STUDENT HANDBOOK SMITH COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT PROGRAM 2014-15 601 South State Road 7 Plantation, FL 33317 TABLE OF CONTENTS WELCOME __________________________p. 2 ORIENTATION _______________________p. 6 TRAINING p. 7 EVOLVING p. 8 ACHIEVING p. 9 MASTERING p. 10 BASIC PROGRAM PRIVILEGES p. 11 BASIC PROGRAM RULES p. 12 CLASSROOM RULES & EXPECTATIONS p. 13 LEVEL FREEZE p. 14 PLAN FOR SUCCESS p. 15 OUTING RULES p. 16 BONUS POINTS ______________________ p.17 1 WELCOME TO SCMH & C.G. Smith Academy East The C.G. Smith Academy East Comprehensive Treatment Program is an academic and therapeutic program. The academic component of the program will be provided by our CGSA teachers. In addition, you will be participating in therapeutic activities with SCMH clinicians. Your progress in the Program will be monitored through the T.E.A.M. Behavioral Monitoring System. This system is designed to assist students in functioning successfully not only in school, but at home and in community locations. Each level focuses on and targets the 1) behavioral, 2) emotional, 3) social skills and 4) academic skills necessary to improve life functioning. A student moves from one level to the next by demonstrating greater 1) self-management, 2) skill achievement, and 3) independence in academic, home and community environments to help you move to the next level. Your progress will be documented on a point sheet, which will assist you to understand your weaknesses, as well as your strengths. 2 At SCMH/CGSA we believe in The Circle of Courage® as our model for youth empowerment. The model is of Native-American origin and encompasses four core values: belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity. The central theme of this model is that a set of shared values must exist in any community to create environments that ultimately benefit all. The model is represented by a circle - the medicine wheel - that is divided into quadrants. The circle is sacred and suggests the interconnectedness of life. Likewise, it expresses the sacredness of the number four - the four directions, the four elements of the universe, and the four races. Each quadrant of the CIRCLE OF COURAGE stands for a central value - belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity - of an environment that can claim and reclaim all youth. It represents the "cultural birthright for all the world’s children." 3 Belonging: Lakota anthropologist Ella Deloria described the core value of belonging in these simple words: "Be related, somehow, to everyone you know." Treating others as kin forges powerful social bonds that draw all into relationships of respect. Mastery: Competence in traditional cultures is ensured by guaranteed opportunity for mastery. Children were taught to carefully observe and listen to those with more experience. A person with greater ability was seen as a model for learning, not as a rival. Each person strives for mastery for personal growth, but not to be superior to someone else. Humans have an innate drive to become competent and solve problems. With success in surmounting challenges, the desire to achieve is strengthened. So ask yourself, “What have you learned how to do?” Independence: Native teaching was designed to build respect and teach inner discipline. From earliest childhood, children were encouraged to make decisions, solve problems, and show personal responsibility. Adults modeled, nurtured, taught values, and gave feedback, but children were given abundant opportunities to make choices without coercion. 4 Generosity: Finally, virtue was reflected in the preeminent value of generosity. The central goal in Native American child-rearing is to the teach the importance of being generous and unselfish. In the words of a Lakota Elder, "You should be able to give away your most cherished possession without your heart beating faster." In helping others, youth create their own proof of worthiness: they make a positive contribution to another human life. 5 ORIENTATION LEVEL As you enter Smith Community Mental Health, you will be placed on the Orientation level for a minimum of 3 days. During this time, you will be expected to learn and understand the Comprehensive Treatment Level System, as well as the rules and expectations of the classroom, group and transportation. You will also be responsible to identify the reasons you are at Smith, your goals, and the name of the staff that will assist you in accomplishing your goals. Criteria for Movement to TRAINING LEVEL 3 Non-consecutive Days with 84 points or more Attend classroom activities Attend group activities Pass the Orientation Questionnaire with 85% or higher My teacher’s name is: __________________________ My therapist’s name is: __________________________ MY behavior specialist is: ____________________________ My MAIN treatment goal is: _____________________________ _______________________________________________________. 6 TRAINING When you are on the TRAINING level you will be expected to learn basic academic, behavioral and social survival skills within the classroom. The word TRAINING means to learn and master skills through instruction and practice. Survival skills are different ways of behaving that will help you be successful in specific environments. These skills are listed in the back of this packet. You will be expected to learn and practice the following goals/skills on this level. GUIDING PRINCIPLES OF THE TRAINING LEVEL I am willing to learn. I am open to receiving help from others. Expectations for TRAINING Level 1. Remain seated. 2. Use classroom learning materials correctly or as instructed by staff. 3. Attend and participate in therapeutic activities (group and individual). 4. Work quietly with teacher/therapist/behavioral specialist encouragement 5. Raise hand to speak. 6. Use appropriate voice tone. TRAINING Level Privileges Criteria for Movement to EVOLVING Level May shop in store in designated areas Can earn park outings each week May earn McDonald's on 1. 