
Title: Text Complexity Workshop
Intended Audience: Teachers, Administrators, District and School
Description: This workshop was held as part of a summer workshop series facilitated by ISBE during the summer of 2012. It
consists of a PowerPoint presentation as well as handout materials that were retrieved from the Common Core Appendices A and B.
The workshop is designed to provide participants with not only an overview of text complexity as it is described by the Common
Core, but to provide participants with the opportunity for a more in depth application of the measures for text complexity. Teachers
will be able to use the information presented in this workshop to begin to align their curriculum with the grade-level text complexity
Suggested Uses for this Presentation:
1. Professional Development Coordinators to use these materials to inform and familiarize personnel with text complexity as it
applies to the Common Core.
2. Teachers may use this information to begin aligning curriculum and instruction with the text complexity grade-level bands.
Materials Necessary:
PowerPoint: “Text Complexity: English Language Arts Common Core State Standards”
Slide notes (may be used as a guide for the presenter)
Handout A: Pages 2-4 from Appendix A, collated and stapled
Handout B: Pages 4-8 from Appendix A, collated and stapled
Handout: Excerpt from “Narrative in the Life of Frederick Douglass,” retrieved from CCSS Appendix B
For further information/feedback: Contact Erik Iwersen: eiwersen@s-cook.org
Illinois State Board of Education
100 N. 1st Street • Springfield, IL 62777
100 W. Randolph, Suite 14-300 • Chicago, IL 60601
Facilitator’s Guide
CCSS Introduction
Session Description
The session is designed for a 50-90 minute workshop. The length may vary depending upon pacing. The
presenter may adjust the schedule below to fit his/her needs. During this workshop, participants will not
only be presented with information, but also engage in close reading activities, and join small groups to
discuss and present information orally and visually.
Goal of the Session
Participants will leave the presentation having a better understanding of text complexity as it is described by
the common core, as well as the motivation, research, and justification for why this issue needs to be
addressed nationally. Participants will also have an opportunity to practice engaging with text according to
the three measures for text complexity. This presentation would be ideal for teachers or administrators who
design and implement curriculum.
Pre-session Preparation
1. Review the PP and slide notes,
5-10 min.
Present slides 3-5 (see notes)
10 min.
Coding the Text Activity: Appendix A
Handout A
Distribute handout A, review the process described on page
5 with participants. Participants mark up the text, using the
coding system shown, or one of their own. Report out with
table partners or in the large group. Discuss which lines
participants starred in the reading.
15-20 min.
Present slides 5-16 (see slide notes for more detail)
20 min.
10 min.
Jigsaw Group Activity: Three Measures
1. Handout B
This activity may be modified or adapted to fit the number
of participants accordingly. See slide for directions. As
each group reports out, the presenter may close each
measure by proceeding through the slides for that measure,
and then moving on to the next group. (i.e., after the
Quantitative group reports out, the speaker discusses the
content in 19-20, and so on.)
2. Markers
3. Poster Paper
Proceed through slides 16-29, (see notes for more details).
10-15 min.
Read and Measure: “Narrative in the Life of Frederick
Douglass.” See slide for directions. This activity may be
modified to fit the needs of the participant group.
Handout C
Wrap up last slides, closing statements.