FACULTY OF EAIT– FACULTY WORKSHOP GROUP OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE Minutes Meeting #1 for 2014 Date: Time: Location: Purpose: 1st April 2014 2:00-2:30 Mansergh-Shaw Lunchroom 45-125 To discuss FWG OHS issues. Attendees/Invitees Name Ray White Mark Lynne Wayne Jenkins Keith Lane Jason Herriot Shayne Gillis Dejan Subaric Grant Tayles Eddie Platt X Contact ray.white@uq.edu.au m.lynne@uq.edu.au w.jenkins@uq.edu.au klane@itee.uq.au j.herriot@uq.edu.au s.gillis@uq.edu.au d.subaric@uq.edu.au g.tayles@uq.edu.au e.platt@uq.edu.au Working Area FWG Deputy Manager Mansergh-Shaw Store Acting Supervisor Light Engineering Wksp Supervisor Development & Arch Workshop Acting Supervisor Precision Eng Workshop Supervisor Heavy Eng Workshop WHSR Instrumentation Wksp Mansergh-Shaw WHSR Development Wksp Hawken. Faculty WHS Manager Agenda Item Topic A1 Confirmation of previous minutes A2 Brief summary from WHSR committee A3 Business arising from previous meeting A4 Standing Agenda Items A5 New business for information and consideration. FWG OHS Committee 1/04/14 Discussion Item A3.1 Equipment database Topic A3.2 General Workshop tidiness A3.3 E-Stops fitted and updates A3.4 Competency Assessment A3.5 Equipment Lockout training A3.6 AEB access pit to Heavy Eng workshop. A4.1 OH&S Minor Works Funding A4.2 OH&S Training A4.3 Review of Major Incidents A4.4 Workshop Audits A5.1 Report from EAIT Faculty OHS Committee Meeting FWG OHS Committee 1/04/14 Action Items – Active Action A3.1 Equipment Database Due Date 1/12/13 1) Equipment/plant maintenance database. 2) Equipment manuals. A3.2 General Workshop tidiness On going A3.3 E-Stops fitted and updates 1/3/14 A3.4 Competency Assessment 31/9/13 A3.5 Lockout training 4/10/13 A3.6 AEB access pit to Heavy Eng workshop. FWG OHS Committee 1/04/14 Comment Who 1. Equipment Database: This will be a RW/Joy Wang local asset register, this register will Workshop hold all the workshop equipment supervisors records including preventive maintenance records. Currently compiling equipment information from the Heavy Engineering workshop. The database will also be used to manage the loaning out of workshop equipment. 2. Audit of workshop equipment manuals is taking place, manuals to be sorted and filed correctly so that they are readily accessible. 1) Highlight the need to keep all 1)All workshop emergency exits clear and that each staff workshop supervisor is responsible for 2) RW assuring that their workshops are kept clean and tidy. With the exception of the Light Eng EBA,PK stops have been fitted to all workshop Workshop equipment. E-stops are fitted to most of supervisors the larger equipment in the Light Eng workshop and once the workshop equipment suitability is audited the balance of the equipment will have E stops fitted. Workshop supervisor are responsible for assuring that e-stops are used correctly. All equipment competency assessments RW,ML, are completed. All workshops staff are currently in the process of completing the assessments. Mark Lynne to meet with workshop supervisors to assist with rollout. All FWG staff must completed equipment RW,ML. Lockout/Tagout training. Online induction and Lockout stations to be setup, in the meantime untrained staff must contact the workshop supervisor or WHSC to lockout equipment. Investigate the gaps in the pit door to stop RW,SG any spillage or item falling through: Engineers are currently redesigning the pit door to handle increased capacity and correct the gap problem. Below the pit door chevron pattern to be painted on floor and adjustable barriers installed. A4.1 OH&S Minor Works Funding Particle dust extractor for grinding room AEB (Heavy Eng Workshop) workshop. Quote for $21,000 to upgrade extractor. A4.2 OH&S Training Keith Hitchcock enrolled to attend doggers course. RW Nil A4.3 Review of Major Incidents A4.4 Workshop Inspection reports New Business Action A5.1 Report from EAIT Faculty OHS Committee Meeting. Due Date Comment Who The following relevant points were raised at the meeting on 27 March 2014; The FWG reported no incidents or accidents occurred since the last meeting; An overview of the Electrical Safety Testing process used in the faculty was provided by RW to the committee following a question from the Exec Dean (Acting) The School of Chemical Engineering have integrated OHS information into their electronic newsletter. Narelle McCallum (UQ OHS Unit) advised the committee of the following; o All school/unit OHS Committee’s should have an OHS Management Plan that is reviewed annually. Action: Investigate writing FWG OHS management plan. RW, ML o The EAIT Fire warden register will be maintained through a single source on the P&F website. A checklist will be emailed to Fire Wardens every 6 months to enable contact details to be updated. Action: Training available for Fire wardens. FWG OHS Committee 1/04/14 FWG fire wardens o The OHS Unit will commence a UQ OHS Forum on 3 April 2014. RW, ML Action: Ray White and Mark Lynne to attend. o An OHS Governance Policy will be released to detail all the changes to OHS systems and procedures o Improper storage of obsolete equipment has resulted in a significant injury. All units should endeavour to keep their areas clear and dispose of unwanted or obsolete items or equipment. Action: Dispose of unwanted or obsolete items or equipment. Workshop supervisors o The Lawlex compliance system will provide subscribers with updates on changes to relevant legislation. Action: Mark Lynne to subscribe. o Funded places are available on a WHSO update course being run at UQ on 911 April 2014 o Hearing tests for staff require a hearing test referral form, accompanied by an authorised RISQ form, to be submitted to Fiona Coulthard o All OHS procedures are being transferred to the UQ PPL. Those only requiring reformatting to integrate into the PPL are not being circulated for review. However, policies and procedures that do require review will be circulated for comment prior to their insertion into the PPL. Meeting closed 2:45pm Next meeting 2:00pm 2nd July 2014. FWG OHS Committee 1/04/14 ML