Eigen Value Based Facial Emotion Classification Sheily Verma, Vilas H. Gaidhane & Asha Rani ICE Division, Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, University of Delhi, Sector-3 Dwarka, New Delhi, 11078, India E-mail : er.sheily15@gmail.com, vilasgla98@gmail.com, ashansit@gmail.com Abstract – One of the most important way for human to display emotion is through facial expression. Recognition of facial emotions represent an important aspect of interpersonal communication. This paper proposes a digital hardware system with field programmable gate array (FPGA) for facial emotion classification which makes use of power method algorithm used to calculate the Eigen value of a matrix. The work describes a real time automatic facial expression recognition system using webcam input. The digital hardware is designed for emotion recognition system using verilog and implemented on Xilinx Spartan 3E FPGA. The presented algorithm has less mathematical calculation and complexity therefore the recognition is fast. Keywords – Power method algorithm, Emotion recognition, Eigen value, Verilog, FPGA I. are complex and cannot be simply matched. Most of the time it is a combination of six basic emotion known as Happy, Surprise, Angry, Sad, Fear, Disgust. In this paper, the concept of power method is used and implemented for such applications on a computer software but not very time efficient due to additional constraints of memory. Hardware implementation offers much greater speed than software implementation hence implementing on hardware become an attractive alternative. Here the image requires less storage space because only one of the features is stored in the memory. In the present work, digital hardware architecture for real time emotion recognition system is implemented. The emotion recognition system is designed by Verilog and implemented using FPGA. INTRODUCTION In the field of image processing it is very interesting to recognize human gesture. Nowadays it has become an active research topic, many theories on emotion recognition have been proposed but there is a little agreement on definition of emotions. In general it is defined as changes in physiological signals, Emotion is a response to a particular situation. It is an integral part of our existence. Automatic emotion recognition is considered as one of the important task in computer vision, security, law enforcement, clinic, education, psychiatry and telecommunication [1]. Since the early 1970, Paul Ekman and his colleagues have performed extensive studies on human facial expressions. They developed the well known facial action coding system (FACS) for facial expression description. They found evidence to support universality in facial expressions. These "universal facial expression are those representing happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise and disgust". Ekman work inspired many researchers to analyze facial expressions by means of image and video processing. Researchers nowadays focus on development of machine emotion recognition algorithm and their implementation using FPGA. II. EMOTION RECOGNITION-AN OVERVIEW In psychology of emotions facial expressions play an important role. Emotion recognition is a process of matching human emotion to its database. It is a process of classifying different emotions of a particular image [4]. The main factor used in building a facial expression recognition system is face detection, alignment, image normalization, feature extraction and classification. The approach of this system can be adapted to real time. This paper introduces an effective emotion recognition algorithm by making use of power method generally used to calculate the eigen value. Emotion classification or recognition is a process that demonstrate and convey a lot of evident information visually rather than verbally [2] [3]. Human emotions Several approaches have been taken in the literature for learning classifier for emotion recognition. In the static approach the classifier defines each frame in the video to one of the facial expression categories. Bayesian network classifiers are commonly used in this approach, Naive bayes classifier and Gaussian classifier are also ISSN (Print) : 2319 – 2526, Volume-2, Issue-5, 2013 151 International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (IJACTE) v and , respectively. lim k X k and used often [7] [8]. In the dynamic approach the classifier try to capture the temporal pattern in displaying facial expressions, and Hidden Markov model (HMM) is used in this approach. The largest Eigen value is calculated using above steps and the algorithm is implemented on FPGA. Since a big image of 255×255 cannot be stored in FPGA at a time due to small memory space, the image is converted in the Eigen vale as a feature of image. The above algorithm is selected for this purpose. Neural networks make use of back propagation method. They first extract some features from the images than these features are used as input into a classification system. These methods are complicated and time consuming hence to reduce complexity the concept of power method is used, which is generally applied in control system for Eigen value calculations. The general emotion recognition system is given in figure 1. IV. DATA PREPARATION Data preparation is an important phase since the prepared dataset becomes input to the verilog training and testing. Once the image has been acquired and extracted using webcam the image processing techniques are needed for image processing. First of all image filtering is performed in preprocessing of an image, then the gray scale transformation is performed. Threshold technique is used to convert an intensity