
LESSON 1: What is matter?
1. Matter commonly exists in one of three states: ___________________,
or ______________________.
2. Matter is anything that has mass ( ___________________) and volume
Material: The substance that something is _________________________.
Matter: Anything that takes up space and has ___________________. Something
that can be held in a ______________________ and
______________________ in another place.
LESSON 2: Discussing the Properties of Matter
1. Some _________________________ help us clarify matter as a solid,
liquid, or gas.
2. Gases do not have a definite ______________________. A gas can
___________________to fill any available space in a container.
3. Solids have a definite shape whether it’s in a _____________________ or
4. Liquids take up a definite amount of ________________________. It fills
the _____________________ of a container.
Investigation: Something you do to _______________________a question.
Observation: A careful description that is based on what you have
Powder: A solid material in the form of _________________, loose particles.
Procedure: A sequence of __________________ that describes how to
perform a __________________.
Property: A characteristic that helps to ____________________ or identify an
object, a material or a state of ________________________.
State: A form, stage, or condition of something that can
LESSON 3: Exploring the Weight of Solids and Liquids
1. All _____________________takes up space
(___________________________) and has mass.
2. Mass is usually measured by ___________________________.
3. Materials can be described by their ____________________________.
Conclusion: What you have discovered based
on___________________________or other data. You should be able to
support your conclusions with _________________________.
Prediction: A _______________________about what you think might happen
during an ____________________________ or investigation, based on what
you already know.
Weight: The measure of how ___________________________something is.
LESSON 4: Exploring the Volume of Solids and Liquids
1. A ________________________is used to measure weight.
2. If water is poured from a tall, thin glass into a short, wide glass, the volume
of water_______________________________________________.
Accurate: Differing only very _______________________ from the correct
Approximation: Not exact. A guess based on actual
_________________________ or counting.
Displacement: The ________________________ of water pushed out of the
way by an object in _________________________.
Volume: The amount of ______________________ something occupies. A
____________________________ of all matter.
LESSON 5: Investigating Air
1. Matter commonly exists in one of three states: solid, liquid, or
2. Matter has volume and __________________.
3. Gases can be compressed ________________________.
4. Solids and liquids can be compress very ______________________.
5. Gases _______________________if put into a larger container.
Air: A mixture of ______________________ that surround the earth.
Compress: To press on something until it takes of ________________ space.
Expand: To become _______________________, or take up a
_________________ space.
States of Matter: What’s Your State? (BrainPop Video to be shown after
Lesson 5)
1. Liquid has a fixed ______________________, but not a fixed
2. If you raise the __________________________ of water, the amount of
energy _________________________ and the particles begin to move until
the water becomes a ________________.
3. Gases __________________ to fill a container.
4. If you lower the ___________________________ of water, the water will
lose energy and become a ___________________ with a definite
_________________ and ______________________.
Law of Conservation of Mass: Nothing Can Be Created or Destroyed
(BrainPop Video to be shown after Lesson 5)
1. The Law of Conservation: Substances cannot be ___________________ or
2. Mass is the amount of _________________ a substance has.
3. A substance with a lot of ____________ has a lot of _________________.
4. The mass of the reactants = the mass of the product. In other words, the
mass of individual materials = the mass of all of the materials
LESSON 6: A Sense of Density
1. All matter takes up _____________________(has volume) and has
2. Matter is usually ________________________ by weight.
3. Materials can be described by their ___________________________.
Density: How _____________________ something is for its size.
Measuring Matter: Essential for Science Labs and Cookie Baking (BrainPop
Video to be shown after Lesson 6)
1. _____________, ______________, and _________________ are
measurements we can take of objects.
2. The ___________________ system is used for all measurements in
3. ______________ is how much matter an object contains.
4. __________________ is how much space an object takes up.
5. Matter ______________________ liquid.
6. ____________________ is how heavy something is for its size.
LESSON 7: Heating and Cooling Solids and Liquids
1. Matter can change between _________________________.
2. One way to change a solid into a liquid is to add
3. When a solid is melted into a _______________________, the liquid
weighs _________________________________as the original solid.
