors 160 at a level of P < 0.05 are given in boldface type. Source of Variance Dfnum,Dfden R²adj F P Environment + spatially structured environment 4,5 0.31 2.04 0.019 Space + spatially structured environment 1,8 0.14 2.44 0.10 Environment + space + spatially structured 5,4 0.50 2.79 0.0047 Environment 4,4 0.36 2.44 0.017 Space 1,4 0.18 2.81 0.079 Spatially structured environment - -0.04 - - Residual - 0.50 environment 5 161 162 Fig S1. 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