ILDIKÓ DÖMÖTÖR PhD - PUBLICATION LIST Journal articles “Az ausztráliai őslakosok helyzetének megítélése brit úri hölgyek írásaiban a 19. században” in Kisebbségkutatás Vol. 22, No. 2, 2013. pp. 134-149. HU ISSN 1215– 2684 “Ideas of home in the non-fictional narratives of British genteel women in colonial Australia” in The Otemon Journal of Australian Studies Vol. 37, 2011. pp. 189-201. ISSN 0385-3446 “Genteel pursuits in the bush: Colonial gentlewomen’s appreciation of rural Australia in the mid-19th century” in Zeitschrift für Australienstudien No. 25, 2011. pp. 42-52. ISSN 1617-9900 “Úri hölgyek a vademberek között – Az ausztráliai őslakosok ábrázolása brit telepesnők és utazónők írásaiban a 19. században” in AETAS Vol. 25, No. 3. 2010. pp. 20-32. ISSN 0237-7934 “British Gentlewomen’s Perception of the Australian Bush” in Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies Vol. 12, No. 1-2. Fall 2006 pp. 93-103. ISSN 12187364 Papers in an edited collection “Gentlewomen in the Australian bush – Silencing the self in early colonial Australia” in Reverberations of Silence: Silenced texts, Sub-texts and Authors in Literature, Language and Translation ed. by Márta Pellérdi and Gabriella Reuss. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2013. pp. 98-108. ISBN (10) 1-44384326-1 “Home among the gum trees – Colonial gentlewomen’s attitude towards the Australian flora and fauna” in Languages, Literatures and Cultures in Contact: English and American Studies in the Age of Global Communication Vol. 1: Literature ed. by Zygmunt Mazur, Katarzyna Hauzer and Michał Palmowski. Tertium, Krakow, 2013. pp. 137-152. ISBN 978-83-61678-64-9 "Multiculturalism as a Folklore Show" in Reflecting on the Island Continent: A collection of papers in Australian Studies ed. by Gyula Tankó. Australian Studies Programme, School of English and American Studies, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest, 1999. pp. 1-9. Monograph Gentlewomen in the bush: A historical interpretation of British women’s personal narratives in nineteenth-century rural Australia. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Köln, Germany, 2009. ISBN 978 3 8383 2311 4 Papers in conference proceedings “Home among the gum trees – English genteel women in colonial Australia” in HUSSE10-LitCult. Proceedings of the HUSSE 10 Conference ed. by Zsolt Almási, Kinga Földváry and Veronika Schandl. Hungarian Society for the Study of English, Debrecen, 2011. pp. 251-259. ISBN 978-963-08-2793-5 “Voices from the bush: British gentlewomen’s personal narratives in colonial Australia” in Crossections Volume 2: Selected papers in literature and culture from the 9th HUSSE conference ed. by Andrew C Rouse, Gertrud Szamosi and Gabriella Vöő. Pécs, 2010. pp. 393-401. ISBN 978-963-642-324-7 “Australia through English and Hungarian eyes – The lives of Victorian gentlewomen and the experience of a PhD student in the 21st century” in Husse papers 2005 – Proceedings of the seventh biennial conference ed. by Jenő Bárdos. Veszprém, 2006 pp. 290-300. ISBN 963 87056 0 4 Book reviews “Ann Standish: Australia through women’s eyes” in Klió – Történettudományi szemléző folyóirat Vol. 21, No. 2. 2012. pp. 99-103. ISSN 1216—2965 CONFERENCE PAPERS 24-26 January 2013 - HUSSE 11 (Hungarian Society for the Study of English) Conference at ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary Paper presented: Nation, empire and gender: British genteel women writing about Australia and Hungary in the mid-nineteenth century 8-9 November 2012 – Kihívások 2013 – 12. Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia a Magyar Tudomány Tiszteletére a Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskolán. Paper presented: Két kultúra találkozása: Julia Pardoe Magyarországon 1839-40 24-26 May 2012 - Visual Encounters with Alterity: Representing East-Central and SouthEastern Europeans in the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. Conference at the Institute of Ethnology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest Paper presented: Textual encounters with alterity: British genteel women writing about Australia and Hungary in the mid-19th century 10-11 November 2011 – Útkeresés és Növekedés – 11. Tudományos Konferencia, Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe, Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola. Paper presented: Két kultúra között: Hogyan látták a brit úri hölgyek az ausztráliai őslakosokat a 19. században? 12-15 September 2011 – 11th Biennial EASA (European Association for Studies of Australia) Conference at the University of Presov, Slovakia Paper presented: Colonial, colonized and native realities – Genteel women and environmental awareness in nineteenth-century Australia 27-29 April 2011 – Languages, Literatures and Cultures in Contact: English and American Studies in the Age of Global Communication. Conference at Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland. Paper presented: Home among the gum trees – Colonial gentlewomen’s attitude towards the Australian flora and fauna 27-29 January 2011 - HUSSE 10 (Hungarian Society for the Study of English) Conference at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Piliscsaba, Hungary Paper presented: Home among the gum trees – English genteel women in colonial Australia 25-27 August 2010 - Sounds of Silence Conference at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Piliscsaba, Hungary Paper presented: Gentlewomen in the bush – Silencing the self in colonial Australia 20-21 May 2010 - 20th Conference on British and American Studies. Universitatea de Vest, Timisoara, Romania. Paper presented: The settler and the savage in Australia – The representation of Aboriginal people in colonial women’s life-writings. 12 May 2009 - Az első és második globalizáció között: Hasonlóságok és különbségek, ELTE BTK, Budapest, Hungary. Paper presented: Viktoriánus hölgyek találkozása a “vademberekkel” – avagy angol ladyk hozzáállása az ausztráliai őslakosokhoz a 19. század második felében. 22-24 January 2009 - HUSSE (Hungarian Society for the Study of English) Conference at the University of Pécs, Hungary Paper presented: Voices from the bush: British gentlewomen’s personal narratives in colonial Australia 26-30 September 2007 - 9th Biennial EASA (European Association for Studies of Australia) Conference at the University of Roskilde and Copenhagen University, Denmark Paper presented: Translating cultures – The changing concept of female British settlers’ gentility in rural Australia in the 19th century 25-27 January 2007 - HUSSE (Hungarian Society for the Study of English) Conference at the University of Szeged, Hungary Paper presented: Victorian gentlewomen’s attitudes to the Australian fauna 20-24 September 2005 – 8th Biennial EASA (European Association for Studies of Australia) Conference at the University of Debrecen, Hungary. Paper presented: Female visions of the Australian bush – British gentlewomen’s perception of the rural landscape in the nineteenth century. 27-29 January 2005 – HUSSE (Hungarian Society for the Study of English) Conference at the University of Veszprém, Hungary. Paper presented: Australia through English and Hungarian eyes – The lives of Victorian gentlewomen and the experience of a PhD student in the 21st century. 17-18 July 2003 – Postgraduate Conference: Creating Spaces – Interdisciplinary writings in the social sciences at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. Paper presented: A place of pleasure or danger? The Australian bush in the lives of nineteenth-century colonial gentlewomen. 4-6 October 2002 – In Progress? An interdisciplinary postgraduate work in progress conference at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Paper presented: Progress in the bush: Colonial women’s efforts to come to grips with the rudiments of housework in nineteenth-century Australia. 4 December 2001 – Annual Postgraduate Conference, School of Political and Social Inquiry, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Paper presented: Ladies in the bush. 10 October 2013 Nyíregyháza, Hungary