10 days with 96 points or higher 2. 6 out of 10 home notes signed and returned 3. No unpaid damages 4. No Level Freezes within the last 5 days 5. Test out of TRAINING level with an 85% or higher 6. Complete Petition and Essay explaining progress & understanding expectations of TRAINING level 7. Meeting with Level Review Council Wednesday May earn all school outings 7 EVOLVING The definition of the word “evolve” means to develop gradually. On this level you will be expected to maintain the skills you learned on TRAINING with less assistance from staff. Your desire to continue to learn and evolve will be seen in your improved willingness to participate appropriately in the classroom, school, and home environments. GUIDING PRINCIPLES OF THE EVOLVING LEVEL My life is changing for the better at school and at home. I am challenging myself to learn and accomplish new things. I am beginning to like myself. Expectations for EVOLVING Level 1. Behave appropriately in the classroom, school and home environments. 2. Be kind, helpful and respectful to peers and staff. 3. Identify different positive choices with staff assistance when difficult times arise (i.e. new and positive problem-solving skills). 4. Ignore inappropriate peer behaviors (begin to show self-discipline). 5. Be able to return quickly and appropriately to class following time out. EVOLVING Level Privileges Criteria for Movement Can earn park outings, school field trips, and McDonalds on Wednesdays May shop in store in designated areas Can vote for movies in class when given choices May earn 10 minutes free time with X Box following the completion of tasks Can help staff distribute lunches 8 to ACHIEVING Level 1. 25 days at 102 points or higher 2. 18 out of 25 home notes signed and returned 3. No unpaid damages 4. No Level Freezes within the last 10 days 5. Test out of EVOLVING Level with an 85% or higher 6. Complete Petition and essay explaining progress and understanding expectations of EVOLVING Level 7. Meeting with Level Review Council ACHIEVING The definition of ACHIEVING is to attain by effort while working towards a successful end. This involves consistency and following through with positive actions. While on ACHIEVING you begin to experience increased self-respect and the benefits of respecting others. You will be able to identify and monitor your own strengths and weaknesses. This will include maintaining your own point sheet and appropriately evaluating your behaviors and progress toward your treatment goals. GUIDING PRINCIPLES OF THE ACHIEVING LEVEL My behaviors are positive because I have self-respect. I am proud of who I am and my accomplishments. I am proud of the way people respect me because I deserve to be respected. Expectations for ACHIEVING Level 1. Maintain all skills that were learned and accomplished on the TRAINING and EVOLVING levels. 2. Accept changes within the school environment (i.e. patience, understanding and cooperation). 3. Demonstrate independent social skills during activities within the community (i.e. field trips). 4. Actively participate in group, openly speak of issues, and offer feedback on topics without staff directing you to do so. 5. Assist your peers to understand the T.E.A.M. system. 6. Problem solve instead of reacting. 7. Maintain focus on tasks independently, working toward successful completion of assignments in class. 8. Accept positive and negative feedback from staff and peers. 9. Make emotional and behavioral needs known appropriately. 10. Identify and own behavioral choices independently when requested. ACHIEVING Level Privileges Off campus order for lunch Weekly credit pass for selected assignment (1 per week) Help staff calculate tokens Become classroom mentor for younger students and/or students on lower levels Help with shopping at the end of the day Can earn all trips, park, and McDonalds Can listen to personal device or play XBox for 15 minutes following the completion of tasks or at appropriate times Can shop anywhere in the store Can earn higher-level field trips Can help staff distribute lunches Criteria for Movement to MASTERING Level 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 30 days with 108 points 25 out of 30 home notes signed and returned No unpaid damages No Level Freezes within the last 20 days Test out of ACHIEVING Level with an 85% or higher 6. Complete Petition and essay explaining progress and understanding expectations of ACHIEVING Level. 7. Meeting with Level Review Council MASTERING The definition of MASTERING is to become very skilled or expert like. This means, while on MASTERING, you are a role model. You have consistently shown the skills necessary to be successful. You no longer need staff guidance to make positive choices. Positive behaviors are no longer things you do but WHO YOU ARE. GUIDING PRINCIPLES OF THE MASTERING LEVEL I am a leader. I am successful. I am honorable. Expectations for MASTERING Level 1. Maintain all skills that were learned and accomplished on the TRAINING, EVOLVING and ACHIEVING levels. 2. Accept changes both at home and at school. 3. All goals ore focused on treatment plan issues. 4. Actively works with therapist and family. 5. Independently helps new students understand the T.E.A.M. system. MASTERING Level Privileges Assists with coaching other students Assists with school wide activities (leadership roles) Eat lunch off campus with the permission of staff Independent walking with permission of staff Earn all of the previous privileges Assist with Level Review Council Credit for free pass out of assignment (one time per week) Organizing and participating in higher level field trips Personal Device/XBox for 20 minutes Request other privileges from staff 10 BASIC PROGRAM PRIVILEGES You may LEARN and challenge yourself for positive change. You may BE HEARD and encouraged to express yourself freely (appropriately). You may REACH OUT and expect to have someone available to assist you. You may SHARE YOURSELF and allow others to understand you. You may BE RESPECTFUL and always receive respect in return. You may BE RESPONSIBLE and you will be given more independence. You may BE HONEST and you will always be trusted. 