Teacher Specific Reporting Handout

PA Data Quality Videoconference: PVAAS Teacher Specific Reporting 12/2013
Which teachers will receive PVAAS teacher-specific reporting?
Teachers receiving PVAAS teacher-specific reporting are permanent or temporary professional employees
who hold a valid PA teaching certificate and who have full or partial responsibility for content specific
instruction of assessed eligible content as measured by PA’s assessments (PSSA and/or Keystone exams).
This may include other teachers than those who are the teacher of record. Pennsylvania defines the
teacher of record as “a professional or temporary professional educator assigned by a school entity as the
primary instructor for a group of students.” (Source: Highly Qualified Teacher Guidelines on PDE website)
 This includes the grades/subjects/courses of PSSA reading and mathematics in grades 4-8; PSSA
science in grades 4 and 8; PSSA writing in grades 5 and 8; and Keystone-related courses.
 Note: Pennsylvania’s Alternate System of Assessment (PASA) is not included in PVAAS analyses.
What is content-specific instruction?
 For the purpose of PVAAS teacher-specific reporting, content specific instruction occurs when a
teacher has the responsibility to plan the instruction of the assessed eligible content, provide the
instruction of the assessed eligible content, and use the assessment information to evaluate the
effectiveness of the instruction of the assessed eligible content on a PA state assessment.
 Content specific instruction is defined on the Framework for Teaching by both Domains 1 and 3:
a. Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
i. 1a Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
1b Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
1c Setting Instructional Outcomes
1d Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources
1e Designing Coherent Instruction
1f Designing Student Assessments
b. Domain 3: Instruction
i. 3a Communicating with Students
3b Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
3c Engaging Students in Learning
3d Using Assessment in Instruction
3e Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness
Are special education teachers, intervention specialists, reading/math specialists, ESL teachers, and gifted
teachers eligible for a PVAAS score?
 Yes, if the teacher is planning the instruction of the assessed eligible content, providing the
instruction of the assessed eligible content, AND assessing the effectiveness of the instruction of
the assessed eligible content as measured by a PA state assessment. There may be more than one
teacher planning, instructing and assessing the students (ex. co-teaching, team teaching).
Are instructional coaches eligible for a PVAAS score?
 If the role of the instructional coach is only to provide support and consultation to PA certified
educator(s) this does not meet the criteria for PVAAS teacher-specific reporting.
 PVAAS teacher-specific reporting is provided to those who provide content-specific instruction to
the students. (Framework for Teaching, Domains 1 and 3)
 Content specific instruction is a determination made locally by the LEA.
PA Data Quality Videoconference: PVAAS Teacher Specific Reporting 12/2013
How is the “Percent Student + Teacher Enrollment” calculated?
 The percent of school days that a student and a teacher are enrolled together (concurrently
enrolled) for a subject/grade/course, up to and including the last school day before the LEA’s
testing window opens in that subject/grade/course.
 Total # Days Student + Teacher Concurrently Enrolled/ Total # Days for Course/Subject/Grade
 Total # Days Student + Teacher Concurrently Enrolled  Number of school days for a
course/subject/grade that student AND teacher are enrolled together, up to and including last
school day before LEA testing window in that subject/grade/course.
o Examples of days that can decrease this number:
 Student and/or teacher enroll part way through a subject/grade/course
 Student and/or teacher un-enroll from a subject/grade/course
 Extended board-approved leave of absence for student or teacher
o Examples of days that cannot decrease this number:
 Teacher or student absent for sick day or vacation
 Instruction provided by student teacher or paraprofessional
 Student out for extracurricular activity
 Teacher out for meeting, professional development, or coaching
Total # Days for Course/Subject/Grade  Number of school days for a course/subject/grade, up to
and including last school day before LEA testing window.
• Does NOT include days when ALL students are not in school:
o Holidays
o Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences
o Professional Development Day
What is “Percent of Instruction”?
 The “Percent of Instruction" is defined as the percent of instruction for a course/grade/subject for
which the teacher is responsible for the content specific instruction for a student.
o This cannot be greater than 100%. A student cannot be claimed for more than 100%.
o If a teacher is the ONLY PA certified educator providing the content specific instruction of
the assessed eligible content, the “% of Instruction” is 100%.
o In most situations the percent of instruction will equal 100%.
o If the teacher shares the responsibility for the content specific instruction of the assessed
eligible content with another PA certified teacher, the “% of Instruction” is adjusted
 Example: Co-teaching, team teaching, RtII, intervention, supplemental +
core/course, push in/pull out programs
o The “Percent of Instruction” is NOT adjusted based on enrollment or attendance.