image to a text image. All these phases are completed using MATLAB toolbox. The next phase comprises of Emotion recognition algorithm. The steps taken are summarized as follows: Image acquisition Emotion Eigen value dataset Preprocessing Eigen value face extraction Largest Eigen value Compare Eigen value Emotion classification Step 1: Image is acquired in the form of text image. Step 2: Image Cropped to16×16 pixel matrix. Each pixel is in the range of 0-255 Fig. 1: The Emotion Recognition System Step 3: Power method is applied and implemented on verilog to calculate the largest Eigen value. III. EMOTION RECOGNITION ALGORITHM Emotion Recognition can be achieved by calculating the highest Eigen value. In this approach the Eigen vector corresponding to dominant (largest in absolute value) Eigen value is calculated. Each of the image is available in pixel matrix form. Here the system matches the highest Eigen value of the input image and the reference image. The highest Eigen value is calculated by power method. Suppose matrix A has dominant Eigen value and that there is a unique normalized Eigen vector that corresponds to . This Eigen pair , v can be obtained by the following iterative procedure called power method [9]. The steps used in power iterations are summarized as follows: Step 4: Simulation is performed. Step5:The file (.bit file) is generated to observe the simulation results are acquired. Step6: This file is stored on FPGA ROM. Step7:The emotion is recognized corresponding to the simulated Eigen value V. SIMULATION RESULTS The highest Eigen value is calculated both by the MATLAB software as well as from Verilog making use of power method algorithm. It is observed from the results that Eigen values calculated from both the methods are quite similar. It is also observed that Verilog provides the results earlier as compared to MATLAB. Figure 2 represents the Eigen value calculated by MATLAB software. Step 1: Choose a random vector X 0 1,1,1,,1 R n Step 2: Calculate Yk AX k Step 3: Calculate X k 1 Yk C k 1 limk Ck where, C k 1 X jk , and X jk max 1 j n X jk Step 4: The sequences X k and C k 1 will converge to ISSN (Print) : 2319 – 2526, Volume-2, Issue-5, 2013 152 International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (IJACTE) Fig. 2 : Eigen value of different Emotions Emotions Eigen value A face image shown in Fig.2 is considered for the experimentation. MATLAB software is used for preparing the database. The image is being read in MATLAB from which the pixels are generated then these pixels are used as inputs to the verilog on which power method algorithm is applied. The values which are generated can have a slight difference and are based on the processor. Pixels are transferred to (UART) universal asynchronous receiver transmitter serial communication which is used for communication between software and hardware (FPGA). Xilinx ISE 13.4 has been used as a Verilog simulation and synthesis tool to test the design. Happy 0.88526 Angry 0.87546 Sad 0.89295 Fig. 5 : Simulation result for sad image A comparative study is performed between MATLAB and Verilog. It observed from the simulation results that Verilog is much faster as compared MATLAB. The decision is made on the basis of comparison of calculated largest Eigen value stored in database. Implementation of algorithm is on FPGA platform as FPGA based systems are far more practical, mobile and can be easily integrated onto other systems. The FPGA implementation of Emotion recognition system is realized using FPGA kit (Spartan 3E) with the Xilinx ISE integrated design environment (IDE)v13.4. VI. HARDWARE DESCRIPTION The algorithm is implemented on FPGA kit. The board used is Nexys2 circuit board which is based on Xilinx Spartan 3E FPGA. It's on board high speed USB (Universal serial bus) 2 port, 16Mbytes of RAM and ROM and several input-output devices and ports make it an ideal platform for digital systems of all kinds. The FPGA on the Nexys2 board must be configured. During configuration a bit file is transferred into memory cells within the FPGA. The FPGA can be programmed in two ways: directly from a PC using the on board platform flash ROM or through the USB port. A jumper on the Nexys2 board determines which source the FPGA will use to load its configuration. The FPGA will automatically load a configuration from the platform flash ROM. Eight LED (Light emitting diode) are provided for circuit output. Fig.3 : Simulation result for happy image VII. CONCLUSION Fig. 4 : Simulation result for angry image In this paper, the power method algorithm is used for Emotion recognition which is implemented on Xilinx Spartan 3E FPGA kit. The benefits of FPGA based system are in terms of size, mobility, flexibility, configurability and has been utilized in this work. The largest Eigen value is obtained using power method and it is compared with the desired Eigen value stored in the dataset. It is concluded that the simulated results both in MATLAB as well as in Verilog for Emotions like happy, angry, sad are quite similar. However the Verilog provides the results faster as compared to MATLAB. ISSN (Print) : 2319 – 2526, Volume-2, Issue-5, 2013 153 International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (IJACTE) REFERENCES [1] S. Morishima and H. Harashima, “Emotion space for analysis and synthesis of facial expression,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach . Intell., vol.15, no.10 , pp. 188-193 , 1993. [2] L. Leon, G. Clarke, F. Sepulveda, and V. Callaghan, “Optimized attribute selection for emotion classification using physiological signals,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Autom. 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