Freeze: To change from a ______________________to a solid
Melt: To change from a ______________________ to a
____________________ by heating.
LESSON 8: Evaporation: Changing from Liquid to Gas
1. Water vapor is a ___________________.
2. Matter can change between ___________________________________.
3. Even if matter is not ___________________________, it still exists
4. When water ______________________________, it goes into the air as an
invisible __________________.
Evaporation: The process of a __________________________ changing into
an invisible ______________________.
Variable: Any factor in an _________________________________ that can
be _______________________________.
Water Vapor: The state of water when it is an
___________________________ gas.
LESSON 9: Condensation: Changing from Gas to Liquid
1. __________________________can change between states.
2. Temperature affects the change of __________________________from
one state to another.
3. Even if matter is not visible, it still ____________________________.
4. When a gas is ___________________________, it can turn into a liquid.
5. Water formed on the outside of a glass comes from
Condensation: The change of a gas into a _______________________ when
the gas is _____________________________.
LESSON 10: Evaporation Investigations: Setting Up
1. One way to answer a question is to design a simple
2. Data is information gathered by counting, measuring, or other types of
Data: A ________________________ of what happened during an
Experiment: A well-organized activity designed to test whether
Fair Test: An experiment that compares something by changing one
_________________________ while keeping all other variables
Results: Data from the experiment __________________________ so that it
is easier to _____________________________.
Surface Area: The part of a liquid that is exposed to the _________________.
LESSON 11: Evaporation Investigations: Drawing Conclusions
1. One way to answer a question is to design a simple
Variable: Any factor in an experiment that can be ______________________.
Matter Changing State: From Solid to Liquid to Gas and Back Again
(BrainPop Video to be shown after Lesson 11)
1. _____________, ______________, and _________________ are the three
states of matter.
2. Changes in the state of matter are ___________________ changes.
3. When you ______________ ice, water molecules are given ____________
energy and ice ________________.
4. Gas molecules have _____________ energy than liquid molecules.
5. When heated enough, a liquid becomes a ___________________.
LESSON 12: Mixing and Separating Solids
1.When you mix materials together, the results weigh
_______________________ as the ________________ of the parts.
2. A mixture can be separated by the __________________________ of the
different materials in it. Examples of ________________________ could be
size, color, shape, or magnetism.
Magnetism: A property that allows some objects to be attracted by a
Mixture: A combination of two or more _____________________________.
Recycle: To ________________________ items from trash or garbage.
Separate: To _______________________ something from a mixture.
Sort: To separate objects into groups with ________________________
LESSON 13: Mixing and Separating Solutions
1. When you mix materials together, the result ___________________ the
same as the sum of the parts.
2. A mixture can often be separated by the ______________________ of the
different materials in it.
3. A ____________________________ often cannot easily be separated by
the ____________________________ of the different materials in it.
Dissolve: To mix one material, such as a solid, with another material, such as
a liquid, until they create a _____________.
Solution: A mixture in which one material, such as a liquid, combines with
another material so that you can’t tell
__________________________________ from other.
LESSON 14: Whatzit?!
1. Materials can be described in terms of their ________________________
(Color, Shape, Size, Magnetism).
2. Sometimes when you mix materials together, you get a new material with
____________________________ properties.
LESSON 15: Chemical Changes
1. Sometimes when you mix materials together, you get a _______________
material with different ____________________________.
2. Two examples of physical change are _____________________________
and _____________________________________.
3. Two examples of chemical change are _____________________________
and _____________________________________.
Chemical Change: A change to materials that results in forming a new
_______________________ with new ____________________________.
Physical Change: A change to the __________________,
____________________, or state of a material, through which the material
_______________________________kind of matter.
Property Changes: You’re Made of Solids, Liquids, and Gases (BrainPop
Video to be shown after Lesson 15)
1. A change in the shape, size, form, or state of ________________ is a
_______________________ change.
2. A chemical change happens when substances that make up an object have
been ______________________ into another ____________________.