Vocabulary List 1. innovation noun something new or different introduced There were many creative innovations at the fair. 2. analyze verb to examine carefully, and in detail, in order to identify causes, key factors, possible results, etc. Make sure you analyze the problem before offering a solution. 3. claim noun an idea that is to be proved The claim I'm writing about convinces the reader that school should start at 9:00 every day. 4. context noun the words and sentences around a word or phrase you don't know; how a word is used If you don't understand a word, use context clues while reading. 5. content noun the subject matter of a text The content of the magazine focused on sports. 6. development noun the way an author gradually tells more and more about the content so the reader can have a better understanding as to what is going on The development in the story brought a new and interesting twist. 7. solution noun a way to solve a problem There is more than one solution to this problem. 8. summarize verb to write or tell the meaning of what you have read in your own words When you finish reading the story, please summarize the plot. 9. relate verb to make, or figure out, a connection between two or more things How does the novel relate to your life? 10. evidence noun textual proof that supports your conclusion or inference To prove the theme of the story is struggle, you need textual evidence. 11. identify verb to recognize or point out something in the text Can you identify the theme of the story? 12. opinion noun a judgment about something that may or may not be based on fact What is your opinion of the story? 13. prove verb to show or demonstrate the truth of a statement To prove the theory is correct, you must follow the steps in order. 14. craft noun the way an author writes; a unique style Poe’s craft for mystery was new and exciting for readers in the 1800s. 15. process verb to read, write, think, or talk about something In your small group, process this analogy. 16. oppose verb to disagree with someone I'm opposed to your view on global warming. 17. infer verb to draw a conclusion based on evidence from the text, reasoning, or background knowledge What can you infer about the character from the first paragraph? 18. position noun how you feel about something What is your position on the topic of year round school? 19. sufficient adjective enough Give sufficient evidence to prove your point. 20. cite verb to write down evidence that you found in a text Make sure to cite your sources! 21. analysis noun a close, careful, and thoughtful reading of a text The analysis of the article was quite insightful. 22. concept noun a concrete idea of what something is Genetics can be a difficult concept to understand. 23. decision noun making up your mind about something or figuring it out Please make a decision on which topic you would like to research. 24. explicit adjective clearly stated in the text, leaving no doubt as to meaning or explanation Please use explicit evidence when proving your statement. 25. reasoning noun the thinking, understanding, or concluding behind making an inference Please explain your reasoning behind this decision. 26. advocate noun a person who speaks up for themselves or others The Mayor was an advocate for the homeless. 27. acquire verb to come into ownership of The young girl acquired many of her clothes from her older sister. 28. complex adjective made of many interconnected parts; complicated The highway system in Chicago is very complex. 29. demonstrate verb to describe, explain, or illustrate by example To demonstrate gravity, the teacher dropped the egg. 30. evident adjective plain or clear to the sight or understanding His frown made it evident that he was disappointed. 31. focus noun a central point of attention or activity The need to prevent bullying became the focus of the meeting. 32. initial adjective occurring at the beginning; first After the initial investigation, the defendant appeared guilty. 33. justify verb to prove or show to be just, right, or reasonable Susan needed to justify why she asked for a homework extension.