Ms. Kay Bloomdahl A - C
Ms. Amanda Hall D - Hi
Ms. Kim Reykdal Hj - Ma
Mr. Dave Forrester Mb - R
Mr. Brian Wentz S - Z
Academic planning for graduation
College advising & preparation
Career planning
Personal counseling
Ms. Cathy Williams – Career Center Specialist
(Monday – Thursday)
Ms. Cheryl Dale – Career Center
(Tuesday and Friday afternoons)
Ms. Patty West - Counseling Secretary
Ms. Vicki Ames - Registrar
Work - On Job Training
Military – enlist, ROTC, academy
Technical College
Community College - 2-year degree or transfer
4-Year College
State University or College
Private College
At our school 57% = 4-year college
38% = 2-year college
What skills will YOU need for your future?
Effectively Communicate
Be a Self-directed Learner
Be Creative
Be information and Media Literate
Be a Critical Thinker
Be a Problem Solver
Be Flexible and Adaptable
Be Socially Responsible
Work well with others
Registered Nurses
Healthcare Technologists
Automotive Services
Civil Engineering Techs
Architectural Drafters
Fitness Trainers
Medical Transcriptionists
Respiratory Therapists
Computer Repairers
Broadcast Techs
Minimum Requirements
All students must earn 22 credits, or pass 44 semester classes.
3 credits of English
2 credits of Math (Starting with Algebra 1; Pre Algebra does not count)
3 credits of Social Studies + WA state history if not taken in MS
2 credits of Science
1 credit of Occupational Education
2 credits of Health and Fitness
.5 Health + 1.5 Fitness/PE
1 credit of Fine Arts
• All students must also meet standard on Reading, Writing, & Math on the state assessment and successfully complete a Culminating Project and the High School & Beyond Plan in Homeroom.
High School and Beyond Plan folder is done in Homeroom.
• Lessons include annual goals, grade and credit checks, learning styles, and a career interest inventory
Student Led Conferences will take place in April with your Homeroom
Teacher (1 st period)
A resume and cover letter will be taught in OHS occupational education classes
Culminating Project
Senior (or Junior) Year
State Assessment
Reading, Writing, Math & Science tests in spring
NEW College Admission Distribution Requirements (CADR) for 2012 +
4 English
3 Math (Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 are minimums-4 years recommended)
Math during senior year in a quantitative course such as statistics, applied math or appropriate career and technical course; Seniors must take a meaningful math their senior year
2 Science (3-4 years recommended)
Laboratory science including two Algebra-based science
– Physical Science,
Biology, Chemistry or Physics (most colleges require Chemistry or Physics)
3 Social Studies
2 World Languages (more recommended if schedule allows)
1 Fine, Visual, or Performing Art
Students must take a minimum of three credits of CADR (core) courses each year of high school, including the senior year.
Ask yourself these questions…
What does your resume / activity log look like?
Are you involved?
Co-Curricular Activities
Community teams or activities
Are you in a Leadership position?
Do you participate in Community Service?
Do you have a part time job?
What are your your dreams and aspirations for the future?
3 English (4 highly recommended)
2-3 Math (Algebra 1, Geometry and at least Algebra 2 highly recommended!
2 Science (3 recommended)
Laboratory science including two Algebra-based science – Physical
Science, Biology (Chemistry or Physics recommended)
3 Social Studies
Plus a high school diploma (and the remainder of credits that go along with getting the diploma)
April 16
Information in Homeroom
“Showcase” to hear more about classes
April 30
Subject Selection Sheets due to Homeroom teacher
Open access
A commitment to accept more challenge
Can get college credit for taking AP Tests
Classes in:
Social Studies
Other Advanced electives
Take the most difficult classes YOU can.
Maintain the highest grades YOU can.
Information about Honors and AP classes see Mrs. Riley, counselor, or teacher during registration time.
Occupational Education
Business- Visual Communication, Digital
Design, Accounting, Work Based
Learning, Marketing, Student Store
Early Childhood Ed, Textile Design, Foods &
Web Development, Computer Networking,
Wood Tech, Auto Tech, Power Tech, Material
Other: Photography, Visual Art, Journalism,
Advanced Theatre, Annual Staff, Library
Assistant, Applied Microbiology, Human
Anatomy/Sports Medicine; AP Computer
New Market Skills Center Programs
Art, Photography,
Ceramics, Visual Art
Drama, Adv Theatre
Music- Band, Choral, Orchestra
Business- Digital Design, Visual
Health/Fitness- Dancing Through
Other Electives
Spanish, French, Japanese,
German ,
+ .
Some Occupational Education Classes at OHS are Tech Prep. What is Tech Prep?
Early Childhood Ed, Marketing, Advanced Marketing,
Accounting, Visual Communication, Tech Communication,
Applied Business Tech, Human Anatomy/Sports Medicine
These classes start a training sequence at OHS that links to programs at South Puget Sound Community College after high school graduation, where community college credit can be earned for certain classes.
Combines half day at OHS with half day at NM.
Three periods (1,2,3 or 4,5,6)
Bus transportation provided each way
Job skills training for credit.
Up-to-date equipment taught by people in the industry.
Variety of programs –
Finance/Banking, Automotive, Construction,
Cosmetology, Criminal Justice, Culinary Arts, Digi Pen,
CISCO, Graphic Design, CSI, Early Childhood,
Emergency Services, Medical Careers, Robotic Tech,
Pre-Vet, Computers, Microsoft Office,
Environmental Exploration, AMPS (Alternative Energy )
Classes are taken at SPSCC for both high school and college credit.
Tuition paid; students pay for books and provide their own transportation.
Placement test needed; Must pass at college level.
Recommended “B” average in high school.
Classes must be 100 level or above.
Register at OHS. Registration first week of MAY for Fall CC
For serious student who wants to earn college credit.
Plan classes at OHS carefully for next year
Registration in late April through Homeroom
Subject selection sheets will allow student choice
Take PSAT in Fall of Junior Year
Practice for SAT
Learn about academic strengths
Use results to work on weak academic areas
Test offered only once a year
Take most rigorous courses YOU can.
Select course programs with YOUR interests.
Maintain highest grades possible. GPA is important.
Get involved in athletics or activities.
Devote some time to meaningful community service.
Develop clear goals for future.
Ask for help. E-mail colleges for information.
“If you don’t know where you are going, you might end up taking the wrong road.”
(Counselors: Give each student a book “Where are you Going?” to take home.)
Introduction and Registration
Defining Personal Values---Self-Awareness
Three Choices
College Admissions
Paying for College
Planning for your Junior Year