11 BASIC PROGRAM RULES All students are to be checked when entering building. Book bags will be searched and metal detectors will be used. Cell phones and all electronics MUST be turned in to staff at arrival The following are NOT allowed: Short shorts/skirts, belly shirts, or revealing clothing Clothing that has drug or alcohol symbols or words Hats or bandanas Gum chewing Chewing of straws Throwing of objects Lighters or matches Cigarettes, drugs, or alcohol Flip flops or open-toed shoes Phone use without staff authorization and supervision Adjust the air conditioner controls 12 CLASSROOM RULES 1. Raise your hand to speak or ask a question. 2. Respect yourself and others. 3. Maintain physical, body, and verbal control, including voice tone volume. 4. Be kind to others, i.e., refrain from any unkind physical and/or verbal communication, teasing, sarcasm, ethnic slurs, etc. 5. Respect your property and the property of others. 6. Use appropriate language. 7. Use appropriate body and/or verbal communication; NO cursing, profanity, or vulgar comments please 8. Request permission to leave the classroom. 9. Solve problems in a peaceful way; there will be NO fighting. EXPECTATIONS IN THE CLASSROOM 1. Follow directions. Remain within sight of staff during transition. Walk in hallways, NO running. Use appropriate voice tone and volume when in building. 2. Remain on task. Refrain from off-task socializing. Begin task in a timely manner. Remain in assigned area. Participate in activities. 3. Complete assignments. 4. Take responsibility for learning; request help if needed. 5. NO calling out, NO disruptions please. 6. Seek to pass academics. 13 LEVEL FREEZE A level freeze is a procedure that stops a student’s ability to receive privileges or move up or down on the level system. This procedure is in order to intervene when a student is struggling extensively and putting his/her progress in jeopardy. SCMH/CGSA staff will collectively decide when a level freeze should be used. A typical level freeze lasts for 3 days, but is subject to more or less if staff feels appropriate. During a level freeze, the student may not be promoted to the next level or drop a level. If staff is in the process of discussing the option to drop a student’s level, a level freeze must be used before the decision to drop a level is implemented. Further, during a level freeze, a well defined contract will be written outlining behavioral and academic expectations needed in order to rejoin the T.E.A.M. Level System. Tokens will be maintained in order to monitor the student’s progress towards contract goals. If a Level Review Council meeting is required via the contract, the student will present a summary of why his/her level freeze occurred and the outcomes that have resulted since. When should a student be placed on Level Freeze? Physical Aggression with intention of causing bodily harm Sexual Contact (extensive) Building or van vandalism Drugs, alcohol, cigarettes/lighter found on campus - 14 - Plan for Success Level Freeze ( # of Days):____________________ Date:____________________________ Student Name:___________________________________________________________________ Current Level:_____________________________ Explain reason for Level Freeze:_________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Expectations to Re-enter T.E.A.M. Level System Daily Points Required: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Written Assignments: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Community Service: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Other Notes: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Level Review Presentation: NO YES- Date:_____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Student Signature Staff Signature - 15 - OUTING RULES 1. Appropriate language at all times. 2. Appropriate tone of voice at all times. 3. Remain with staff in designated areas at all times. 4. Follow all other noted rules for bus and basic behavior and dress. *If the above rules are not followed there may be a suspension of outing privileges. - 16 - BONUS Points . Bonus points go do not assist students to make up missed points during the day. Bonus points go directly to their bank for future spending. Behaviors/Actions Being kind and helpful to others (Generosity/Mastery) Assisting with clean up following a crisis (Belonging/Independence/Generosity) Help getting lunches (Generosity) +5 +5 +5 To say something positive to a peer, who is currently off task without adding chaos (Generosity/ Taking out the trash (Independence) +5 Picking up all items on floor (Generosity/Belonging/Independence) +5 Being able to readily identify your treatment plan goals, when asked (Mastery) +5 +5 Readily wearing your beads (Independence) +5 Being able to recite the guiding principles of your level and the levels below (Mastery) +10 Speaking to someone respectfully, while they are not being respectful (Mastery) +10 +10 Ignoring negative peer behavior including not laughing (Mastery) Helping new students get oriented to the program (Generosity/Belonging/Independence) Displaying leadership qualities (Mastery) +10 Clean room completely (generosity/belonging) +10 Walking away from physical instigation/aggression with staff assistance +15 Positive peer counseling/support/ de-escalation of a peer Cleaning the vans (generosity) +10 +15 +20 +30 Walking away from physical instigation/aggression without staff assistance (Independence) +30 Honesty for breaking a rule Successfully completing all consecutive days of a level freeze. Turn it around! - 17 - Get 50% of lost points - 18 -